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I 2004 og 2005 ble det utført en del feltforsøk for å undersøke effekten av to kommersielle preparater av nyttenematoder, Nemasys H og Nemsays L, mot larver av veksthussnutebillen. Resultatene viser at Nemasys H har ingen eller svært dårlig virkning når gjennomsnittstemperaturen i jorda (5-10 cm dybde) faller under 12 grader. For Nemasys L var virkningen ved slik lav temperatur noe bedre, men ikke så god som forventet. Langtidsvirkningen av nematodeutslippetne er ikke undersøkt, men basert på erfaringer fra feltforsøk utført hittil anbefales det å behandle med Nemasys H om høsten eller tidlig på våren når jordtemperaturen er 12 grader eller mer.


Sammendrag av foredrag som ble holdt på engelsk på et COST-møte om nyttenematoder i Italia i juni 2005. Foredraget tok for seg biologien til jordbærsnutebille og bringebærbille og så på mulighetene for å bekjempe dem med nematoder. Se engelsk versjon for mer informasjon



In this survey of 2002, 600 samples were collected from 83 forest blocks in the counties Akershus, Buskerud, Oppland and Østfold. The sampling activity involved 16 municipallities situated mainly within the three zone sites A, B, and C. Samples from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) formed 89%, while samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies) made up 10% of the total sample volume. Timber and forest debris were the most common objects sampled. Sixty-five percent of the pine samples and 81% of the spruce samples showed signs of Monochamus activity. Nematodes were common and occurred in 94% of the samples analysed. Thirteen samples of pinewood were positive for the genus Bursaphelenchus. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was recorded for the third time in Norway, and was detected in forest debris attacked by Monochamus at Bjørdalen in the municipality of Eidsberg in the county of Østfold. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was not detected in this survey.


In this survey of 2003, 600 samples were collected from 96 forest blocks in the counties of Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder in southern Norway. The sampling activity involved 19 municipalities situated mainly within the two zone sites D and E close to Kristiansand and Arendal. Samples from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) formed 92%, while samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies) made up 8% of the total sample volume. Timber and forest debris was the most common objects sampled. Ninety-eight percent of the samples, regardless of tree species, showed signs of Monochamus activity. Nematodes were common and occurred in 90% of the samples analysed. Eight samples of pinewood were positive for the genus Bursaphelenchus. This genus did not occur in spruce. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus was detected in 6 samples of forest debris of pine attacked by Monochamus and collected in the county of Aust-Agder. In the municipality of Evje and Hornes B. mucronatus was detected at Skjerkelia and Sutestad. In the municipality of Froland the nematode was found in two samples from Budalsfjellet, and in one sample from Mjålandsvatn. In the municipality of Birkenes one sample from Vågsdalen contained B. mucronatus. This is the fourth report on the occurrence of B. mucronatus in Norway. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was not detected.


The sun is an abundant energy source, and increasing efforts are made to find more efficient ways to exploit it, than commonly used today. Hydrogen is considered to be the energy carrier of the future, and the potential for a sustainable system where hydrogen is obtained directly from solar energy, has been studied extensively. One alternative is the process of biophotolysis. Sulfur starvation of the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is known to cause hydrogen production under illumination, by biophotolysis where solar energy is used to produce significant amounts of hydrogen involving parts of the photosynthetic process. So far, little is known about this process in other species, and in this work we have investigated different species of green algae with respect to hydrogen production under sulfur starvation. A number of algae cultures were screened with respect to physiological response to sulfur deprivation in small-scale laboratory cultures under controlled conditions. Test parameters included hydrogen production, reduction of oxygen production, changes in morphology and other aspects of physiology. Investigations of oxygen sensitivity of hydrogenases were also performed. It was shown that other species than C. reinhardtii are able to produce hydrogen under sulfur deprivation.


Most energy carriers that are in common use today originate from solar energy. Hydrogen is considered to be the energy carrier of the future, and the potential for a sustainable system where hydrogen is obtained directly from solar energy, has been studied by several researchers over the years. Several groups of microorganisms have shown the ability to produce hydrogen by natural biological processes using solar energy. Efforts have been made to understand the mechanisms involved in photobiological hydrogen production from these organisms, and to optimise the process. This work has recently resulted in a significant breakthrough. It  has been discovered that some species of green algae have the ability to produce significant amounts of hydrogen during sulphur starvation, which allows hydrogen to be produced in light. However, very little is known about how this process varies between species. We have chosen to investigate green algae, with the intention to examine a variety of species for hydrogen production during sulphur starvation. A number of algae cultures were screened with respect to physiological response to sulphur deprivation in small-scale laboratory cultures under controlled conditions. Results from both marine and fresh water algae will be presented. 


Protein variability of 27 populations of cyst nematodes belonging to the Heterodera avenae complex were studied using isoelectric focusing (IEF). Sixteen Norwegian populations were compared with standard populations of H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. mani and H. arenaria. Norwegian populations were also tested for pathotype on selected cereal cultivars. Based on differences in the protein banding pattern, eight clusters of populations could be recognised. Nine Norwegian populations grouped together with H. avenae standards. The three Swedish populations: Knislinge, Ringsåsen and Våxtorp, previously classified as H. avenae, differed from this species, from H. filipjevi and from each other. Four Norwegian populations clustered together with the Våxtorp population. Two Norwegian populations formed a cluster together with a Swedish H. filipjevi standard. The Norwegian population Brekstad differed from all other populations, as did the standards of H. mani and H. arenaria. Pathotype testing of the Norwegian populations identified ten populations as H. avenae pathotype Ha 11, while three were close to pathotype Ha 12. The two H. filipjevi populations were close to the Swedish pathotype west. The Brekstad population differed from all others also in host spectrum. This population and the Våxtorp-group demonstrate a complexity within the Norwegian cereal cyst nematodes that merits further investigation.


Summary. During the years 1995 to1999 a survey was carried out to study the occurrence of Heterodera spp. in cereals in Norway. Cereal cyst nematodes were found widespread in all the principal cereal growing areas. A formerly unidentified species of cereal cyst nematode, belonging to the "Heterodera avenae complex", is recorded for the first time, heavily parasitising winter rye in the Sandefjord region. Comparative studies, including morphology, protein variability and virulence pattern, of two Norwegian populations with known Swedish H. avenae and H. filipjevi populations confirmed the presence of Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov, 1981) Stelter, 1984 in Norway and constitutes a new geographical record. The pathotype tests demonstrated that the two populations were closest to the Swedish pathotype "West".


Morfologiske karakterer og morfometri til cyster og andre-stadie juveniler for to Heterodera filipjevi-populasjoner fra Norge ble studert og sammenliknet med publiserte data for H. filipjevi. Resultatene fra den morfologiske analysen øker variasjonsbredde til cystekarakterer. Studien gir også ny informasjon om hodets morfologi hos hunnen, cystens kutikula og vulva kjegle, likesom lateralfelt til andre-stadie juvenilen. Disse kompletterende data vil gjøre den morfologiske identifikasjonen av H. filipjevi lettere.