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Tilstanden hoderisting hos hest (Equine headshaking syndrome) har vært kjent lenge, men har uklar etiologi. Vi rekrutterte eiere av hester med hoderisting til å delta i en internettbasert undersøkelse, der informasjon om hoderisting og en lenke til selve spørreskjemaet ble spredt i relevante blader og nettsider. De 333 svarene gir informasjon om hesten, dens oppstalling og bruk, og om hvordan hoderistingen arter seg. Eierne ble spurt om sine formeninger om årsaker, om de hadde gjort tiltak, og i så fall effekt av disse. Materialet omfatter hester av ulike raser og brukstyper, omtrent like mange hopper og vallaker, og nesten 80 % var eldre enn fem år. Mer enn én av tre hester ble holdt i enkeltvis både inne og ute. Vel halvparten oppga at hoderistingen forekommer minst én gang daglig, og 61,4 % sa at det skjer under bruk av hesten. Mer enn hver femte (20,7 %) hest hadde hoderisting grad 3 eller høyere, som innebærer at bruken av hesten er ubehagelig og at den er vanskelig å kontrollere. Rundt 30 % oppga hoderisting av alvorlighetsgrad 0, som betyr at hoderistingen ikke oppstår under bruk og heller ikke påvirker ride- og kjørbarhet. Flertallet av eierne var usikre på årsaker og utløsende faktorer, mens andre mente at insekter, værforhold, hodelag, frustrasjon og utålmodighet kunne utløse hoderisting. Mange hadde forsøkt ulike tiltak og behandlinger, med varierende effekt. Denne studien understøtter at hoderisting trolig er et felles symptom for flere underliggende årsaker. Siden smerte kan være involvert, bør tilstanden tas alvorlig av hensyn til dyrevelferden.

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The INTENSE project, supported by the EU Era-Net Facce Surplus, aimed at increasing crop production on marginal land, including those with contaminated soils. A field trial was set up at a former wood preservation site to phytomanage a Cu/PAH-contaminated sandy soil. The novelty was to assess the influence of five organic amendments differing in their composition and production process, i.e. solid fractions before and after biodigestion of pig manure, compost and compost pellets (produced from spent mushroom substrate, biogas digestate and straw), and greenwaste compost, on Cu availability, soil properties, nutrient supply, and plant growth. Organic amendments were incorporated into the soil at 2.3% and 5% soil w/w. Total soil Cu varied from 179 to 1520 mg kg−1, and 1 M NH4NO3-extractable soil Cu ranged from 4.7 to 104 mg kg−1 across the 25 plots. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Ella) was cultivated in plots. Changes in physico-chemical soil properties, shoot DW yield, shoot ionome, and shoot Cu uptake depending on extractable soil Cu and the soil treatments are reported. Shoot Cu concentration varied from 45 ± 24 to 140 ± 193 mg kg DW−1 and generally increased with extractable soil Cu. Shoot DW yield, shoot Cu concentration, and shoot Cu uptake of barley plants did not significantly differ across the soil treatments in year 1. Based on soil and plant parameters, the effects of the compost and pig manure treatments were globally discriminated from those of the untreated, greenwaste compost and digested pig manure treatments. Compost and its pellets at the 5% addition rate promoted soil functions related to primary production, water purification, and soil fertility, and the soil quality index.

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Background Eimeria spp. are widespread apicomplexan parasites known to cause coccidiosis in livestock, resulting in reduced animal welfare and productivity, particularly in sheep. The treatment options are limited, and there is an emerging development of resistance against registered pharmaceuticals. Spruce bark is rich in plant secondary metabolites (PSM), such as condensed tannins, which are bioactive compounds previously shown to have antiparasitic activity. Here, we examined the anticoccidial properties of bark extract of Norway spruce (Picea abies) against a field isolate of ovine Eimeria spp. by treating Eimeria-infected pre-ruminant lambs with water-extracted bark daily for 12 days. We hypothesised that the bark extract would reduce the faecal oocyst excretion and, consequently, the severity of diarrhoea. Results Oral administration of spruce bark extract significantly reduced the excretion of Eimeria oocysts in milk-fed lambs post treatment till the end of the trial 22 days post infection. This difference in oocyst excretion between the treated and the untreated infected animals increased with time. Compared to the untreated and the sham-infected control group, the group treated with bark extract had softer faeces and reduced milk intake during the treatment period. After discontinuing the treatment, the treated animals got a more solid and formed faeces compared to that of the untreated control group, and the milk intake increased to the level of the sham-infected, untreated control group. The bark extract treated animals had a lower body weight and a lower mean daily body weight gain throughout the whole duration of the experiment. Conclusions Bark extract from Norway spruce showed marked anticoccidial properties by reducing the faecal oocyst count and associated diarrhoea in young lambs. Simultaneously we experienced detrimental effects of the treatment, displayed as reduced feed intake and daily body weight gain. Therefore, we suggest conducting similar studies with lower bark extract dosage to explore the possibilities of a better trade-off to reduce the negative impact while maintaining the antiparasitic effect. Keywords: Coccidia, Coccidiocide, Eimeria, Industrial by-products, Sheep