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Resultatene viser at det er en signifikant effekt av havre PHYA genet på kulde tilpasning hos Populus.  Dette indikerer at det kan være et kvantitativ forhold mellom konsentrasjonen på fytokrom genet og tilpasning til fotoperiode.


Photoperiodic effects on woody plants were reported already by Gardner and Allard in 1923 and comprehensive studies during the ’50s confirmed the role of photoperiod as an important environmental regulator of growth and growth cessation in many northern tree species (Nitsch, 1957; Wareing, 1956). In woody plants cessation of apical growth is a prerequisite for cold acclimation (Weiser, 1970) and photoperiod, as a factor controlling growth cessation, is therefore an important environmental signal for initiation of cold acclimation. In many cases a proper timing of acclimation and deacclimation, in respect to annual variation of temperature conditions, is more critical for winter survival than the maximum level of frost hardiness. Also in such coniferous species where cessation of apical growth is not controlled by photoperiod, short photoperiod is necessary for good cold acclimation, low temperature causes no or only a limited level of hardiness if combined with long day conditions (Schwarz, 1970; Aronsson, 1975; Christersson, 1978; Jonsson et al., 1981). Thus, photoperiod may have both an indirect, through induction of growth cessation, and a more direct influence on cold acclimation in woody plants.


Forsøk som viser resultater fra forsøk med jordbær: Jorddekke av lagret bark, fersk bark, plast, halm og udekka jord. Resultater fra forsøk med redusert bruk av soppmidler mot gråskimmel. Vekst og blomstring hos jordbær.