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The study examines the influence of agricultural activities on pesticides in groundwater in an area with fluvial deposits of sand with a top layer of sandy silt and silt, intensive cultivation of potatoes and cereals, and drinking water supplies of households from local groundwater wells. Information about local agricultural practice and washing sites for pesticide spraying equipment, properties of soils and deeper deposits, hydrogeology and groundwater flow, simulations of pesticide leaching, and contents of pesticides and nitrate in groundwater samples from drinking water wells was used to explore extension and reasons of pesticide contamination of groundwater. Pesticides were found in a majority of the sampled wells. Eight different pesticides and metabolites were detected in groundwater samples. The results demonstrate that on fluvial deposits diffuse pollution from spraying of fields with pesticides can result in groundwater contamination in Nordic climate. Higher concentrations of pesticides in some wells can be explained by point source contamination from washing sites. The occurrence of pesticides in drinking water wells touches up the question whether pesticides should be given general approvals, or approvals should include restrictions or recommendations regarding use on areas with high risk of groundwater contamination. Combination of washing sites for pesticide spraying equipment and groundwater wells for drinking water requires attention, proper equipment and practice, and knowledge about pesticides, soil and water to avoid contamination. Samples from wells adjacent to washing sites for pesticide equipment might overestimate average pesticide concentrations in groundwater bodies. In Nordic areas attention should be given to pesticide pollution of shallow groundwater in fluvial deposits. To provide basis for interpretation of results and planning of mitigation measures against pesticide contamination, an integrated approach using information about agronomical practice and point sources, soil properties, hydrogeology and simulations of pesticide leaching is recommended for future surveys and monitoring of pesticides in groundwater.


Prosjektet har bestått av to deler, hvorav del 1 var en litteraturundersøkelse som munnet ut i et notat i 2013, og del 2 bestående av feltundersøkelser som rapporteres her. Hensikten med prosjektet var å undersøke effekten av randsoner. Prosjektet har først og fremst hatt som mål å øke kunnskapsgrunnlaget om jordas kjemiske og fysiske egenskaper i jordbruksjord sammenlignet randsoner langs vassdrag. Feltundersøkelser ble gjennomfør høsten 2013 og våren 2014 på tre lokaliteter i Time og Klepp kommune på Jæren, og har bestått av jordprøvetaking for kjemiske analyser, samt infiltrasjonstester og fuktighetsmålinger for å undersøke jordfysiske egenskaper. Fosfor innhold i jorda var meget høyt på alle lokalitetene og resultatene viser en god sammenheng mellom fosfornivå og P-AL status. Fosforinnhold i randsonene viser generelt lavere innhold av totalfosfor og lavere fosforstatus (P-AL) sammenlignet med dyrka mark innenfor randsonene. Redusert fosforinnhold betyr redusert risiko for utvasking av fosfor fra disse arealene nær bekk og vann. Infiltrasjonskapasiteten var ikke entydig bedre i randsonene enn inne på jordet, men infiltrasjonskapasiteten er med få unntak god i ytterkant av de etablerte randsonene og i overgangen til, og i den naturlige kantvegetasjon. Undersøkelsene har hjulpet oss et stykke på vei med å forstå både prosesser i grasdekte buffersoner, og også gitt innblikk i skjøtsel, bruk og drift av sonene. Det er imidlertid behov for ytterligere undersøkelser over en lengre tidsperiode, da det tar tid og se resultater av redusert gjødsling og endret drift av arealer.

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The three year multidisciplinary ClimaViet project (July 2013 to June 2016) implemented jointly by the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) and the Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) is focusing mainly on the future climate change impacts on rice production in Vietnam with financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway. As a first step, the project has reviewed the current studies and programs related to climate change and agriculture taken by other agencies in Vietnam. The existing climate scenarios were downscaled and the climate impacts on seasonality in rainfall leading to droughts and salinity in coastal areas on rice production were assessed. Potential measures leading to improved rice cropping systems and improved nutrient use efficiency are being pilottested in the three study areas located in Nam Dinh, Soc Trang and Tra Vinh provinces. The results are expected to contribute to sustained productivity and climate change mitigation. Towards the end, the project will develop the institutional and policy guidelines required to adopt the potential measures identified and tested in the project. The project involves stakeholders at the provincial and national level (VAAS, MARD, MONRE and other relevant stakeholders) for better uptake of results.