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Rapporten dokumenterer innsamlede data fra overvåkingsprogrammet 3Q for Rogaland. Det er samlet inn data om jordbruksareal i drift, og hvilke arealtyper som ligger rundt jordbruksarealet i en 100 meter bred buffersone. Rapporten presenterer også arealendringer. Videre er det rapportert forekomst og endringer av ulike elementer i jordbrukslandskapet. Dette er elementer som kan ha betydning for biologisk mangfold, tilgjengelighet og muligheten for effektiv bruk av arealene. Blant annet beregnes jordstykkestørrelse og endringer i jordstykkestørrelse. Eksempler på elementer som registreres er trerekker langs vei, åkerholmer, stier og dammer, men det registreres også bygninger og høyspentmaster innen jordbruksarealet og i området rundt jordbruksarealet.


Rapporten dokumenterer innsamlede data fra overvåkingsprogrammet 3Q for Sogn og Fjordane. Det er samlet inn data om jordbruksareal i drift, og hvilke arealtyper som ligger rundt jordbruksarealet i en 100 meter bred buffersone. Rapporten presenterer også arealendringer. Videre er det rapportert forekomst og endringer av ulike elementer i jordbrukslandskapet. Dette er elementer som kan ha betydning for biologisk mangfold, tilgjengelighet og muligheten for effektiv bruk av arealene. Blant annet beregnes jordstykkestørrelse og endringer i ordstykkestørrelse. Eksempler på elementer som registreres er trerekker langs vei, åkerholmer, stier og dammer, men det registreres også bygninger og høyspentmaster innen jordbruksarealet og i området rundt jordbruksarealet.


Rapporten dokumenterer innsamlede data fra overvåkingsprogrammet 3Q for Troms. Det er samlet inn data om jordbruksareal i drift, og hvilke arealtyper som ligger rundt jordbruksarealet i en 100 meter bred buffersone. Rapporten presenterer også arealendringer. Videre er det rapportert forekomst og endringer av ulike elementer i jordbrukslandskapet. Dette er elementer som kan ha betydning for biologisk mangfold, tilgjengelighet og muligheten for effektiv bruk av arealene. Blant annet beregnes jordstykkestørrelse og endringer i jordstykkestørrelse. Eksempler på elementer som registreres er trerekker langs vei, åkerholmer, stier og dammer, men det registreres også bygninger og høyspentmaster innen jordbruksarealet og i området rundt jordbruksarealet.

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Buskskvetten (Saxicola rubetra) er en fugleart knyttet til jordbrukslandskapet i Norge. Den har hatt en tydelig bestandsnedgang i Sverige og flere andre land i Europa. Resultatene fra fugleovervåkingen ved NIBIO i perioden 2000-2017 viser nå at buskskvetten har hatt en betydelig nedgang i utbredelse og antall hekkende fugl også her.

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Aim Species–area relationships (SARs) are fundamental scaling laws in ecology although their shape is still disputed. At larger areas, power laws best represent SARs. Yet, it remains unclear whether SARs follow other shapes at finer spatial grains in continuous vegetation. We asked which function describes SARs best at small grains and explored how sampling methodology or the environment influence SAR shape. Location Palaearctic grasslands and other non‐forested habitats. Taxa Vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. Methods We used the GrassPlot database, containing standardized vegetation‐plot data from vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens spanning a wide range of grassland types throughout the Palaearctic and including 2,057 nested‐plot series with at least seven grain sizes ranging from 1 cm2 to 1,024 m2. Using nonlinear regression, we assessed the appropriateness of different SAR functions (power, power quadratic, power breakpoint, logarithmic, Michaelis–Menten). Based on AICc, we tested whether the ranking of functions differed among taxonomic groups, methodological settings, biomes or vegetation types. Results The power function was the most suitable function across the studied taxonomic groups. The superiority of this function increased from lichens to bryophytes to vascular plants to all three taxonomic groups together. The sampling method was highly influential as rooted presence sampling decreased the performance of the power function. By contrast, biome and vegetation type had practically no influence on the superiority of the power law. Main conclusions We conclude that SARs of sessile organisms at smaller spatial grains are best approximated by a power function. This coincides with several other comprehensive studies of SARs at different grain sizes and for different taxa, thus supporting the general appropriateness of the power function for modelling species diversity over a wide range of grain sizes. The poor performance of the Michaelis–Menten function demonstrates that richness within plant communities generally does not approach any saturation, thus calling into question the concept of minimal area.

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We report an observation of a flightless fledgling Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus (Linnaeus, 1758)) at a long-term study site near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, in late July 2018. Based on our observations of longspur nests at the site dating back to 1993, we estimate that the fledgling observed in 2018 may have originated from a nest initiated 12–37 d later than nesting in previous years. Onset of spring in 2018 was late, but comparable with other years in which longspur nests were observed a full calendar month earlier than in 2018. An analysis including multiple candidate predictor variables revealed a strong negative association between estimated longspur nest initiation dates and mean May temperature, as well as a weaker association with the length of the annual period of vegetation green up at the site. Given the limitations of our data, however, we are unable to assign causality to the 2018 observation, and cannot rule out other possibilities, such as that it may have resulted from a second clutch.

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Aim: Many countries lack informative, high‐resolution, wall‐to‐wall vegetation or land cover maps. Such maps are useful for land use and nature management, and for input to regional climate and hydrological models. Land cover maps based on remote sensing data typically lack the required ecological information, whereas traditional field‐based mapping is too expensive to be carried out over large areas. In this study, we therefore explore the extent to which distribution modelling (DM) methods are useful for predicting the current distribution of vegetation types (VT) on a national scale. Location: Mainland Norway, covering ca. 324,000 km2. Methods: We used presence/absence data for 31 different VTs, mapped wall‐to‐wall in an area frame survey with 1081 rectangular plots of 0.9 km2. Distribution models for each VT were obtained by logistic generalised linear modelling, using stepwise forward selection with an F‐ratio test. A total of 116 explanatory variables, recorded in 100 m × 100 m grid cells, were used. The 31 models were evaluated by applying the AUC criterion to an independent evaluation dataset. Results: Twenty‐one of the 31 models had AUC values higher than 0.8. The highest AUC value (0.989) was obtained for Poor/rich broadleaf deciduous forest, whereas the lowest AUC (0.671) was obtained for Lichen and heather spruce forest. Overall, we found that rare VTs are predicted better than common ones, and coastal VTs are predicted better than inland ones. Conclusions: Our study establishes DM as a viable tool for spatial prediction of aggregated species‐based entities such as VTs on a regional scale and at a fine (100 m) spatial resolution, provided relevant predictor variables are available. We discuss the potential uses of distribution models in utilizing large‐scale international vegetation surveys. We also argue that predictions from such models may improve parameterisation of vegetation distribution in earth system models.