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Redusert jordarbeiding til høstkorn medfører noen utfordringer, spesielt i forhold til halmbehandling og ugras. Denne TEMA-publikasjonen er en veileder for å hjelpe høstkorndyrkere til å ta de riktige grepene. Her gis en oppsummering av resultater og erfaringer fra storskala feltforsøk med jordarbeiding til høstkorn i perioden 2002–2006 og fastliggende feltforsøk med jordarbeiding til høsthvete i omløp med havre i perioden 1998-2006. Forsøkene er utført av Bioforsk, Norges Vel og Landbrukets forsøksringer. Håndtering av fersk halm stiller krav til utstyret som benyttes. Ved direktesåing bør halmen fjernes først. Ugras, og spesielt grasugras, er et større problem ved redusert jordarbeiding enn ved pløying. Fordelene man kan oppnå er reduserte kostnader til etablering og mindre erosjon og tap av næringsstoffer.


Good soil structure is recognised to be of key importance in organic farming, and soil compaction poses a major threat with respect to this. The relative importance of tractor weight (2-4 vs. 5-7 Mg), ploughing depth (ca. 15 vs. 25 cm) and wheel placement during ploughing (in-furrow vs. on-land) have been studied for four years on two soil types (well-drained loam and imperfectly drained silty clay loam) in southern and central Norway. On the site with imperfectly drained silty clay loam supposed to be most suceptible to soil compaction, the soil aeration and penetration resistance, but not the yield of barley, was affected by the treatments imposed. On the site with the well-drained loam, shallow ploughing with the heavier tractor and wheel in-furrow caused lower yields of wheat, but not of barley than did the other treatment combinations. This may partly be related to reduced air permeability and volume of air filled pores at 18-22 cm and partly to a higher incidence of perennial weeds after shallow than after deep ploughing.


Norwegian agriculture is totally dependent on a safe supply of seed of winter-hardy timothy varieties. The annual seed consumption varies depending on the extent of winter damages, particularly in northern Norway, and the average seed yield varies with weather and harvest conditions in the seed-producing districts in the southeastern and central part of the country. To buffer these variations, seed companies always keep stocks corresponding to 50-100 % of the average annual seed consumption. Such large stocks are risky to maintain as seed lots will loose germination over time. Our objective was to elucidate the effect of seed harvest time and seed storage location on the longevity of timothy seed. In 2003, timothy ‘Grindstad’ was combined directly on 2, 5 or 8 August corresponding to a seed moisture content (SMC) of 34, 27 and 20 %, respectively. After harvest the seed was dried to 10-11 % SMC. Germination analyses were accomplished 3, 15, 26 and 38 months after seed harvest; the three latter after splitting each seed lot into four sub-lots that were stored either in a conditioned seed store (4ºC, 30% RH), or in unconditioned warehouses at there climatically different locations. While seed harvest time had no effect on germination three months after harvest, differences became increasingly evident as time went by. After 38 months’ storage, seed stored in the conditioned store or in the warehouse at the continental location Tynset germinated, on average for harvest times, 15-16 units better than seed stored in the warehouse at the coastal location Vaksdal; and seed lots harvested at 20 % SMC germinated, on average for storage locations, 24 units better than seed harvested at 37 % SMC. While it has long been documented that direct combining at high SMC may damage seed germination, there has been less awareness that this damage may not manifest itself until after a certain storage period.


Tiller demography and contribution to seed yield were studied in first year seed crops of smooth bromegrass (SB, Bromus inermis ‘Lofar’) and meadow fescue (MF, Festuca pratensis ‘Salten’) planted on different dates and with increasing plant densities (A: 15 Jun. / 11 plants m-2, B: 15 or 30 July / 44 plants m-2, C: 15 August or 10 September /178 plants m-2) in field trials at Landvik, SE Norway. While the total tiller population in most crops increased until seed harvest, it decreased during panicle elongation in crops of SB and MF that had reached 2000 and 3500 tillers m-2 in early spring, respectively. Except for the fact that many of the primary tillers of SB died after producing barren stems, tillers formed in August and September had the greatest chance of becoming reproductive and produced the heaviest inflorescences in both species. Most tillers produced in winter or early spring either remained vegetative or died, but spring-emerging tillers contributed up to 30% of the total seed yield in early-established, low-density crops of MF. It is concluded that spring-emerged tillers contribute more to seed yield in MF than in SB and more in seed crops established early at low plant density than in crops established late at higher density.