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Gir en oversikt over integret plantevern i den nye handlingsplanen om redusert risiko ved bruk av plantevernmidler (1998-2002). Dagens situasjon vedr. bruk av kjemiske plantevernmidler i potet og mulige tiltak for en reduksjon av disse er omtalt.


1998 var det første året i et flerårig prosjekt. Vi fikk det beste avlingsresultatet ved å bruke vikke som grønngjødsel. Ugraskonkurranse var viktgi i felt med nedkappet vikke. Dekking i såraden med sagflis slo heldig ut, både med hensyn til avling, ugraseffekt og effekt på gulrotsuger. Kombinasjonen vikke /sagflis kom best ut m.h.t. gulrotsuger. Resultatene viser at det er  ikke uten problemer å kombinere en levende dekkekultur med en sådd radkultur


Nematodes (roundworms) are microscopic vermiform animals. Most nematodes live in soil or in fresh water and marine sediments. Nematodes (Phylum Nematoda) has experienced more than 600 million years of evolution and form 80% of the multicellular animals on planet earth. The population densities of nematodes often reach several million individuals per m2. Most species are free-living, feeding on microorganisms, microscopic plants and animals. Numerous species, however, are parasites of humans, animals and plants. Nematodes may be beneficial to man as regulators of nutrient cycling or as parasites of insect pests. The study of plant parasitic nematodes, nematology, is a young scientific dicipline. Although, the first plant parasitic nematode, i.e. the wheat seed-gall nematode Anguina tritici, was observed as early as in 1743, nematology as a science did not develop until the second half of the 19th century. The economic impact of nematodes as parasites of agricultural crops was recognised as late as in the 1940:ties, and was a consequence of the increased use of chemicals. The economic loss caused by nematodes to world agriculture may amount to 80 billion US$ annually. Plant parasitic nematodes are of particular importance in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. At present the full importance of these parasites may be much underestimated due to the frequent use of nematicides. However, as a result of future restrictions in the use of chemical treatments against nematodes, the damage caused by these parasites can be expected to increase dramatically. Future successful management of both harmful and beneficial nematodes would require increased knowledge of nematode biology. This can only be achieved by an increased research and education in nematology.


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