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Ketil HaarstadSammendrag
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G. GoffengSammendrag
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B. SlyngstadSammendrag
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Bjørn ØklandSammendrag
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Bjørn ØklandSammendrag
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Torild Wickstrøm W. Lund R. ByeSammendrag
An alkaline sample solution in combination with the complexing agent diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) was employed to minimize interference from Ni and Co in the determination of As and Te by hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Tetrahydroborate was also added to the sample solution, before the hydride was generated by acidification vith HCl in a continuous-flow system. The masking method was used for the determination of As and Te in the reference material NIST SRM 899 Nickel Ahoy. For the determination of As in a copper sample, the interference from Cu was removed by precipitation of the hydroxide and filtration. The precipitation method was used for the determination of As in the reference material NIST SRM 398 Unalloyed Copper V; hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry was employed to determine the concentration of As.
Dan Aamlid Hans Tømmervik Michael L. Gytarsky Rodion Karaban Kåre Olav Venn Tord K. Rindal Natalya Vassilieva Galina N. Koptsik E.M. LøbersliSammendrag
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Torild Wickstrøm W. Lund R. ByeSammendrag
The use of an alkaline sample solution for the determination of Se by the hydride generation technique offers the possibility of eliminating the interference from very high concentrations of Ni2, CO2, Fe3 and Cr3. In order to achieve this, complexing agents were employed to mask the interfering metal ions, After addition of the masking agent, the pH was adjusted to 12-13 with NaOH, and sodium tetrahydroborate was finally added in order to reduce selenite to selenide ions. The selenium hydride was generated by acidifying the solution with HCl in a flow system.Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) were found to be effective masking agents for Ni2 and Co2; the, interference from up to 8000 mg l(-1) of Ni2 or Co2 was eliminated. Tartrate was found to be a suitable masking agent for Fe3 and Cr3 UP to 5000 mg l(-1). Accurate results were obtained for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Standard Reference Materials 671 Nickel Oxide and 364 Low-alloy Steel, using combinations of DTPA and tartrate as masking agents. The detection limits were 0.1 mu g g(-1) for the Nickel Oxide and 0.3 mu g g(-1) for the Low-alloy Steel.
Foredrag – Dieback and decline of forest plantations of Larix sibirica in Iceland
Halldór Sverrisson
Halldór SverrissonSammendrag
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A. HovdeSammendrag
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