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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important in plant nutrient uptake, but their function is prone to environmental constraints including soil factors that may suppress AMF transfer of phosphorus (P) from the soil to the plant. The objective of this study was to disentangle the biotic and abiotic components of AMF-suppressive soils. Suppression was measured in terms of AMF-mediated plant uptake of 33P mixed into a patch of soil and treatments included soil sterilization, soil mixing, pH manipulation and inoculation with isolated soil fungi. The degree of suppression was compared to volatile organic compound (VOC) production by isolated fungi and to multi-element analysis of soils. For a selected suppressive soil, sterilization and soil mixing experiments confirmed a biotic component of suppression. A Fusarium isolate from that soil suppressed the AMF activity and produced greater amounts than other fungal isolates of the antimicrobial VOC trichodiene (a trichothecene toxin precursor), beta-chamigrene, alpha-cuprenene and p-xylene. These metabolites deserve further attention when unravelling the chemical background behind the suppression of AMF activity by soil microorganisms. For the abiotic component of suppression, soil liming and acidification experiments confirmed that suppression was strongest at low pH. The pH effect might be associated with changed availability of specific suppressive elements. Indeed 33P uptake from the soil patches correlated negatively to Al levels and Al toxicity seems to play a major role in the AMF suppressiveness at pH below 5.0–5.2. However, the documentation of a biotic component of suppression for both low and high pH soils leads to the conclusion that biotic and abiotic components of suppression may act in parallel in some soils. The current insight into the components of soil suppressiveness of the AMF activity aids to develop management practices that allow for optimization of AMF functionality.

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Given the increasing attention on the occurrence of microplastics in the environment, and the potential envi-ronmental threats they pose, there is a need for researchers to move quickly from basic understanding to applied science that supports decision makers in finding feasible mitigation measures and solutions. At the same time, they must provide sufficient, accurate and clear information to the media, public and other relevant groups (e.g., NGOs). Key requirements include systematic and coordinated research efforts to enable evidence-based decision making and to develop efficient policy measures on all scales (national, regional and global). To achieve this, collaboration between key actors is essential and should include researchers from multiple disciplines, policy-makers, authorities, civil and industry organizations, and the public. This further requires clear and informative communication processes, and open and continuous dialogues between all actors. Cross-discipline dialogues between researchers should focus on scientific quality and harmonization, defining and accurately communi-cating the state of knowledge, and prioritization of topics that are critical for both research and policy, with the common goal to establish and update action plans for holistic benefit. In Norway, cross-sectoral collaboration has been fundamental in supporting the national strategy to address plastic pollution. Researchers, stakeholders and the environmental authorities have come together to exchange knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and set targeted and feasible measures to tackle one of the most challenging aspects of plastic pollution: microplastic. In this article, we present a Norwegian perspective on the state of knowledge on microplastic research efforts. Norway’s involvement in international efforts to combat plastic pollution aims at serving as an example of how key actors can collaborate synergistically to share knowledge, address shortcomings, and outline ways forward to address environmental challenges.


Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra fem flerårige feltforsøk med avløpsslam, det ene med resultater fra ti år. Formålene med forsøkene var å bedre kunnskapen om plantetilgjengelighet av fosforet i slammet og å undersøke den mulige miljøeffekten av å tilføre slam til jordbruksarealer. Resultatene viser at kalket avløpsslam kan gi en betydelig økning i jordas innhold av lett løselig fosfor, mens ukalkede slamtyper hadde enten ingen effekt eller en tendens til negativ effekt på innholdet av lett løselig fosfor. Avløpsslam hadde en positiv, men kortvarig effekt på jordstruktur og kan dermed redusere erosjon den første tiden etter tilførsel. Resultater fra et avrenningsforsøk viste at slam som gir økning i jordas P-AL-nivå, ga en større andel løst fosfat i overflateavrenningen. Det ble funnet økt konsentrasjon av tungmetallene sink og kobber i kornet første året etter slamtilførsel.


Fangvekstenes bladmasse beskytter jorda og kan redusere erosjon og tap av partikkelbundet fosfor, men i kaldt vinterklima kan fosfor i bladmassen gi opphav til tap av løst fosfat ved overflateavrenning. Resultater fra et fire-årig forsøk viste at tapene av løst fosfat var lavt og i liten grad påvirket av pløyetidspunkt og fangvekst i tre av forsøksårene. I et år med barfrost, derimot, var tapene av løst fosfat betydelig høyere fra vårpløyde ruter enn fra høstpløyde ruter, begge med vårkorn.