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The role of light in control of cyathia abscission and bract discolouration in poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is unclear. The aim of this work was to study the involvement of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and extended photoperiod from 10 to 13, 16 or 24 hours with supplemental lighting at the end of the culture period on development of bract discoloration at marketing stage of the plants, and the postharvest performance of cyathia abscission in interior climate of two poinsettia cultivars, `Lilo" and `Millenium". The plants were grown at different photoperiods with supplemental PPF of 73 and 146 µmol m-2 s-1 at plant level. The extended supplemental light treatments were given for one, two or three weeks at the final cultivation period before marketing stage. Extended photoperiod from 10 up to 24 h had no influence on discolouration of the bracts as black and greenish areas of the bract in `Millenium". In contrast, `Lilo" developed serious bract discoloration at photoperiods longer than 13 h. The most serious symptom appeared at 24 h and three weeks of exposure time. Extended photoperiods with supplemental lighting enhanced cyathia abscission at the end of the culture time and during the postharvest test in interior climate. `Millenium" had a better ability to retain cyathia than `Lilo". It is concluded that poinsettia plants should be grown in a photoperiod not longer than 13 h in order to maintain a low rate of cyathia abscission at the end of the production period and during the first 2-3 weeks in interior climate.


The relative distribution of PoiBI in different tissues and in different parts ofthe plants was quantified using the comparative Ct method and a new developed TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Five samples were analysed from each of six different nodes equally distributed along the height of the plant. Also samples from the top of the plant, from the stem base and the primary and secondary roots were studied. The quantitative real-time PCR test proved to be a very sensitive test. Highest level of phytoplasma was found in the bark samples while the stem core samples contained little or no detectable phytoplasma. The lack of accumulation of phytoplasma in sink tissues indicates restricted phloem translocation of PoiBI. There were large plant-to-plant variations in PoiBI content and further studies including more plants will be needed in order to reveal the general distribution of PoiBI and its possible correlation to branching in poinsettia.


The pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is indigenous to North America, was introduced to Asia in the early 1900 and now causes severe damage to susceptible pine species in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan. B. xylophilus was included in the A1 list of quarantine organisms by EPPO (European Plant Protection Organization) in 1985. B. xylophilus was reported for the first time in Europe in Portugal in 1999. There are more than 50 described species within the genus Bursaphelenchus worldwide, that are associated with coniferous and deciduous trees and spread by insect vectors. Within this genus is a group of morphologically very similar species; B. xylophilus, B. mucronatus, B. fraudulentus, B. kolymensis, B. conicaudatus and B. luxuriosae. This group of species is often referred to as the "B. xylophilus group". Due to the morphological similarity of the species, identification of Bursaphelenchus species in the B. xylophilus group is difficult. The common method of molecular identification for separating species within the B. xylophilus group is the use of ITS-RFLP (Hoyer et al. 1998). We have developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method with specific primers, and the primers amplified product were 740, 340 and 300 bp for B. xylophilus, B. fraudulentus and B. mucronatus respectively. No cross reactions on the three studied species were observed. In contrast to the previously described PCR-RFLP method, this new method allows detection not only on pure isolates, but also on crude nematode suspensions from wood samples, and it could be very useful for quarantine purposes. References Hoyer U, Burgermeister W, Braasch H 1998 Identification of Bursaphelenchus species (Nematoda, Aphelenchoididae) on the basis of amplified ribosomal DNA (ITS-RFLP). Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 50:273-27. Mota M M, Braasch H, Bravo M A, Penas A C, Burgermeister W, Metge K, and Sousa E 1999. First report of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Portugal and in Europe. Nematology 1:727-734. Smith, I. M. 1985. Pests and disease problems in European forests. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 33:159-164. Yi C, Park J, and Chang K 1989. Occurrence of pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer) Nickle, and its vector, Monochamus alternatus Hope, in Korea. Pages 183-193 in: Proc. IUFRO Reg. Workshop For. Insect Pests and Tree Dis. in NE Asia. For. Prod. Res. Inst., Tsukuba, Japan.



Many different species of microorganisms have one or more hydrogenase enzymes that reduce protons to molecular hydrogen under certain conditions. Upon sulfur deprivation, green algae can produce relatively large amounts of hydrogen in a sustainable process. The majority of research in this field has focused on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, but other species of green algae are also able to produce hydrogen under sulfur deprivation. Using PCR reactions, we examined the presence of hydrogenase genes in marine and fresh water species of green algae that were able to produce hydrogen under sulfur deprived conditions. Primers were designed from conserved regions of the sequence of the two hydrogenase genes in C. reinhardtii, and used to screen for the presence of similar gene sequences in other species. PCR products that were sequenced suggest that genes for hydrogenase are present in C. noctigama and other species. Similarities and differences in the sequences of hydrogenase genes between C. reinhardtii and other species, will be presented.


Blomster er både dekorative og viktig i hverdagslivet vårt. Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzsch, julestjerne (poinsettia på engelsk) er en av de blomstene som har stor symbolverdi og som dyrkes i mange land i verden (Ecke III et al. 2004). Julestjernen har blitt vår mest populære juleblomst. Det produseres faktisk mellom 5 og 6 millioner julestjerner årlig i Norge (Hagen 2004). Julestjernen framviser store variasjoner i forskjellige deler av verden, fra å være høye og busklignende til kompakte potteblomster med mange grener. Mange patogener og skadegjørere kan angripe julestjerne, blant annet virus. Poinsettia mosaic virus (PnMV) og poinsettia latent virus (PnLV) er to virus som ofte infiserer julestjerne. PnMV forårsaker symptomer på bladene slik at kvaliteten blir redusert i følsomme sorter. Vi ønsker å lage PnMV-resistent julestjerne for å kunne få til en julestjerne av ennå høyere kvalitet. I tillegg ønsker vi å bruke samspillet mellom PnMV og julestjerneplanta som et modellsystem for å bygge opp kompetansen på genmodifisering av planter.


Friskt, sortsekte utgangsmateriale for formering av vegetativt formerte vekster er et viktig tiltak for å bekjempe virus og bakterier. Enkelte arter av sopp, nematoder og insekter kan også følge plantematerialet, og et friskt formeringsmateriale er en forutsetning for en vellykket bekjempelse. Prosessen for å framstille et slikt materiale kalles fremavl. Fremavl krever samspill mellom brukere, foredlere, FoU-miljøer, kontrollorganer og politiske myndigheter. Et slikt samspill er godt utviklet i Norge og gir sammen med et kjølig klima og god avstand mellom produksjonsenhetene gode muligheter for produksjon av friskt plantemateriale. Eksempler på vellykket bruk og markedsføring av fremavls-materiale er G3 Ungplanter sin satsning på blomster og E-plant Norge sin produksjon av grøntanleggsplanter.


Karanteneskadegjøreren pepinomosaikkvirus (Pepino mosaic virus) regnes som en av de mest alvorlige virussjukdommene på tomat i Europa. Viruset er svært smittsomt og kan føre til betydelig avlingstap. Det er ikke etablert i norsk tomatproduksjon.


Sharkavirus (Plum pox virus) er en karanteneskadegjører som angriper plomme og noen andre Prunus-arter. Angrep kan medføre nedsatt fruktkvalitet og betydelig avlingsreduksjon.