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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



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Denne rapporten omhandlar resultat frå kartlegging av næringsstatusen i norske eplehagar. Jord,- blad og fruktprøvar vart samla inn frå ulike eplehagar på Aust- og Vestlandet med variasjon i jordart, innhald og type organisk materiale i åra 2018-2020. Føremålet var å studera samanhengane mellom plantefysiologiske sider i epletreet relatert til jorda, treveksten, avling og fruktkvalitet. Resultat frå det treårige studiet om verknaden av gjødselpraksisar på opptak av mineral i blada, avling og fruktkvallitet hjå ulike eplesortar frå fire regionar er samla i denne rapporten. This report is summarizing results from a survey analyzing the nutrient levels in fruit trees and soil in four fruit growing regions in Norway during the seasons 2018-2020. The aim was to study the relationship between main plant physiological principles in the tree, related to the soil, tree growth, yield, fruit quality, and fruit storage. The results of a three-year study of apple tree fertilization practices on orchard soil fertility, leaf mineral composition, apple tree yields and fruit quality of several apple cultivars in four main apple producing regions in Norway are compiled in this report.


The book discusses scientific, technical, and sociological aspects of sustainable agricultural value chains, focusing on coffee and tea production. The book advocates a value-chain strategy and highlights the importance of tracking the effects of climate change. Increasing the amount of value-added products via irrigation is critical to combating climate change and achieving sustainable development. Furthermore, blockchain technology has the potential to transform agricultural business models and supply chain networks.

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In Europe, turbot aquaculture has a high potential for sustainable production, but the low tolerance to fishmeal replacement in the diet represents a big issue. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of more sustainable feed formulations on growth and feed performance, as well as nutritional status of juvenile turbot in recirculating aquaculture systems. In a 16-week feeding trial with 20 g juvenile turbot, one control diet containing traditional fishmeal, fish oil and soy products and two experimental diets where 20% of the fishmeal was replaced either with processed animal proteins (PAP) or with terrestrial plant proteins (PLANT) were tested. Irrespective of diets, growth performance was similar between groups, whereas the feed performance was significantly reduced in fish of the PAP group compared to the control. Comparing growth, feed utilisation and biochemical parameters, the results indicate that the fish fed on PAP diet had the lowest performance. Fish fed the PLANT diet had similar feed utilisation compared to the control, whereas parameters of the nutritional status, such as condition factor, hepato-somatic index and glycogen content showed reduced levels after 16 weeks. These effects in biochemical parameters are within the physiological range and therefore not the cause of negative performance. Since growth was unaffected, the lower feed performance of fish that were fed the PAP formulation might be balanced by the cost efficient formulation in comparison to the commercial and the PLANT formulations. Present study highlights the suitability of alternative food formulation for farmed fish.