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In greenhouse rose production, there is a trend towards the use of extreme long days (up to 24 hours lighting) and high light intensity to reduce problems with powdery mildew. Continuous lighting has been found to have adverse effects on some insects as well. The effect of continuous lighting on the survival, development and fecundity of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum on cut roses was investigated in climatic chambers with artificial light at 21oC and 70% RF. Compared to whiteflies exposed to 20:4 hours L:D, whiteflies exposed to continuous lighting had lower egg and larval/pupal survival, and lower fecundity and female longevity. Egg and egg-adult developmental time was only slightly affected.


Four populations of pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus) was tested for susceptibility to lambda-cyhalotrin and tiacloprid in 2008. Resistance to pyrethroids was found in 2 populations from locations near Hamar, both in field tries and bioassays. One population from Vestfold has low resistance. The results was concistent with what was found in 2007. One population from Østfold had to high control mortality to draw any conclusion. These beetles were collected  very late in the season. Low resistance was found in the same district in 2007. One population from Hamar had lower susceptibility to tiacloprid than the other populations.


Mulighetene for effektiv bekjempelse av rapsglansbiller er viktig for å gi god økonomi i oljevekstproduksjonen. Fordi det ikke har vært andre godkjente plantevernmidler på markedet, har billene i de siste 10 årene kun blitt bekjempet med pyretroider. Nå har denne ensidige bruken ført til at billene er blitt resistente i flere områder på Østlandet.


The Norwegian records of the ant Camponotus vagus (Scopoli, 1763) are presented and the distribution is discussed. Information on its biology and habitat choice is given. C. vagus is an overlooked species that must be considered rare in Norway


Tre år med konkurranse har gitt mye spennende ny informasjon og mange spennende muligheter for det videre arbeidet.


I den nasjonale maurkonkurransens tredje og siste år, er tuene på første og andreplassen høyere enn noen tidligere målte tuer i Norge. Begge tuene ligger i Hedmark som dermed har markert seg som de store maurtuers fylke.