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Denne presentasjonen tok for seg situasjonen angående agurkgrønnmosaikkvirus i Norge - de fire, nye tilfellene i 2007 og bekjemelsestiltak. Det ble også orientert om det nye EU-prosjektet angående pepinomosaikkvirus - PEPEIRA . Norge ved Bioforsk har en rolle som partner i dette prosjektet.


Agurkgrønnmosaikkvirus (Cucumber grenn mottle mosaic virus, CGMMV) er et svært smittsomt virus som hører til i Tobamovirus-slekten (samme slekten som tomatmosaikkvirus) . CGMMV infiserer planter tilhørende gresskarfamilien (Cucurbitaceae). Hos oss er CGMMV bare å finne som skadegjører i agurk. Etter at dette viruset ikke har vært funnet i Norge på over 20 år, har det nå dukket opp et tilfelle av dette viruset. Dette gjør det aktuelt å se på noen fakta angående agrukgrønnmosaikkvirus.


Foredraget fokuserte på nye funn av agurkgrønnmosaikkvirus i Norge i 2007. Viruset har ikke vært påvist siden 1983. Mulige smitteveier og aktuelle bekjempelsestiltak ble diskutert.


Kort orientering om hva Bioforsk kan gjøre av vintertesting for virus høsten 2007


Bringebær er det av bærslagene våre som er mest utsatt for virusproblemer. Det skyldes både at vi har mye villbringebær som fungerer som reservoar for virus og vektorer og at bringebær står lenge i feltet. Bringebær kan infiseres av forskjellige virus med forskjellig spredningsmåte: jordboende, nematodeoverførte virus; bladlusoverførte virus og pollenoverførte virus. Det viktigste bekjempelsestiltaket er å starte med friskt plantemateriale.


Orinetering om aktuelle karanteneskadegjørere av virus og viroider


Cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., are known world wide as parasites of cereals and grasses. Surveys in Norway have revealed that nematodes belonging to the H. avenae complex occur throughout the country. The cereal cyst nematode species so far recorded in Norway are H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. pratensis, H. bifenestra and H. hordecalis. Within H. avenae the pathotypes, Ha 11 and Ha 12, "Ha- Knislinge", "Ha- Ringsåsen" and "Ha- Våxtorp" have been encountered. H. filipjevi is represented by the pathotype "West" HfW (Holgado et al., 2007). In cereals, peaks in cyst nematode populations and damage occur every 20-30 years, and seem to occur simultaneously throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula. We do not have reliable information on the mechanisms behind these wide spread fluctuations. Crop rotation and the use of cultivars with resistance are important measures for controlling cereal cyst nematodes, but require detailed information on the occurrence and density of species and pathotypes in the fields (Holgado & Andersson 2005, Holgado et al. 2005, 2006ab). In field soils Ha 11,/12, "Ha-Våxtorp" is often found together with HfW. Resistant cultivars are normally resistant to only one of two species or pathotypes in mixed field populations. Consequently the use of resistant cultivars will lead to an increase of the nematode species or pathotype capable of reproduction, which results in peaks of damage distributed in time. Failure in recognizing the time span of this dynamic may leave the farmer without access to appropriate cultivars when damage occurs. Different species and pathotypes of cyst nematodes may occur simultaneously on the same plant root (Holgado & Magnusson, 2007). This would be an unlikely event without mechanisms reducing competition. Differences in temporal, spatial and physiological niche dimensions between species would support diversity. A better knowledge of key-differences in niche parameters of cereal cyst nematode species would allow for an active management of specific populations, and stabilize their population densities at levels below the threshold of economic damage. Management of niches is management of diversity, and this would allow for an optimal selection of cultivars. In this way the unexpected peaks in cereal damage can be avoided to the benefit of a more stable and sustainable production. The dynamics and principles of coexistence of species in mixed populations need a stronger emphasis in management systems for cereal cyst nematodes.


Cereal cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp., are known world wide as parasites of cereals and grasses. Surveys in Norway have revealed that nematodes belonging to the H. avenae complex occur throughout the country. The cereal cyst nematode species so far recorded in Norway are H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. pratensis, H. bifenestra and H. hordecalis. Within H. avenae the pathotypes, Ha 11 and Ha 12, "Ha- Knislinge", "Ha- Ringsåsen" and "Ha- Våxtorp" have been encountered. H. filipjevi is represented by the pathotype "West" HfW (Holgado et al., 2007). In cereals, peaks in cyst nematode populations and damage occur every 20-30 years, and seem to occur simultaneously throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula. We do not have reliable information on the mechanisms behind these wide spread fluctuations. Crop rotation and the use of cultivars with resistance are important measures for controlling cereal cyst nematodes, but require detailed information on the occurrence and density of species and pathotypes in the fields (Holgado & Andersson 2005, Holgado et al. 2005, 2006ab). In field soils Ha 11,/12, "Ha-Våxtorp" is often found together with HfW. Resistant cultivars are normally resistant to only one of two species or pathotypes in mixed field populations. Consequently the use of resistant cultivars will lead to an increase of the nematode species or pathotype capable of reproduction, which results in peaks of damage distributed in time. Failure in recognizing the time span of this dynamic may leave the farmer without access to appropriate cultivars when damage occurs. Different species and pathotypes of cyst nematodes may occur simultaneously on the same plant root (Holgado & Magnusson, 2007). This would be an unlikely event without mechanisms reducing competition. Differences in temporal, spatial and physiological niche dimensions between species would support diversity. A better knowledge of key-differences in niche parameters of cereal cyst nematode species would allow for an active management of specific populations, and stabilize their population densities at levels below the threshold of economic damage. Management of niches is management of diversity, and this would allow for an optimal selection of cultivars. In this way the unexpected peaks in cereal damage can be avoided to the benefit of a more stable and sustainable production. The dynamics and principles of coexistence of species in mixed populations need a stronger emphasis in management systems for cereal cyst nematodes.