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Given the right climatic and environmental conditions, a range of microorganisms can deteriorate wood. Decay by basidiomycete fungi accounts for significant volumes of wood in service that need to be replaced. In this study, a short-wave infrared hyperspectral camera was used to explore the possibilities of using spectral imaging technology for the fast and non-destructive detection of fungal decay. The study encompassed different degradation stages of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens inoculated with monocultures of either a brown rot fungus (Rhodonia placenta Fr.) or a white rot fungus (Trametes versicolor L.). The research questions were if the hyperspectral camera can profile fungal wood decay and whether it also can differentiate between decay mechanisms of brown rot and white rot decay. The data analysis employed Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression with the mass loss percentage as the response variable. For all models, the mass loss could be predicted from the wavelength range 1460–1600 nm, confirming the reduction in cellulose. A single PLS component could describe the mass loss to a high degree (90%). The distinction between decay by brown or white rot fungi was made based on spectral peaks around 1680 and 2240 nm, related to lignin.


Tree defense against xylem pathogens involves both constitutive and induced phenylpropanoids and terpenoids. The induced defenses include compartmentalization of compromised wood with a reaction zone (RZ) characterized by polyphenol deposition, whereas the role of terpenoids has remained poorly understood. To further elucidate the tree–pathogen interaction, we profiled spatial patterns in lignan (low-molecular-weight polyphenols) and terpenoid content in Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees showing heartwood colonization by the pathogenic white-rot fungus Heterobasidion parviporum. There was pronounced variation in the amount and composition of lignans between different xylem tissue zones of diseased and healthy trees. Intact RZ at basal stem regions, where colonization is the oldest, showed the highest level and diversity of these compounds. The antioxidant properties of lignans obviously hinder oxidative degradation of wood: RZ with lignans removed by extraction showed significantly higher mass loss than unextracted RZ when subjected to Fenton degradation. The reduced diversity and amount of lignans in pathogen-compromised RZ and decaying heartwood in comparison to intact RZ and healthy heartwood suggest that α-conindendrin isomer is an intermediate metabolite in lignan decomposition by H. parviporum. Diterpenes and diterpene alcohols constituted above 90% of the terpenes detected in sapwood of healthy and diseased trees. A significant finding was that traumatic resin canals, predominated by monoterpenes, were commonly associated with RZ. The findings clarify the roles and fate of lignan during wood decay and raise questions about the potential roles of terpenoids in signal transduction, synthesis, and translocation of defense compounds upon wood compartmentalization against decay fungi.