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Nedbør ble samlet inn i skogbestand på de faste forskningsflatene til Overvåkingsprogram for skogskader på ialt 20 steder i Norge i 1992. Det ble også samlet inn nedbør i åpent terreng i nærheten av flatene. Resultatene viste at det var stor forskjell i nedbørens mengde og kvalitet fra flate til flate. Skogflatene mottok omtrent 22% mindre nedbør enn åpen mark i samme område. Belastningen av langtransporterte forurensninger var langt sterkere for skog enn for åpen mark. I alle flatene ble det registrert en utvasking av viktige plantenæringsstoffer fra trekronene. Flatene i sør og sørøst er de mest utsatte. Situasjonen for kystflatene er ikke så ugunstig som totaltilførselen alene indikerer, fordi tilførsel av sjøsaltene (f.eks. magnesium) bedrer ioneforholdene i disse flatene. Minst langtransportert forurensning hadde skog fra Møre til Troms. Forurensningskilder på Kola medførte stor belastning på skogen i Pasvik. Siden overvåkingen av forurensningsnedfall i skog startet (1986/89), har sulfat-svovel nedfallet økt noe i de kystnære flatene i nord, mens det har vært relativt stabilt i sør. På de fleste flater faller det mindre nitrogen ned til bakken i skogbestand enn utenfor.


Innhold av nikkel, kopper, samt bly, kadmium, sink, kobolt, jern, mangan, arsen, vanadium og krom ble undersøkt i multer og blåbær fra Jarfjordområdet, et sterkt forurensningsbelastet område i Sør-Varanger, Finnmark, Norge. Forurensningene kommer fra tungmetallindustri på Kola, Russland. Undersøkelsen viste at konsentrasjonene av nikkel og kopper i multer og blåbær var mye høyere i det undersøkte området enn i kontrollområdene. Også konsentrasjonene av arsen var forhøyet. De lokalitetene som hadde de høyeste konsentrasjonene lå i det samme området der det tidligere har vært påvist høye metallkonsentrasjoner i andre planter og i humus. Kvaliteten i bærene kan være av betydning for konsumentene.


Norwegian forests receive various amounts of air pollutants. Several of them are harmful to trees. The forest health situation is therefore monitored by regular surveys, in accordance with internationally recommended methods. Investigations so far have shown that the deposition of air pollutants is largest in southeastern Norway and in a limited area close to the Russian border, in northeastern Norway.Sulphur and nitrogen compounds are among the main pollutants that may lead to adverse effects. However, their airborne concentrations are not high enough to cause direct injury to trees in Norway, except for northeastern parts being affected by emissions from Russian industries. Indirect injury, by leaching of nutrients from trees and soils, and disturbances of the nutrient balance in various ways, is more likely. Ozone concentrations may reach harmful levels, and may affect vegetation directly, especially in the southern part of Norway.Monitoring is performed in order to reveal whether forest damage occurs from such causes, and if so, where, and whether the amount of damage will change with time. So far the results show that there is no extensive dieback of forests in Norway; the annual death rate of trees is low and appears normal.Based on the international criteria applied, the vitality of the forest appears to be low. Part of the reason for that may be the location of Norwegian forests towards the north, towards mountains, and towards the ocean, where forest growth is limited naturally.However, results indicate that forest conditions in the southern part of the country are affected by air pollution. Most cases of crown discolouration are found in that region, and the number of discoloured (yellow) trees has increased noticeably during the last few years. In the same region crown density has been low, and has been further reduced lately. According to a conservative estimate the average crown density is being reduced by 0.4% (units) annually.Crown density has been shown to be related to tree increment. However, the negative effect of reduced tree vitality is believed to be over-shadowed by the positive effect on growth of nitrogen deposition.Air pollutants are causing various effects in forest ecosystems. It appears that regions in southern Norway receiving large amounts of air pollutants have a high number of acidified lakes containing high concentrations of sulphate and nitrate. In this region the soil is shown to be low in base saturation and leachable phosphate, and high in nitrogen, sulphur and zinc.Those monitored plots showing the highest concentrations of Al and the lowest Ca:Al ratio in their soil water are also located here. The forest in this region receives a more acidic precipitation than elsewhere in Norway, which may contribute to increased leaching from needles. Higher nitrogen deposition is taking place here, causing a heavy cover of epiphytic algae on needles.It is noteworthy that this region contains more low vitality forests (of low crown density and yellowish discolouration) than other regions, and that the negative changes in vitality have been more pronounced than in other regions.More clearly we see that forests in southern, southeastern, and northeastern parts of Norway, next to Russia, are negatively affected. The causal factors may be several, and they may interact in complex processes. The symptoms are not specific, but their regional occurrence seems to indicate a causal relationship with deposition of air pollutants. This indication is now more pronounced than found earlier.