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Shoot dieback disease of European ash caused by the ascomycete Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus threatens ash on a continental scale. A spore sampler placed in a diseased ash forest in Southern Norway, coupled with microscopy and DNA-based fungal species-specific real-time PCR assays, was employed to profile diurnal and within-season variation in infection pressure by ascospores of H. pseudoalbidus and the potentially co-existing non-pathogenic Hymenoscyphusalbidus. Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus was found to be predominant in the stand. Massive simultaneous liberation, by active discharge of pathogen ascospores in the morning, peaked in mid-Jul. to mid-Aug. Accumulation of pathogen DNA on leaflets of current-year leaves reached a high level plateau phase before appearance of autumn coloration, suggesting that pathogen establishment in leaves is terminated before the onset of leaf senescence.

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Phytophthora-arter, er aggressive, sopp-lignende skadegjørere, som fremmes av fuktig og mildt klima. I Norge er flere arter oppdaget på trær i parker eller skogholt nær hager. Varslede klimaendringer, med økt temperatur og nedbør, kan skape gode vekstforhold slik at flere arter kan etablere seg også i skogområder.