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Multilocation testing remains the main tool for understanding varietal responses to the environment. Here, Latvian and Norwegian hull-less and hulled barley varieties were tested in field experiments in Latvia and Norway in order to assess the varieties adaptability across environments (sites). Two Latvian (cv Irbe and cv Kornelija) and one Norwegian hull-less barley variety (cv Pihl) were tested along with one Latvian (cv Rubiola) and one Norwegian hulled barley variety (cv Tyra) under conventional and organic management systems. The grain yield, together with physical and chemical grain parameters were compared, and variety yield and protein stability detemined. Overall, grain yield of hull-less barley varieties was significantly lower than for hulled barley varieties regardless of climatic conditions and management system. However, in the organic farming systems this difference between barley types was less pronounced. The hull-less barley varieties cv Pihl and cv Irbe, along with both hulled varieties, had good yield stability across environments and were well adapted to both cropping systems. Hull-less barley varieties tended to contain more protein and β -glucans than hulled barley varieties. Despite being bred for local conditions in Norway and Latvia, our study shows that all the varieties used may be successfully transferred across countries.


Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) is the most important disease of oilseed Brassica crops in Norway. Fungicide applications should be aligned with the actual need for control, but the SSR prediction models used lack accuracy. We have studied the importance of precipitation, and the role of petal and leaf infection for SSR incidence by using data from Norwegian field and trap plant trials over several years. In the trials, SSR incidence ranged from 0 to 65%. Given an infection threshold of 25% SSR, regression and Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis were used to evaluate different precipitation thresholds. The sum of precipitation two weeks before and during flowering appeared to be a poor predictor for SSR infection in our field and trap plant trials (P = 0.24, P = 0.11, respectively). Leaves from three levels (leaf one, three, five), and petals were collected at three to four different times during flowering from nine field sites over two years and tested for SSR infection with real-time PCR. Percentage total leaf and petal infection explained 57 and 45% of variation in SSR incidence, respectively. Examining the different leaves and petals separately, infection of leaf three sampled at full flowering showed the highest explanation of variation in later SSR incidence (R2 = 65%, P < 0.001). ROC analysis showed that given an infection threshold of 45%, both petal and leaf infection recommended spraying when spraying was actually needed. Combining information on petal and leaf infection during flowering with relevant microclimate factors in the canopy, instead of the sum of precipitation might improve prediction accuracy for SSR.


Glyfosat er det mest brukte plantevernmidlet i Norge og på verdensbasis. Det har i de siste årene vært diskutert om dette ugrasmiddelet skulle få fornyet godkjenning. I 2017 ble glyfosat godkjent for fem nye år til 2022. Dersom glyfosat fases ut er en redd det vil få store negative konsekvenser for jordbruk og matproduksjon. Glyfosat brukes til å bekjempe ugras og andre uønska planter på dyrka og udyrka arealer. I jordbruket er glyfosat spesielt viktig for å begrense ugrasets avlingsreduserende effekt. I norsk jordbruk brukes glyfosat hovedsakelig til å bekjempe ugrasarten kveke i korndominerte omløp og ved fornying av grasmark. Ved redusert jordarbeiding er glyfosat viktig for bekjemping av flerårige og andre overvintrende ugras. Vi har i denne rapporten kartlagt kunnskap relevante for norske forhold på hvilke ikke-kjemiske og kjemiske alternativer til glyfosat som en har/kan få i framtida i korn og grasmark slik at matproduksjonen kan opprettholdes. Mekaniske tiltak som pløying og ulike former for jordarbeiding i stubben mot kveke og andre ugras, og radrensing i korn mot ugras generelt er viktige alternativer til glyfosat. Det er også noen nye redskapstyper (rotskjærere) som virker lovende i bekjemping av ugras. Videre så vil en god jord- og plantekultur med et godt vekstskifte bidra til å holde ugraset under kontroll. Per i dag fins det noen få kjemiske alternativer mot kveke i hvete, rughvete og rug og mot tofrøblada rotugras i korn. Det er andre kjemiske alternativer som kan undersøkes mer for bruk i stubbåker/til brakking av grasmark som for eksempel ulike organiske syrer og grasugrasmidler for tofrøblada kulturer........