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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of grazing on different pasture types and hay feeding on dairy goat milk fatty acid (FA) composition in early and late grazing season. Eighty goats were grouped according to genotype and lactation, and randomly divided into two groups (Early and Late) with approximately 8 weeks difference in mating and kidding dates. Goats within each of the two groups were further allocated to four forage treatment groups: R, forest rangeland pasture; C, cultivated pasture; HH, high quality hay; HL, low quality hay. The goats in Early were subjected to forage treatments in early grazing season, while the goats in Late received the forage treatments 8 weeks later. The most abundant FAs were C16:0 and C18:1c9 followed by C14:0 and C18:0. The milk proportion of the short and medium chained fatty acids (C6:0-C14:0) and C16:0 was higher (P < 0.0001) in Late than in Early grazing season, whilst the proportion of long chained FAs (C18:0, C18:1c9, C18:1t11, C18:2c9, 12, C18:2c9t11 and C18:3c9, 12, 15) were lower (P < 0.001). Goats grazing R yielded less milk (1.5 vs. 2.0 kg/d, P < 0.001) but with higher milk fat content (46 vs. 37 g/kg, P < 0.001) than C. The milk from goats on R had lower (P < 0.01) proportion of medium chained FAs (C10:0-C14:0) and C18:2c9, t11 but higher (P < 0.05) proportion of C18:0, C18:2c9,12 and C20:0 than C. Grazing compared to hay gave milk with lower proportion of medium chained FAs (C12:0-C14:0) and C16:0 but higher proportion of the long chained FAs C18:0, C18:1t11, C18:3c9, 12, C18:2c9, t11, C18:3c9, 12, 15, C20:0 than hay feeding. Higher supply of energy may explain higher proportion of de novo synthesised low and medium chained FA and lower proportion of long chained FA on C than on R, whilst higher supply of FA from mobilized fat may explain higher milk proportion of long chain FA in Early than in late season. Moreover, goats on pasture had likely higher supply of FA from dietary fat, which explain higher milk proportion of the long chained FA than on hay.


The objective was to examine the effect of pasture type, and of grazing compared with hay feeding, on milk production and quality from dairy goats in early and late grazing season. Eighty goats were grouped according to genotype and lactation, and randomly divided into two groups with approximately 8 weeks difference in kidding date and start of feeding experiment, in Early and Late grazing season. At the start of the feeding experiment the goats were divided into 4 forage-treatment groups: R,forest rangeland pasture; C, cultivated pasture; HH, high quality hay; HL, low quality hay. Group R yielded less milk (1.5 vs. 2.0 kg d–1) and lower milk protein content (32 vs. 33 g kg–1), but higher milk fat (46 vs. 37 g kg–1) and DM content (120 vs. 113 g kg–1) than group C. Free fatty acids (FFA) content in milk was not affected by pasture type. The effects of pasture type on milk yield and milk constituents were similar in early and late grazing season. Grazing resulted in similar milk yield but higher milk fat (42 vs. 34 g kg–1), protein (32 vs. 30 g kg–1) and DM (117 vs. 106 g kg–1) content, and lower content of FFA (0.22 vs. 0.34 mEq L–1) than hay feeding


In winter fed organic raised sheep inadequate plasma vitamin E levels is common and therefore supplementation is recommended. The objective of the present work was to test the supplementation of natural vitamin E and seaweed meal on the immune status of ewes and their offspring. Forty Norwegian White Sheep ewes were randomly allocated to three supplementation treatments: natural vitamin E, synthetic vitamin E, seaweed meal, and control. The feeding experiment lasted the entire indoor feeding period. Ewes and newborn lambs were vaccinated against different environmental microorganisms and pathogens. Different immunological parameters were measured. Supplementing the ewes with natural vitamin E had positive effect on immunity against Mycobacterium bovis in lambs. Seaweed, on the other hand, had negative effect on the passive transfer of maternal antibodies in lambs the first week after birth. The adaptive immunity was not affected by seaweed supplementation.

To document


Working paper 2012-1 presents the outcome of the project “Miljø- og klimaanalyse for norsk landbruk og matsektor” (Analysis of Environmental and Climate-related aspects of Norwegian agri-food sector). The project has been led by NILF in cooperation with MiSA and John Hille. The objective has been to develop methodological guidelines for comprehensive assessments of measures aimed at relieving environmental and climatic stresses from Norwegian food production and consumption.


Kystlyngheiane nordvest i Europa er eit gammalt kulturlandskap som har blitt kontinuerleg skjøtta gjennom sviing og beiting i minst 5000 år. Vegetasjonen er i stor grad karakterisert av lyngplanter, men med variasjonar i plantesamansettinga både mellom geografiske regionar, og i forhold til bruk. Opphøyr av tradisjonell drift har ført til at kystlyngheiane i dag er klassifisert som trua i heile Europa, og har kome på raudlista over naturtypar i Noreg. Auka fokus på ivaretaking av kystlyngheiane har gjort det nødvendig å betre kunnskapsstatusen kring skjøtsel av dette kulturlandskapet. Velle undersøkjer korleis sviing i kombinasjon med beiting må tilpassast den biogeografiske nord-sør gradienten langs kysten. Stadig fleire av dei norske kystlyngheiane er i dårleg hevd, og Velle kvantifiserer korleis høg røsslyngalder påverkar gjenveksten av vegetasjon etter sviing. Vidare vert det undersøkt om bruken i kystlyngheiane fører til ein auke av artar med stor geografisk utbreiing etter sviing (biotisk homogenisering), og om røykindusert spiring i røsslyngfrø kan vere ein kulturbetinga eigenskap i dette økosystemet. Arbeidet til Velle syner at lyngsviing saman med beiting framleis har ei viktig rolle i skjøtselen av kystlynghei, både for å hindre gjengroing, for å få meir variasjon i plantesamansetnaden og for å fornye røsslyngen. Geografi, veksestad (habitat) og alder på røsslyngplanta påverkar vegetasjonssamansettinga og vekstraten til vegetasjonen etter sviing, noko ein må ein ta omsyn til i utarbeiding og oppfølging av skjøtselsplanar. Arbeidet peikar på at ulikskapar i regenereringsevne hos røsslyng gjer at brannrotasjonar bør bestemmast ut i frå røsslyngen sin vekst og ikkje alder. Velle syner at gammal kystlynghei har eit restaureringspotensiale, og at artane som kjem inn etter sviing er naturlege artar som høyrer til i dette økosystemet. Dette er det første arbeidet som antydar at røykindusert spiring hos røsslyngfrø langs kysten her til lands skuldast ei evolusjonær tilpassing til skjøtsel, og syner viktigheita lyngsviinga har hatt over tid.