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Leaf blotch diseases in wheat can cause yield losses above 30 %. The necrotrophic fungus Parastagonospora nodorum is the dominating leaf blotch pathogen in Norwegian spring wheat. It has been well documented at the seedling stage that the pathogen produces necrotrophic effectors (NEs) which induces cell death in plants carrying susceptibility genes (Snn), allowing the necrotroph to enter. However, the role of these interactions under field conditions is less researched. In this study, we conducted field experiments with bi-parental and association mapping populations of spring wheat, to investigate the role of NE/Snn in adult plant resistance. The populations have been genotyped with the Illumina 90 K SNP chip, P. nodorum has high genetic diversity and both sexual and asexual reproduction, but the actual adaptation of the pathogen population to cultivars with different levels of resistance is not well studied. We are screening a collection of Norwegian isolates from known host sources to look for differences in NE-frequencies and haplotype distribution. The mapping populations are also inoculated and infiltrated with culture filtrates from single isolates on the seedling stage. Isolates involved in novel interactions will be deepsequenced in order to look for candidate effector genes. Potential effector proteins will be purified by LPC and HPLC to confirm their role in disease development.


Leaf blotch diseases in wheat can cause yield losses above 30 %. The necrotrophic fungus Parastagonospora nodorum is the dominating leaf blotch pathogen in Norwegian spring wheat. It has been well documented at the seedling stage that the pathogen produces necrotrophic effectors (NEs) which induces cell death in plants carrying susceptibility genes (Snn), allowing the necrotroph to enter. However, the role of these interactions under field conditions is less researched. In this study, we conducted field experiments with bi-parental and association mapping populations of spring wheat, to investigate the role of NE/Snn in adult plant resistance. The populations have been genotyped with the Illumina 90 K SNP chip, P. nodorum has high genetic diversity and both sexual and asexual reproduction, but the actual adaptation of the pathogen population to cultivars with different levels of resistance is not well studied. We are screening a collection of Norwegian isolates from known host sources to look for differences in NE-frequencies and haplotype distribution. The mapping populations are also inoculated and infiltrated with culture filtrates from single isolates on the seedling stage. Isolates involved in novel interactions will be deepsequenced in order to look for candidate effector genes. Potential effector proteins will be purified by LPC and HPLC to confirm their role in disease development.


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