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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The combined effects of light, soil fertility, and ontogenetic changes on plant growth rates are poorly understood, yet these three factors play fundamental roles in structuring plant communities. We sought to determine how lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia), interior spruce (Picea glauca engelmanii (Moench) Voss), and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) sapling growth responds to the combination of light, soil fertility, and ontogeny and how these three dominant conifer species in sub-boreal forests of British Columbia differ in their responses.Using maximum likelihood methods, we found that 0.204 m tall sapling growth rates changed during ontogeny and were limited by both light and soil resources. The strongest differences among species growth rates were due to tree size, with smaller differences due to soil fertility, and there were no differences among species in the shape of their growth responses to light. Rank order in growth rates for small saplings (pine spruce fir) inversely corresponded to classic shade-tolerance ratings, thus supporting the carbon balance theory. Interior spruce height growth rates increased relative to lodgepole pine with increasing soil fertility, clearly matching the landscape-scale increase in canopy dominance of interior spruce over lodgepole pine with increasing soil fertility.

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Stand and disturbance dynamics are key processes that need to be assessed along with climate-species interactions if we are to better understand the impacts of climate change on species. In this study we investigated the biotic interactions (competition) between species, the influence of disturbance type, and changes in resource availability (moisture and light) on the response of six tree species to climate change in the northwest region of central British Columbia, Canada. Two ecological models were parameterized, linked together and coupled to climate change scenarios to explore the interactions between: (1) the response of species in the regeneration phase and (2) the role of disturbance, resource availability and competition on determining stand composition and productivity. Climate change was found to reduce soil moisture availability which resulted in a decline in regeneration potential for all species on dry sites and negative to neutral responses on sites with higher water availability. Following fire, stand dynamics and composition were modeled to undergo significant changes under the 2080s climate compared to current climate conditions on dry and mesic sites. Changes in stand dynamics under climate change were marginal following bark beetle disturbances. While significant changes to stand dynamics were found on dry sites, the presented results suggest that the sites with the highest moisture availability maintain the same general stand dynamics and composition following disturbances under climate change. This study highlights the need to consider species response to climate change in interaction with existing stand conditions, disturbance type, competition, resource availability, not just temperature and precipitation.

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The ingrowth core method is widely used to assess fine root (diameter < 2 mm) production but has many inherent deficiencies. In this study, we modified this method by adopting mini ingrowth cores (diameter 1.2 cm), extending sample intervals to a growing season, and developing new models to quantify the concurrent production, mortality and decomposition, and applied them to a secondary Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fischer ex Ledebour) forest. Annual fine root production, mortality and decomposition estimated by our method were 2.10 ± 0.23, 1.78 ± 0.20 and 0.85 ± 0.13 t ha−1, respectively, and 33.3% of the production was decomposed in the growing season. The production estimate using our method was significantly higher than those using two long-term ingrowth core (sample interval >2 months) methods. However, it was significantly lower than that using the short-term ingrowth core (sample interval <2 months) method, presumably due to the lower root competition and less decomposition occurring in the short-term cores. The fine root estimates using our method in the growing season were generally higher than those using the forward and continuous inflow methods but lower than those using the backward method. Our method reduces the disturbances in roots and soil, minimizes the sampling frequency and improves the quantification of fine root decomposition during the sample intervals. These modifications overcome the limitations associated with the previous ingrowth core methods. Our method provides an improved alternative for estimating fine root production, mortality and decomposition.

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We exploit two recently developed informationtheoretic quantities (or measures) designed to quantify information content and complexity of ordered data (time series), respectively. Both are based on order statistics of given data sets, and probe into the shortterm structure of the data only due to finite length restrictions. Their usage requires fixing one parameter, word length or order depth D. The information measure is the orderbased Shannon entropy HS, and the complexity measures is the JensenShannon divergence CJS. The latter requires a chosen reference distribution, i.e. CJS represents a class of measures. Entropy HS and complexity CJS of data series may be represented against each other in a twodimensional diagram which we will refer to as ComplexityEntropy Causality Plane, or CECP. Very long realizations of classic stochastic processes and chaotic deterministic maps each obey one location in the CECP, specific for the process. This can be used to differentiate chaos from correlated noise (Rosso et al. 2007), which is notoriously difficult otherwise. For observed data, a mixture of deterministic (signal) and stochastic (noise) parts is to be expected. We use an ensemble of longterm river runoff time series as example, which are known to exhibit powerlaw decaying longrange correlations. We compare these data with a longrange correlated candidate process, the k noise, from the perspective of order statistics and the CECP. Although these processes resemble runoff series in their correlation behavior and may be even tuned to any runoff series by changing the value of k, the CECP locations and in particular the order pattern statistics reveals qualitative differences between them. We give a detailed account of these differences, and use them to conclude on the deterministic nature of the (shortterm) dynamics of the runoff time series. The proposed methodology also represents a stringent test bed for hydrological or other environmental models. http://dames.pik-potsdam.de/Abstracts.pdf

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This study investigates the relationship between Leaf Area Index (LAI) reduction in pine stands caused by pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifier) larva and reflectance change measured using multitemporal optical satellite data. The study was carried out in 552 Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)-dominated stands in southern Norway (60° 41′ N, 12° 18′ E). Post-damage Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) satellite data were calibrated to surface reflectance using reflectance products of the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). Standwise reflectance change was then computed by subtracting a pre-damage SPOT image that had been relative calibrated to the post-damage image using histogram matching. The reflectance changes were related to changes in LAI obtained from multitemporal lidar data calibrated with field measurements made with a LiCOR LAI-2000 plant canopy analyser. The reduced needle biomass growth due to the insect damage caused an increase in reflectance on the order of 0.002–0.015 in the visible and short-wave infrared SPOT bands and a decrease of 0.01 in the near infrared (NIR) band compared with a large reference data set with normally developed stands. A cross-validated discriminant analysis showed that 79% of the damaged stands could be separated from the undamaged stands by using the SPOT data.