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Microplastics ending up in nature as a result of end-of-life processes for plastic packaging is a serious environmental concern, and was addressed in the Packnoplast project through sampling at three sites: one biogas facility in Norway and two thermoplastic recycling plants, one in Norway and one in The Netherlands. The amounts of microplastics ending up in soil from biogas digestate was estimated to represent 0.4-2 mg/kg soil per year if 6 t/daa of biogas digestate is used as fertilizer. Food packaging is estimated to represent 75% of this. The amounts of microplastics measured are significant, but too small to affect soil properties even on a time-scale of decades. The risk of adverse effects on soil quality, plant growth or soil organisms seem very low at the current predicted rates of plastic inputs to soil. Since plastics are virtually non-degradable, they are still prone to accumulate in soil, and waste streams recycled to soil need to address and prevent plastic contamination even better than today. Thermoplastic recycling plants are handling large amounts of plastic, and during processes in the plant, microplastics are generated. Concentrations of microplastic particles varied from 7 to 51 particles per lite rin the effluent water from the two plants. Discharges of effluent water are often through the sewer system and/or into a water body. Today regulations regarding discharges of microplastics are missing. Sand filter treatment of the effluent water was a promising treatment technique to remove the microplastics. Background concentrations of microplastics, comparable to pristine areas, were found in blue mussels sampled outside the thermoplastic recycling plant in Norway. Knowledge about the risk imposed by microplastics to the aquatic environment is today not known.

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Prediction of the relative phosphorus (P) fertiliser value of bio-based fertiliser products is agronomically important, but previous attempts to develop prediction models have often failed due to the high chemical complexity of bio-based fertilisers and the limited number of products included in analyses. In this study, regression models for prediction were developed using independently produced data from 10 different studies on crop growth responses to P applied with bio-based fertiliser products, resulting in a dataset with 69 products. The 69 fertiliser products were organised into four sub-groups, based on the inorganic P compounds most likely to be present in each product. Within each product group, multiple regression was conducted using mineral fertiliser equivalents (MFE) as response variable and three potential explanatory variables derived from chemical analysis, all reflecting inorganic P binding in the fertiliser products: i) NaHCO3-soluble P, ii) molar ratio of calcium (Ca):P and iii) molar ratio of aluminium+iron (Al+Fe):P. The best regression model fit was achieved for sewage sludges with Al-/Fe-bound P (n = 20; R2 = 79.2%), followed by sewage sludges with Ca-bound P (n = 11; R2 = 71.1%); fertiliser products with Ca-bound P (n = 29; R2 = 58.2%); and thermally treated sewage sludge products (n=9;R2=44.9%). Even though external factors influencing P fertiliser values (e.g. fertiliser shape, application form, soil characteristics) differed between the underlying studies and were not considered, the suggested prediction models provide potential for more efficient P recycling in practice.


Grønne tak tas i bruk i økende grad for å møte utfordringene med ekstrem nedbør og håndtering av overvann i byer og tettsteder. Biokull er et kortreist og karbonnegativt materiale som kan brukes som en komponent i jord til grønne tak. Her er noen erfaringer NIBIO har gjort på dette området gjennom forskning og utprøving av ulike konsepter.


Green roofs are increasingly being used to meet the challenges of extreme rainfall and surface water management in cities and towns. Biochar is a locally sourced and carbon-negative material that can be used as a substrate component for green roofs. Here are some experiences NIBIO has gained in this area through research and testing of various concept.

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Proper treatment of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste is challenge as it is not easily degraded and incineration can lead to environmental issue as it will produce toxic chemicals. In this study, a hydrothermal carbonization approach was applied to treat PVC waste. The influence of exogenous additives on dechlorination efficiency of PVC were evaluated. The results showed that, with exogenous additive, substitution, elimination, dehydration and aromatization reaction were enhanced during hydrothermal carbonization. The maximum dechlorination efficiency of 97.50% was achieved with the mass ratio of 1.4% between rice straw and PVC resin at hydrothermal carbonization temperature 240℃ for 120min. The calorific value of hydrothermal charcoal was relatively higher (39.57MJ/kg ± 0.40MJ/kg), indicating a good combustion process. This study presented a novel and sustainable approach, which could convert PVC-waste as a form of solid fuel.

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Anaerobic digestion of animal slurry to produce biogas is the dominated treatment approach and a storage period is normally applied prior to digestion. Pre-storage, however, contributes to CH4 emissions and results in loss of biogas potential. Manure management was found to be an efficient approach to reduce not only the on-site CH4 emission but may also have extended influence on CH4 emission/losses for storage and subsequent biogas process, while the connection remains unclear. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate the impact of slurry management (e.g. removal frequency) on CH4 emission (both on-site and storage process prior to biogas) and biogas yield. An experimental pig house for growing-finishing pigs (30–110 kg) and the relevant CH4 emission was monitored for one year. In addition, the specific CH4 activity (SMA) test was conducted and used as an alternative indicator to reflect the impact. Results showed that the manure management affected both on-site and subsequent methane emission; with increased manure removal frequencies, the methane emission became less dependent on variation of temperatures and the specific methanogenesis activity was significantly lower. The highest SMA (100 mL CH4 gVS-1), for instance, was observed from the slurries with limited emptied times, which was 10 times of that from the slurries being emptied three times a week. These findings could enlighten the development of environmentally friendly strategies for animal slurry management and biogas production.