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Omtale av epleviklermodellen som Marc Trapman har lagd i RIMpro. Denne er nå lagt ut på VIPS for å få erfaringer, men den er ikke validert for norske forhold.


Plantevernleksikonet. Skadegjørere: Bærtege Jordbærtege Jordbærmellus Skumsikade Ripsrotlus Liten stikkelsbærbladlus Liten bringebærbladlus Liten ripsbladlus Liten solbærbladlus Bjørnebærgrasbladlus Lauvtrebille Knoppsnutebille Jordbærsnutebille Bringebærbille Stikkelsbærpyralide Stikkelsbærmåler Bringebærmøll Ripsskuddmøll Ripsglassvinge Bringebærglassvinge Bringebærbarkgallmygg Solbærgallmygg Bringebærgallmygg Bringebærflue Stikkelsbærbladveps Bringebærbladveps Gul bjørnebærbladveps Jordbærmidd Solbærgallmidd Bjørnebærbladmidd Solbærbladmidd For hver skadegjører gis en oversikt over utseende, utbredelse, vertplanter, livssyklus, skadevirkninger og bekjempelse. 


Gjennomgang av skadedyr i bringebær med hovedvekt på bringebærbille, bringebærbladmidd og bladlus


How traps are placed can have huge consequences for trap efficiency. We present the results from two trials on how the height of trap deployment affects the catch of new generation Anthonomus rubi. In trial 1 (September 2006) we used white sticky traps, with or without A. rubi aggregation pheromone lures, to get more information on the height distribution at which weevils fly. Traps were horizontally mounted on top of poles 1 or 3 m above ground in a commercial field with a large weevil population (4 replicates of each height and lure combination). All the A. rubi individuals caught (N=34) were found on traps placed 1 m above ground. In trial 2 (13 July - 1 September 2009), four trap heights (partly dug into the ground, standing on the ground, hung just above foliage, hung 1 m above ground) were replicated five times in a small experimental strawberry field with severe bud damage. The traps were green funnel traps enhanced with white cross-vanes developed for raspberry beetle, and the best lure combination (aggregation pheromone sachet plus strawberry flower volatile open vial) for A. rubi found in other experiments. The traps touching the ground (and the plants), i.e. the first two of the heights listed above, caught 90% of all A. rubi trapped (N=103).