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Kamilla Skaalsveen Julie Ingram Julie UrquhartAbstract
This paper draws on network science and uses a Social Network Analysis to improve our understanding of how the implementation of no-till in England is influenced by farmers' social networks. No-till is a low disturbance farming practice with potential to benefit soil health, the aquatic environment and farm economy, but is currently only implemented at a small scale in Europe. Interpersonal networks are important for farmers and influence farmer learning and decision-making and farmers often view each other as their main source of information. In this study, the social networks of 16 no-till farmers in England were mapped and semi-structured interviews carried out to assess the link between farmer network characteristics and the implementation of no-till in England. We also aimed to improve our understanding of the nature and extent of knowledge exchanged within farmer networks and their spatial and temporal dynamics. Our findings suggest that intermediary farmers had an important role in increasing the information flow and knowledge exchange between the different clusters of the no-till farmer network. These intermediaries were also the biggest influencers as they were often no-till farmers with a high level of experiential knowledge and viewed as important sources of information by other farmers. No-till farmer networks were geographically distributed as the farmers preferred to discuss farming practices with similar minded no-till farmers rather than local conventional farmers who did not understand what they were trying to achieve. Therefore, online communication platforms like social media were important for communication. We question the role of formal extension services in supporting farmers with innovative practices like no-till and suggest that advisors should strive to improve their understanding of these well-developed information networks to enable a more streamlined and efficient information diffusion.
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Daniel Flø Trond Rafoss Per Hans Micael Wendell Leif SundheimAbstract
Background The Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus) is a serious pest of conifers in Russia, Northern Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The western border of the pest’s distribution in Russia is disputed, but it is present west of the 60th meridian east. The pest has the potential to defoliate a wide range of conifers. Results The pest is not present in Norway or other European countries, except Russia. Natural spread and human mediated transport are potential pathways for the pest. Human mediated pathways considered are: Living trees for planting, coniferous wood in the rough and foliage and branches. There has been no import of living trees from Russia to Norway during the past 30 years, and there is currently no import of coniferous wood commodities containing bark from areas, where D. sibiricus occurs. Conclusions The probability of D. sibiricus entry by natural spread is unlikely, mainly because of the geographical distance and the partial sea barriers between Norway and the infested areas. The probability of entry by human mediated pathways is unlikely due to the very limited volume of the import. Should the pest enter Norway, the probability of establishment and spread is unlikely, due to the suboptimal climatic conditions, and the fact that the two dominant conifers in the country, Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), are intermediate and poor hosts, respectively. The potential damage, should D. sibiricus enter Norway, is considered low. Keywords: Lepidoptera, Invasive species, Geographical distribution, Forest pest
Rolf NestbyAbstract
Prunus padus L. (bird cherry) belongs to the Racemosa group in subgenus Padus in the genus Prunus L. It is a hardy invasive species, which makes it valuable for securing slopes, and for eco-design. It is a good solitary park tree with early flowering of white flowers in racemes, which have a pleasant smell. However, it may be attacked by cherry-oat aphid, and the small ermine moth, which may weave giant webs over the whole tree, which demonstrates the important role of P. padus in the food web of forest ecosystems. The species is in balance with these pests, other herbivores and diseases throughout Europe and Asia. Another threat is the competition against the invasive P. serotina, but it seems that P. padus is not strongly threatened, though they compete for the same habitats. Moreover, human interference of forest community ecology is probably the greatest threat. The tree is not only winter hardy; it can also survive hot summers and tolerate a wide variety of soil types. It may form dense thickets due to the regeneration of branches bent to the ground and basal shoots, and may be invasive. These characteristics are important in determining the ecological niche of P. padus, which involves the position of the species within an ecosystem, comprising both its habitat requirements and the functional role. It is also important that P. padus has effective dispersal of pollen and seeds. This, together with the previously noted characteristics and the fact that the tree can cope well with climate change, define it as a not threatened species. However, the ssp. borealis is threatened and national level monitoring is required. Prunus padus has been exploited by farmers and rural population, but is less used today. However, it is still used for making syrup, jam and liquor. Moreover, the wood is valuable for wood carving and making cabinets. All tissues are valuable as sources of powerful natural antioxidants. However, the interest in the P. padus fruit and other tissues is overshadowed by the interest in other wild species of edible and human health-related berries. Moreover, the tree is used in horticulture as an ornamental in gardens and parks, values that deserve a new focus.
Mehdi Daemi-Saeidabad Abdolali Shojaeiyan Adam Vivian-Smith Hans K. Stenøien Mohsen Falahati-AnbaranAbstract
Many studies on Heracleum have shown poor correspondence between observed molecular clusters and established taxonomic classification amongst closely related species. This might reflect both unresolved taxonomy but perhaps also a lack of good genetic markers. This lack of appropriate and cost effective species-specific genetic markers hinders a resolved relationship for the species complex, and this in turn causes profound management challenges for a genus that contains both endemic species, with important ecological roles, and species with an invasive potential. Microsatellites are traditionally considered markers of choice for comprehensive, yet inexpensive, analyses of genetic variation, including examination of population structure, species identity, linkage map construction and cryptic speciation. In this study, we have used double digest restriction site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to develop microsatellite markers in Heracleum rechingeri. Genomic DNA from three individuals were digested with Sbf1 and Nde1 and size selected for library construction. The size-selected fragments were sequenced on an Ion Torrent sequencer and a total of 54 microsatellite sequences were bioinformatically confirmed. Twenty five loci were then tested for amplification, resulting in 19 of these being successfully amplified across eight species, comprising both the so-called thick-stemmed species (H. persicum, H. rechingeri, H. gorganicum and H. lasiopetalum), and thin-stemmed species (H. anisactis, H. pastinasifolium and H. transcaucasicum). Both Bayesian and distance-based clustering, and principal coordinate analyses clearly separated these into two groups. Surprisingly, three H. pastinacifolium populations were not separated from populations of the morphologically similar endemic species, H. anisactis, suggesting lack of genetic differentiation. Likewise, high genetic similarity was found between H. persicum and H. rechingeri populations, questioning taxonomic separation at the species level between these taxa. Further analyses are needed to re-evaluate the taxonomic significance of observed morphological variability currently applied to distinguish these sister taxa. Nevertheless, our results represent progress in the effort to develop cost-efficient molecular tools for species discrimination in this genus.
Karin Juul Hesselsøe Pia Heltoft Thomsen Gudni Thorvaldsson Anne mette Dahl jensen Tatsiana Espevig Wendy Marie Waalen Trond Olav Pettersen Jan Tangsveen Per Sørensen Tania Gneist Bjarni Hannesson Trygve S. AamlidAbstract
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Foroogh Abasian Mikael Rönnqvist Philippe Marier Dag FjeldAbstract
This paper presents an online educational game focusing on hierarchical procurement planning in a simulated forest supply chain with multiple companies. The purpose is to provide an understanding of the importance of individual decisions and their medium- to long-term impacts on the entire supply chain. The transportation game comprises three phases, each simulating hierarchical decision making when three competing companies (i.e., the game players) are making simultaneous decisions on the available resources. Each game phase also requires concurrent collaboration and competition. The phases represent different planning levels from long-term to short-term planning, considering the collaboration concept within the supply chain. The simulated supply chain objective is to minimize resource purchasing and transportation costs. The purchasing cost will be fixed after the first phase. The chance of decreasing transportation costs, however, is available until the end of the game. We develop three optimization models for each game phase. Once the game is finished, it compares the players’ results with optimal solutions prepared upfront. Finally, we present some comments about the game experience in various classrooms.
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George G. Brown Miguel Cooper Monica Kobayashi Alberto Orgiazzi Anahí Domínguez Ana Paula Dias Turetta André L.C. Franco Andrey S. Zaitsev Anne Winding Bente Føreid Brajesh K. Singh Carlos Guerra Claudia Rojas David Spurgeon Ece Aksoy Fátima Maria Moreira Francisco Bautista Jianming Xu Johannes Rousk José Camilo Bedano Joseph D. Bagyaraj Krishna Saxena Laura Fernanda Simões da Silva Leho Tedersoo Loren Byrne Mac A. Callaham Madhu Choudhary M. Fernanda Aller Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo Maria Fuensanta García Orenes Maria Tsiafouli Marie de Graaf Miranda M Hart Moses Thuita Nancy Karanja Nathalie Fromin Nico Eisenhauer Nobuhiro Kaneko Pauline Mele Pilar Andres Pastor Raul Ochoa-Hueso Roman Kuperman Stephen Ichami Steven J. Fonte Thomas Ward Crowther Vinisa Saynes Santillan Yunuen Tapia TorresAbstract
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