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Insect-induced damages in forests are a major concern for timber production, landscape conservation and ecosystem research. Early detection methods based on remote sensing data can document the severity and spatial extent of ongoing attacks and might aid in designing mitigation measures or even prevention where necessary. In southeastern Norway, a large-scale insect defoliation of pine trees is ongoing. The larvae of the Pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer reate it with its mass attacks during their feeding on needles in June and July. In the winter before the attack, egg galleries are evident in the needles. This provides a test case for early detection methods and remote sensing techniques for monitoring forest health....


In European forests, standings stocks are currently increasing and are higher than ever during the last decades. This is due to a multitude of reasons; human impacts such as reduced logging or the abandonment of agricultural land are clearly among them. However, data from intensive monitoring plots reveal an increased growth even in the absence of direct human intervention. For this study, we used a set of 363 such plots from 16 European countries, which are a subset of the ICP-Forests Level II plots, and are typically rectangular areas with a size of 0.25 ha. We investigated the influence of environmental factors on forest growth. In particular, the role of nitrogen, sulphur and acid deposition, temperature, precipitation and drought was elucidated. The study focussed on the tree species Norway spruce, Scots pine, common beech and European as well as sessile oak. We used existing information on site productivity, stand age and stand density to estimate expected growth. Relative tree growth was then calculated as the ratio between actual growth, obtained within a five years observation period, and expected growth. The site productivity incorporates past environmental conditions and was either computed from site index curves, where we distinguished Northern, Central and Southern Europe variants, or was taken from expert estimates. The models explained between 18% and 39% of the variance. Site productivity and stand age were positively and negatively related to actual growth, respectively. The results indicated consistently a fertilizing effect from nitrogen deposition, with roughly one percent increase in site productivity per kg of nitrogen deposition per ha and year, most pronounced for plots having soil C/N ratios above 25. We also found a positive albeit less clear relationship between relative growth and summer temperatures. Other influences were uncertain. In particular, we cannot conclude on detrimental effects on growth from sulphur and acid deposition or from drought periods.

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I 2007 var hele 20 % av alle bjørketrær angrepet og skadet av insekter der fjellbjørkemåleren alene sto for 16 %. Hos furu var det færre insektangrep sammenlignet med fjoråret, men fortsatt var vel 2% av furutrærne angrepet av furubarveps. Antall nye toppbrekk, vindfall og andre snø- og vindrelaterte skader var omtrent på samme nivå som gjennomsnittet i overvåkingsperioden. Helsetilstanden til trær, registrert ved kronetetthet, misfarging og avdøing, påvirkes i stor grad direkte av klimatiske forhold som tørke, frost og vind, eller indirekte ved at klima påvirker omfanget av soppsykdommer og insektangrep. Langtransporterte luftforurensninger kan komme i tillegg til eller virke sammen med klimatiske forhold. Kronetettheten utviklet seg negativt på de landsrepresentative flatene for treslagene gran, furu og bjørk. Det var likevel store regionale forskjeller, og som kom tydeligst frem på de regionale flatene. Også i 2007 ble det registrert størst nedgang i kronetetthet for gran i Oppland, Hedmark og i Agderfylkene...



Dynamics of soil organic matter is an important factor of soil quality. A long-standing view is that recalcitrant molecules of plant residues contribute more to long-term storage of organic carbon than more soluble plant residues. This view is currently being questioned, and parts of our recent studies will be presented that support the need for reconsideration of the topic.


Fire profoundly modifies the terrestrial C cycle of about 40% of the Earth"s land surface. The immediate effect of fire is that of a net loss of C as CO2 gas and soot particles to the atmosphere. Nevertheless, a proportion of the ecosystem biomass is converted into charcoal, which contains highly recalcitrant molecular structures that contribute to long-term C storage. The present study aimed to assess simultaneously losses to the atmosphere and charcoal production rates of C and N compounds as a result of prescription fire in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem. Pre-fire and post-fire charred and unburned organic matter stocks were determined for vegetation leaves and stems, litter and soil in 20 sub-plots installed in a 30-ha area that was subjected to prescribed fire. Concentrations of C and N were determined, and fluxes among pools and to the atmosphere were derived from these measurements. Soil C and N stocks were unchanged by the fire. Post-fire standing dead biomass contained 30% and 12% of pre-fire vegetation C and N stocks, respectively. In litter, post-fire stocks contained 64% and 83% of pre-fire C and N stocks, respectively. Most of the difference in relative losses between vegetation and litter could be attributed to substantial litter fall of charred and unburned leaves during the fire event. Indeed, an estimated 21% of pre-fire vegetation leaf C was found in the post-fire litter, while the remaining 79% was lost to the atmosphere. About 3/4 of the fire-induced leaf litter fall was in the form of unburned tissue and the remainder was charcoal, which amounted to 5% of pre-fire leaf C stocks. Charcoal production ranged between 4% and 6% of the fireaffected biomass, i.e. the sum of charcoal production and atmospheric losses. This value is below the range of literature values for the transformation of plant tissue into stable soil organic matter through humification processes, which suggests that fire generates a smaller quantity of stable organic C than humification processes over decades and potentially centuries.


Little is known on the relationship between the chemical composition and the dynamics of plant biomolecules in soils at the long-term scale. Chemical recalcitrance of specific molecules such as lignins has been proposed as a possible factor governing organic matter stabilization in soils. Other stabilization mechanisms, involving soil mineral constituents, may act differently on above- and belowground tissues of plants, leading to contrasting contributions of these tissues to soil organic matter (SOM). Cutins and suberins are present respectively in the aboveground and the belowground tissues of higher plants and can be used as biomarkers of the inputs of these plant tissues to soils. Using compound specific isotopic tracer techniques applied to agricultural lands converted from C3 plant to C4 plant cropping, we followed the molecular turnover of lignins, cutins and suberins in soils, in order to assess their specific residence times, and infer the contributions of above- and belowground tissues to SOM. We showed that lignin turnover in soil is faster than that of total organic carbon. We evidenced contrasting behaviour of lignin as well as cutin/suberin monomers on a molecular basis which may be related to their chemical nature, their position into the polymeric structure and to the plant tissue in which they are present. Therefore, we suggest that compound specific isotope measurements in combination with longterm field trials could lead is understanding of soil carbon stocks and fluxes on a molecular level.