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Norway has a political goal to minimize the loss of cultural heritage due to removal, destruction or decay. On behalf of the national Directorate for Cultural Heritage, we have developed methods to monitor Cultural Heritage Environments. The complementary set of methods includes (1) landscape mapping through interpretation of aerial photographs, including field control of the map data, (2) qualitative and quantitative initial and repeat landscape photography, (3) field recording of cultural heritage objects including preparatory analysis of public statistical data, and (4) recording of stakeholder attitudes, perceptions and opinions. We applied these methods for the first time to the historical clustered farm settlement of Havrå in Hordaland County, West Norway. The methods are documented in a handbook and can be applied as a toolbox, where different monitoring methods or frequency of repeat recording may be selected, dependent on local situations, e.g., on the landscape character of the area in focus.


Riksantikvaren utarbeider et register over kulturhistoriske landskap av nasjonal interesse (KULA) i samarbeide med fylkeskommunene og Sametinget. Målet er at dette skal bli et verktøy for kommunene slik at de bedre kan ivareta viktige landskapsverdier i sin planlegging. Riksantikvaren ønsker å følge utviklingen i disse områdene, og på sikt er målet å etablere et overvåkingsprogram med bruk av fjernmåling/satellittdata. I denne forbindelse er det behov for å bygge kunnskap om hvilke satellittdata som er tilgjengelige i Norge og hvordan disse kan brukes. Prosjektet har vist at satellittbilder kan brukes til overvåking av arealendringer innenfor KULA-områder. En utfordring er knyttet til den romlige oppløsningen (pikselstørrelse) og nøyaktigheten. Den høye gjentaksfrekvensen og tilgang til multispektrale data gjør likevel at man kan undersøke ulike typer arealendringer samt vegetasjonsutvikling, inkludert fjerning av vegetasjon, i løpet av en vekstsesong og fra år til år. Det gjenstår likevel fortsatt noe utviklingsarbeid før et indikatorsett til bruk i en slik overvåking er fullstendig operasjonalisertbart. Hildegunn Norheim NAVN/NAME

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Hay-making structures are part of the agricultural landscape of meadows and pastures. Hay meadows are still used and found all over Europe, but their distribution patterns as well as their characteristics and regional features depend on geographical area, climate, culture, and intensity of agriculture. Intensively used hay meadows are the most dominant, using heavy machinery to store hay mostly as rounded or square bales. Traditional hay-making structures represent structures or constructions, used to quickly dry freshly cut fodder and to protect it from humidity. The ‘ancient’ forms of traditional hay-making structures are becoming a relic, due to mechanisation and the use of new technologies. Both the need for drying hay and the traditional methods for doing so were similar across Europe. Our study of hay-making structures focuses on their current state, their development and history, current use and cultural values in various European countries. Regarding the construction and use of hay-making structures, we have distinguished three different types, which correlate to natural and regional conditions: (1) temporary hay racks of various shapes; (2) hay barracks, a special type of shelters for storing hay and (3) different types of permanent construction and buildings for drying and storing hay. Hay-making structures have been mostly preserved in connection with traditional agricultural landscapes, and particularly in the more remote regions or where associated with strong cultural identity.