Cornelya Klutsch
Research Scientist
(+47) 902 85 906
Visiting address
Svanhovd, NO-9925 Svanvik
Dr. Cornelya F. C. Klütsch works at the interface of molecular ecology, genomics, and conservation. Her main research interests include the use of genetic and genomic tools to address applied and basic conservation, management, and eco-evolutionary questions in wildlife and fish species. Currently, she is a Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO, Norway) where she works in a transnational, interdisciplinary, and inter-sectorial framework on local, regional, and international conservation issues in (sub)arctic environments. This includes a wide range of topics and systems including population genetic and wildlife forensic analyses of large carnivores (e.g., lynx and brown bear) and freshwater species (e.g., brown trout, freshwater mussels). Further, she is interested in the development of eDNA and metabarcoding approaches as tools for environmental research and monitoring of soil and freshwater biota. Recently, Cornelya expanded her horizons and works now more intensely on the integration of citizen science and ecosystem service assessments into research and conservation management. Finally, she continues teaching within the Edu-Arctic and INTERACT projects with the aim of bringing molecular ecological topics into the classroom (i.e., STEM education). With this broad approach, she hopes to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and green and blue bioeconomies.
Previous positions/education:
Postdoctoral research position and sessional lecturer at Trent University (Ontario, Canada).
Postdoctoral research position at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden)
PhD at the Alexander Koenig Research Museum and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn (Germany)
Master’s degree in zoology at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
No abstract has been registered
Rune Andreassen Berit Hansen Liya Pokrovskaya Vladimir Zhakov Daniel Kling Cornelya Klutsch Ida Marie Luna Fløystad Hans Geir Eiken Snorre HagenAbstract
Despite the high density of brown bears (Ursus arctos piscator) on the Kamchatka peninsula their genetic variation has not been studied by STR analysis. Our aim was, therefore, to provide population data from the Kamchatka brown bear population applying a validated DNA profiling system. Twelve dinucleotide STRs commonly used in Western-European (WE) populations and four additional ones (G10C, G10J, G10O, G10X), were included. Template input ≥ 0.2 ng was successfully amplified. Measurements of precision, stutter and heterozygous balance showed that markers could be reliably genotyped applying the thresholds used for genotyping WE brown bears. However, locus G10X revealed an ancient allele-specific polymorphism that led to suboptimal amplification of all 174 bp alleles (Kamchatka and WE). Allele frequency estimates and forensic genetic parameters were obtained from 115 individuals successfully identified by genotyping 434 hair samples. All markers met the Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium expectations, and the power of discrimination ranged from 0.667 to 0.962. The total average probability of identity from the 15 STRs was 1.4 ×10−14 (FST = 0.05) while the total average probability of sibling identity was 6.0 ×10−6. Relationship tests revealed several parent-cub and full sibling pairs demonstrating that the marker set would be valuable for the study of family structures. The population data is the first of its kind from the Kamchatka brown bear population. Population pairwise FST`s revealed moderate genetic differentiation that mirrored the geographic distances to WE populations. The DNA profiling system, providing individual-specific profiles from non-invasive samples, will be useful for future monitoring and conservation purposes
Bastien Parisy Niels M. Schmidt Alyssa R. Cirtwill Edith Villa-Galaviz Mikko Tiusanen Cornelya Klutsch Paul Eric Aspholm Katrine Raundrup Eero J. Vesterinen Helena Wirta Tomas RoslinAbstract
Global environmental change may lead to changes in community structure and in species interactions, ultimately changing ecosystem functioning. Focusing on spatial variation in fungus–plant interactions across the rapidly changing Arctic, we quantified variation in the identity of interaction partners. We then related interaction turnover to variation in the bioclimatic environment by combining network analyses with general dissimilarity modelling. Overall, we found species associations to be highly plastic, with major rewiring among interaction partners across variable environmental conditions. Of this turnover, a major part was attributed to specific environmental properties which are likely to change with progressing climate change. Our findings suggest that the current structure of plant-root associated interactions may be severely altered by rapidly advancing global warming. Nonetheless, flexibility in partner choice may contribute to the resilience of the system.

Division of Environment and Natural Resources
Interreg-Aurora project: Our Precious Transboundary Waters
The brown trout is a socioeconomically important freshwater fish in both Norway and Finland, where habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, translocations, and stocking have led to nationwide decline especially in populations of large growing, adfluvial brown trout and their genetic integrity. Careful conservation and coordinated, sustainable management of the remaining large growing brown trout populations is crucial. For this purpose, our project focuses on the transboundary Lake Inari-Pasvik River catchment as a bilateral model (reference) system, utilizing and requiring cross-border cooperation between Norway and Finland. We combine information on the genetic status of trout populations in the catchment, introduce new research methods and compare existing stocking programs for providing tools and guidelines to support the knowledge-based conservation and management of adfluvial brown trout populations in Norway and Finland.