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Strial pits on the elytra of unflown Ips pini (Say) carry spores like those of the tree-pathogenic blue-stain fungus Ophiostoma ips (Rumbold) Nannfeldt, yeast, and other fungi, as seen by scanning electron microscopy. O. ips ascospores develop on the walls of pupal chambers in the phloem of infested pines and adhere to newly transformed I. pini adults. Inoculation of severed pine stem sections with body parts excised from beetles washed in water or alcohol produced phloem lesions characteristic of the hypersensitive wound reaction to O. ips. A fungus, characteristic of O. pini, was isolated from infected wood beneath lesions caused by inoculation with head, prothorax, elytron, and alimentary canal. Similar infections and reisolations resulted from inoculations of live trees with an elytron-derived culture that caused necrosis of sapwood radially inward from lesions, and tree mortality when lesions encircled the stem.