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O. Nordal G. Rasmussen S. AndersenSammendrag
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N. VagstadSammendrag
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A. HovdeSammendrag
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O. NordalSammendrag
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Torild Wickstrøm W. Lund R. ByeSammendrag
It is shown, by using ICP-AES, that some Ni, Co, Fe and Cr is transported, probably as an aerosol, with the hydrides to the atom cell during a hydride generation process. The amount of matrix elements introduced to the atom cell depends on the concentrations of the sodium tetrahydroborate and the acid used for the hydride generation. For solutions containing 5000 mg l(-1) of Ni and Co, the signals obtained are equivalent to those obtained from 1-5 mg I-1 metal solutions nebulized in the ordinary way. A glass filter Frit placed between the gas-liquid separator and the torch reduces the transport of metal to the plasma by 50-80%. When HGAAS is used, a decrease in sensitivity is observed for As in samples containing high concentrations of Ni and Co. This may be owing to the presence of Ni and Co in the quartz tube atomizer.
Stig LandeSammendrag
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Jan-Ole SkageSammendrag
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Finn Roar Bruun Aasmund Bunkholt Morten FinstadSammendrag
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Simen GjølsjøSammendrag
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