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Hundreogseks fuglearter er registrert i Lånan. Rundt 30 av disse hekker regelmessing i øyværet og de mest tallrike artene er ærfugl, gråmåke, svartbak, sildemåke, tjeld, steinskvett, skjærpiplerke og rødstilk. Sammenstilling av tidligere registreringer er grunnlaget for rapporten, supplert med en feltbefaring den 17. juni 2009. Denne undersøkelsen av fuglelivet i Lånan er et supplement til viltkartleggingen i Vega-skjærgården utført av viltkartlegger Ånen Munkejord i 2007.


En konsekvensutreding er utført for en foreslått utfylling i Leiråa brakkvannsdelta, innerst i Tosenfjorden i Brønnøy kommune. Med bakgrunn i de registrerte vegetasjonstypene og viltregistreringene gis naturtypen brakkvannsdelta ved Borkamo liten verdi. Omfanget av en eventuell utfylling vurderes som stort negativt (-2). Ved å kombinere verdi og omfang vil dette medføre en middels negativ konsekvens (--) for naturmiljøet i og ved Leiråa brakkvannsdelta. Avbøtende tiltak er foreslått.


Vi ser i dag en stadig økende interesse for tradisjonsrik og lokal mat både hos produsenter og forbrukere. Matproduksjonen i fjellet er basert på det lokale beitegrunnlaget og lokale tradisjoner. Denne formen for beitebruk kan bidra til produksjon av mat med merverdi i form av et åpent seterlandskap og et rikt plantemangfold, samt bygninger og ferdselsårer som holdes i stand.


Introduksjonen av fremmede arter regnes som en av de største truslene mot verdens biologiske mangfold. Norge har ratifisert Rio-konvensjonen om stans av tap av biologisk mangfold innen 2010, og har dermed også forpliktet seg til å redusere utbredelsen av fremmede arter. I 2007 utarbeidet Miljøverndepartementet en nasjonal strategi for tiltak mot fremmede arter . Rynkerose er en av artene som er i spredning og som utgjør en trussel i mange verneområder.

Til dokument


Analysing forest history is crucial to understanding how shifting harvesting methods have different effects on forest landscape structure. Two main harvesting regimes in a Norwegian boreal forest landscape over a period of 150 years were detected by the study. A homogeneous impact regime resulting from selective logging changed the forest structure by logging the oldest and largest trees evenly throughout the forest, resulting in a homogeneous landscape structure. However, population growth in the 19th century led to a substantial increase in traditional subsistence forestry to obtain building materials, firewood, etc. The most intensive stage of this regime started in c.1860 when farmers began selling logging contracts to companies and timber traders. Despite this being termed a homogeneous landscape impact, the actual exploitation of the forest was strongly influenced by local factors such as the location of farms, summer farms, lakes, and rivers. Clear-cutting from the 1950s has resulted in a new heterogeneous impact regime, giving a landscape structure dominated by patches of even-aged stands. This regime still predominates. The analysis is based on a study of Nordli and the Sandøla drainage basin in Nord-Trøndelag. Such studies should give a better understanding of the interaction between natural ecological conditions in and human impact on boreal forest landscapes.


Næringsrike veikanter langs dyrka mark inneholder ofte store og hurtigvoksende planter som hundekjeks, kveke og brennesle. Slike kanter bidrar effektivt med frø av uønska arter til dyrkamark og bidrar til å hemme sikten langs veien. For å hemme utviklingen av slike veikanter er det nødvendig med langsiktige slåttetiltak.


Food quality labels linked to landscape, climate and geographical origin are favorable tools for rural development. Our project will link the benefits of farm animals grazing on mountain pasture to quality of local artisan food products. Then the French word "terroir" meaning the sense of place and defined as the impact of the soil, the climatic condition and the vegetation on the products could be used in marketing. Today"s consumers are looking for more than nutrition from their food; it should contribute to their health, they are looking for enjoyment, and they require a high ethical standard in the food production. Unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants like carotenoids and polyphenols are considered important nutraceuticals according to many health benefits.These compounds are also used in traceability of animal feeding diet in the meat and milk products. Plant biomarkers are compounds that are not synthesized by animals, but occur in the food products due to the animals diet. Carotenoids and polyphenols are examples of such direct plant biomarkers, while fatty acids are metabolic markers deriving from animal metabolism and are called indirect markers. The objectives of the project are to document "terroir-effects" and high food quality that may give added values to the products and a better price in the market.The study is carried out in two representative summer-farming areas in Central Norway. Two summer-farms in Budalen (Forollhogna and Teijavollen) and one in Østerdalen (Gjermundshaug) participated in the study. Subalpine/alpine pastures are the main fodder source in the summer farming period, but all farmers use supplementary feeding consisting of concentrates in different quantities (3 kg - 7.5 kg per day). The analyzed local food was sour creams produced at the summer farms by the farmers. The reference product was an industrially produced (TINE) sour cream, based on different types of pastures, mostly high productive species, less species rich lowland pastures or silage and supplementary feeding by concentrates. In the last week before milk samples (for production of the test products) were taken in middle of August, herbs and grass samples from pastures belonging to the different summer farms were collected. The plants were frozen (dry ice) and transported together with samples of sour cream from each summer farm to the laboratory. Sour creams were analysed for composition and content of a range of fatty acids, carotenoids and content of total polyphenols. In addition a sensory preferencetest of the three summer-farm sour creams together with that from TINE was performed.Results showed that sour cream from mountain pastures in Teijavollen and Forollhogna has the same amount of a-linolenic acid (C18:3) in the pasture, 56.7 and 56.0 %, respectively. The sour cream from Forollhogna has significantly more of the healthy polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18:3) even if tless water content is taken into account. Probably these results could be explained by differences in metabolism in the two herds (low yielding Norwegian dairy breed versus the modern, moderate yielding dairy breed Norwegian Red (NRF), but also by differences in use of supplementary feeding of concentrates.  Only small amounts of CLA are  generally found in the pasture while sour cream from Forollhogna has nearly the double amount as the industrial produced sour cream from Tine. The amounts of polyphenols and carotenoids in sour cream and pastures from the mountains were also compared. The more polyphenols and carotenoids in the grazing  areas the more were found in the sour creams.  Two mountain sour creams and Tine factory sour cream were analysed in a sensory ranking test. No significant differences (P