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Accessibility is a central issue for human activity, particularly in mountain areas. We investigate changes in physical accessibility in a Western Norwegian mountain area during the past 40–60 years and identify driving forces of changes. Changes in accessibility were measured as changes in travel time between permanently and seasonally inhabited farmsteads. Additionally, travel time from new access points in the mountains was calculated. C.75% of the investigated access routes to seasonal farmsteads have remained unchanged due to continued use or maintenance work, or been slightly improved due to development of paths into roads. In addition, new access routes have emerged as a result of road construction. Regrowth of paths due to abandonment of seasonal farming has reduced accessibility. Changes in accessibility have led to a concentration of activities in more easily accessibly parts of the study area. Documented changes in accessibility result from a complex interaction of driving forces that initiate or influence change. Important drivers interacting with road construction and abandonment of seasonal farming can be categorized as socio-economic, political and technological. However, the importance of culturally rooted commitment of local people or a small number of enthusiasts must not be underestimated.


Forskere i det europeiske COST-nettverket «Urban Agriculture Europe» har utviklet et felles begrepsapparat som grunnlag for politikkutforming. Urbant landbruk er definert i henhold til seks dimensjoner, og delt inn i de to hovedtypene urban gårdsdrift som næring, og urban hagedyrking med liten eller ingen økonomisk betydning. Mangfoldet som 14 undertyper av urbant landbruk representerer, gjør det til en arena for mange politikkfelt. For å kunne nytte det urbane landbrukets potensiale for økonomiske, sosiale, miljø- og helsemessige gevinster fullt ut, bør politikkfeltene fordele hovedansvaret for ulike typer urbant landbruk seg imellom.