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Floral induction and development requirements of a range of latitudinal and altitudinal Norwegian populations of the wild strawberry Fragaria vesca L. have been studied in controlled environments. Rooted runner plants were exposed to a range of photoperiods and temperatures for 5 weeks for floral induction and then transferred to long day (LD) at 20 degrees C for flower development. A pronounced interaction of temperature and photoperiod was shown in the control of flowering. At 9 degrees C, flowers were initiated in both short day (SD) and LD conditions, at 15 and 18 degrees C in SD only, whereas no initiation took place at 21 degrees C regardless of daylength conditions. The critical photoperiod for SD floral induction was about 16 h and 14 h at 15 and 18 degrees C, respectively, the induction being incomplete at 18 degrees C. The optimal condition for floral induction was SD at 15 degrees C. A minimum of 4 weeks of exposure to such optimal conditions was required. Although the populations varied significantly in their flowering performance, no clinal relationship was present between latitude of origin and critical photoperiod. Flower development of SD-induced plants was only marginally advanced by LD conditions, while inflorescence elongation and runnering were strongly enhanced by LD at this stage. The main shift in these responses took place at photoperiods between 16 and 17 h. Unlike all other populations studied, a high-latitude population from 70 degrees N ('Alta') had an obligatory vernalization requirement. Although flowering and fruiting in its native Subarctic environment and after overwintering in the field in south Norway, this population did not flower in the laboratory in the absence of vernalization, even with 10 or 15 weeks of exposure to SD at 9 degrees C. Flowering performance in the field likewise indicated a vernalization requirement of this high-latitude population.


Vi har studert den klimatiske reguleringen av blomsterdanningen hos en rekke norske populasjoner av markjordbær. Resultata viser mange likhetstrekk med det som er kjent for hagejordbær med et utpreget samspill av temperatur og daglengde. Markjordbær er således dagnøytrale og danner blomster i både korte og lange dager ved 9 °C, ved 15 °C bare under kortdags-forhold, mens de ikke evner å danne blomster i det hele tatt ved 21 °C uansett daglengdeforhold.


Perpetual-flowering strawberry cultivars are commonly classified as photoperiodically day-neutral, even though early investigations demonstrated long-day (LD) regulation. An important reason for this inconsistency is that these freely flowering plants are difficult to establish in a true vegetative state, and experiments have therefore, often been started using runner plants with pre-formed inflorescences. In order to circumvent this problem, we have used the perpetual-flowering F1-hybrid `Elan" that is propagated by seed, and is thus not pre-conditioned by its earlier life history. The results demonstrated a marked quantitative LD response across a range of temperatures from 9º - 27ºC. Seedlings were responsive to the LD stimulus at an early stage, and early flowering required LD exposure almost from germination. The critical daylength for the early flowering response was about 15 h at 18ºC. Because of this threshold LD response, it is concluded that regulation of flowering is truly photoperiodic in nature, and not merely an effect of additional light. Flower development was also slightly advanced by LD conditions. Stolon formation was strongly enhanced by short day conditions in combination with high temperature. Thus, not only flowering, but also runnering, was oppositely affected by photoperiod in `Elan" compared with mono-flowering cultivars. The results are discussed in relation to the photoperiodic classification of strawberries.


Sortar av solbær og rips for økologisk produksjon må ha god resistens mot viktige soppar og skadedyr. Registreringar i sortsforsøk i fleire regionar syner stor variasjon mellom sortane. Bær av solbær og ripa har høgt innhald av helsefremmande innhaldsstoff, men analysar har synt store variasjonar mellom sortane. Registreringar i fleire år vil syna om sortane rangerer likt frå år til år.


Ved Bioforsk Øst Kise er det forsøksfelt hvor ripssorter blir prøvd ved økologisk dyrking. Artikkelen presenterer de første resultatene fra forsøkene og gir foreløbige vurderinger av seks ripssorter plantet i 2002. Det presenteres avlingstall, verdier for bær- og klasestørrelse samt kartfall og løst tørrstoff.


Gibberellin er eit plantehormon som førekjem naturleg i høgare planter. Det fremjar særleg vekst, men har også innverknad på t.d. kvile, fruktsetjing og modning. I mange land vert søtkirsebærtrea sprøytte med den syntetisk framstilte gibberellinsyra GA3 3-4 veker føre hausting når fruktene er stråfarga (gule). Dette fører til at fruktene vert fastare, fargeutviklinga utsett og dermed modninga med opp til ei veke Gibberellin manglar praktisk utprøving i Noreg og er ikkje godkjent til kommersiell bruk. For å skaffa turvande dokumentasjon for offentleg godkjenning til yrkesdyrking i Noreg, vart det gjennomført biologisk utprøving ved Bioforsk Ullensvang i 2005 og 2006 og hjå dyrkarar i Lærdal og Telemark i 2005. Resultata viste at bioregulatoren GA3 utsette modninga med nær ei veke og gav fastare og større frukter hjå sortane Van og Lapins. Dette fører til ei meir robust frukt i marknaden. Lagringseigenskapane vart ikkje endra. Høveleg dosering er 20 ppm GA3 som ei sprøyting ved strå-gul farga kart.


The performance of the plum rootstocks Marianna, Pixy and Wangenheim using St. Julien A as a standard to the cultivars `Avalon", `Edda", `Excalibur", `Jubileum", `Reeves" and `Victoria" was assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60" North. Trees were planted in spring 1999, the plant material was one-year-old whips, spaced 2.0 x 4.5 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Soil management was grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size and yield efficentcy were evaluated for the six subsequent years. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks after six years growth. Wangenheim produced the smallest and St. Julien A and Pixy the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area in average for the different cultivars. St. Julien A and Pixy were the most productive rootstocks for the cultivars. However, Pixy produced significant larger yields per tree to the cultivar `Reeves" than St. Julien A. Trees on Pixy were the most yield efficient for all cultivars with the exception of `Victoria". The fruit sizes were in general large for all cultivars and became little affected by the different rootstocks. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was in general high and did not differ between trees on the various rootstocks. The cultivar `Avalon" had the highest contents of soluble solids.