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The potential impact of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on aquatic organisms is to a large extent determined by theirbioavailability through different routes of exposure. In the present study juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were exposed todifferent sources of radiolabeled Ag (radiolabeled110mAg NPs and110mAgNO3). After 48 h of waterborne exposure to 3mg/Lcitrate stabilized110mAg NPs or110mAgNO3, or a dietary exposure to 0.6mg Ag/kg fish (given as citrate stabilized or uncoated110mAg NPs, or110mAgNO3), Ag had been taken up in fish regardless of route of exposure or source of Ag (Ag NPs or AgNO3).Waterborne exposure led to high Ag concentrations on the gills, and dietary exposure led to high concentrations in thegastrointestinal tract. Silver distribution to the target organs was similar for both dietary and waterborne exposure, with the liveras the main target organ. The accumulation level of Ag was 2 to 3 times higher for AgNO3than for Ag NPs when exposure wasthrough water, whereas no significant differences were seen after dietary exposure. The transfer (Bq/g liver/g food or water)from exposure through water was 4 orders of magnitude higher than from feed using the smallest, citrate-stabilized Ag NPs(4 nm). The smallest NPs had a 5 times higher bioavailability in food compared with the larger and uncoated Ag NPs (20 nm).Despite the relatively low transfer of Ag from diet to fish, the short lifetime of Ag NPs in water and their transfer to sediment,feed, or sediment-dwelling food sources such as larvae and worms could make diet a significant long-term exposure route.

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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonise roots of most plants; their extra-radical mycelium (ERM) extends into the soil and acquires nutrients for the plant. The ERM coexists with soil microbial communities and it is unresolved whether these communities stimulate or suppress the ERM activity. This work studied the prevalence of suppressed ERM activity and identified main components behind the suppression. ERM activity was determined by quantifying ERM-mediated P uptake from radioisotope-labelled unsterile soil into plants, and compared to soil physicochemical characteristics and soil microbiome composition. ERM activity varied considerably and was greatly suppressed in 4 of 21 soils. Suppression was mitigated by soil pasteurisation and had a dominating biotic component. AMF-suppressive soils had high abundances of Acidobacteria, and other bacterial taxa being putative fungal antagonists. Suppression was also associated with low soil pH, but this effect was likely indirect, as the relative abundance of, e.g., Acidobacteria decreased after liming. Suppression could not be transferred by adding small amounts of suppressive soil to conducive soil, and thus appeared to involve the common action of several taxa. The presence of AMF antagonists resembles the phenomenon of disease-suppressive soils and implies that ecosystem services of AMF will depend strongly on the specific soil microbiome.


Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg problemstillinger knyttet til analyse av mikroplast i prøver med høyt innhold av organisk materiale. Bioresten fra storskala biogassanlegg benyttes til produksjon av biogjødsel. Biogjødsel er næringsrik gjødsel, ettertraktet i jordbruksnæringen. En andel av plastmaterialer ført inn i biogassanleggene, ender opp i biogjødselen som mikroplast. Det er derfor behov for kvalitativ og kvantitativ bestemmelse av plastmaterialer i biogjødselen. Målet for studiet var å prøve ut metoder for kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse av mikroplast i organisk avfall. I studiet ble tre metoder for prøveopparbeidelse til analyse av mikroplast gjennom kjemisk fordøying, sammenliknet. Metodene som ble testet var: I) Oppløsning av organisk materiale i en løsning av NaOH:CO(NH2)2:CH4N2S, etterfulgt av våt oksidasjon med 33% H2O2. II) II) Oppløsning av organisk materiale i en løsning av 10M NaOH, etterfulgt av våt oksidasjon med 33% H2O2. III) III) Våt oksidasjon med 33% H2O2 tilsatt Fe(II)-katalysator. Et batchforsøkt ble benyttet for å studere hvordan ulike trinn i ved biogassproduksjonsanleggene påvirker plastmaterialene ført inn i anlegget, som en del av biomassen. Plastmaterialet fra matavfallsposen benyttet til innhenting av matavfall i Oslo-området, ble tilsatt til en biomasse av syntetisk matavfall. Plasten ble så undersøkt for endringer av fysisk struktur og kjemisk signatur, etter å ha gjennomgått behandlinger tilsvarende biomasseproduksjonsprosessen ved ett storskala biogassanlegg. Analysen av mikroplast ble utført ved skanning-elektronmikroskop (SEM) og simultan termisk analyse med fouriertransformert infrarød spektroskopi (STA/FTIR). I tillegg til batchforsøket ble mikroplast analysert i prøver av fast og flytende biogjødsel, fra Lindum og Romerike biogassanlegg. Studiet har vist at det er mulig å bestemme hvilke plastmaterialer som er tilstede i en prøve av substrat, biorest eller biogjødsel etter kjemisk fordøying, ved bruk av analyseprinsippet STA/FTIR. Metoden for kjemisk fordøying testet i dette studiet, viste seg egnet for å oppkonsentrere plastmaterialene fra en kompleks prøvematriks. Videre utvikling av metode for kjemisk fordøying, vil være nødvendig for å utarbeide en standardisert prosedyre for analyse av mikroplast i komplekse prøvematrikser, som biogjødsel. Studiet viser også at det er behov for et komplett FTIR-biblioteker, for å kunne presist identifisere og deretter kvantifiserte mengden plastmateriale i prøvematerialet.


Sewage sludge is a significant phosphorus resource that should be better utilized in the plant production than today. However, phosphorus in sludge produced after precipitation with aluminium and iron coagulants have low plant availability. This article presents results from plant growth experiments where plant available phosphorus in lime precipitated sewage sludge from Bokerøya and Skådevika wastewater treatment plants was studied. Both wastewater treatment plants normally use iron as coagulant aid, but Skådevika produced in addition a sludge to the experiments without using iron. The growth experiments included a pot experiment in greenhouse with three harvests of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and a two-year field experiment in cereals in Southeast Norway. The results showed that precipitation with lime gives a sludge with higher plant availability of phosphorus than what is earlier found for aluminium/ iron precipitated sludge. This was special the case with moderate use of iron as coagulant aid.