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In greenhouse rose production, there is a trend towards the use of extreme long days (up to 24 hours lighting) and high light intensity to reduce problems with powdery mildew. Continuous lighting has been found to have adverse effects on some insects as well. The effect of continuous lighting on the survival, development and fecundity of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum on cut roses was investigated in climatic chambers with artificial light at 21oC and 70% RF. Compared to whiteflies exposed to 20:4 hours L:D, whiteflies exposed to continuous lighting had lower egg and larval/pupal survival, and lower fecundity and female longevity. Egg and egg-adult developmental time was only slightly affected.


Fra 1. januar 2008 er ingen effektive skadedyrmidler godkjent for bruk mot kålfluer i Norge. Det har siden 2004 vært en stor innsats ved Bioforsk i samarbeid med Landbrukets forsøksringer og med næringen til å finne frem til metoder og midler som vil beskytte korsblomstrede vekster mot kålfluer. Det er spesielt to prosjekter som har støttet mye av dette arbeid, ett brukerstyrt fra kålrotdyrkerne og ett fra Forskningsfondet. Resultatene viser at både nye midler og andre bekjempelsesmetoder kan gi tilfredsstillende beskyttelse. Men det er mye arbeid som gjenstår før all den nye viten kan tas i bruk.



Vi vil presentere strategier for kontroll og metoder for å unngå spredning av bladlusoverførte virus, med potetvirus Y som eksempel. Vi vil også legge fram de siste resultatene fra prosjekter som er i gang, potetmopptoppvirus (PMTV) prosjektet og prosjektet på rattelvirus (TRV) som er nytt fra i år.


Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzsch), is a contemporary symbol of Christmas in most parts of the world. Today, Europe and North America represent the largest volume of production and sales, but demand is growing quickly in the other regions as poinsettia becomes more popular each year. In Norway, poinsettia is one of the most important pot plants, with a yearly production close to 6 million plants. Its ornamental value and innovation potential have laid the foundation for extensive research in Norway and elsewhere. Two viruses i.e. poinsettia mosaic virus (PnMV) and poinsettia cryptic virus (PnCV) can cause diseases in modern poinsettia cultivars. PnMV gives visible symptoms in poinsettia during parts of the growing season. Growers show great interest in the potential benefits of growing PnMV-free poinsettias. Traditionally, PnMV-free poinsettia plants were obtained by in vitro culture of apical meristems. However, this is a time-consuming method and the regenerated new PnMV-free poinsettia has sometimes lost the branching characteristic which is important for poinsettia. We have therefore developed an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation approach for poinsettia. Using this method, we have produced transgenic poinsettia with improved resistance against PnMV by expressing three hairpin (hp) RNA gene constructs which targeted various regions of the virus genome. Molecular analyses have confirmed the stable integration of transgenes into the poinsettia genome. This is the first report describing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of poinsettia. The PnMV resistant transgenic poinsettia lines produced are of commercial potential. The methodology developed could also facilitate the further improvement of this ornamental plant with the aims of enhancing its disease resistance, quality traits, desirable colour and ornamental value. We have also transformed N. benthemiana to reveal the relationship of different vector constructs and the RNA silencing mediated PnMV resistance. This result will imrpove our understanding of RNA silencing mediated resistance through genetic engineering.


A review on the most common potato-infecting viruses was given. The following viruses were described: Potato virus X, Potato virus Y, Potato virus M, Potato virus S, Potato moptop virus and Tobacco rattle virus. The way each virus is transmitted as well as strategies to prevent aphid transmission of viruses was explained


The detection in 1999 of the pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Portugal triggered survey activities in many European countries. With the assumption that PWN would reach frequency 10 times lower than the native B. mucronatus and the requirement of a 95 % confidence limit suggested 2 995 samples to be required for a safe statement on the absence of PWN from the territory surveyed. Samples were taken from 10 circular areas with 50 km diameter erected from a point of import of risk materials. In the period 2000-2006 3 165 wood samples, 2 880 from Pinus sylvestris, 279 from Picea abies and 6 from unknown wood, were collected from 446 logging sites, in 84 municipalities and 13 counties. Of the total material 85 % of the samples came from cutting wastes, timber or lying trees. Wood showing signs of insect activity (incl. Monochamus) formed 73 % of the total material. Nematodes were recorded in 85 % of the samples. The order Rhabditida was most frequent, followed by the orders Aphelenchida, Tylenchida and Dorylaimida. Rhabditid nematodes were equally frequent in pine and spruce, while Aphelenchida (Aphelenchus, Aphelenchoides, Cryptaphelenchus, Seinura and Bursaphelenchus) and Tylenchida (Filenchus, Lelenchus, Ditylenchus, Deladenus and Nothotylenchus) tended to be more common in pinewood. Aphelenchoides was the most common genus. The genus Bursaphelenchus occurred in 1 % of the samples. B. mucronatus was detected in 0,3 % of the samples and most often in cutting waste of pine. The pine wood nematode (PWN), B. xylophilus, was not detected in this survey. The unexpected low natural occurrence of B. mucronatus indicates that the number of potential niches for PWN also is lower than expected, and hence it will be necessary to continue this surveillance program to reach 10 000 samples. The present zone sites in central and south-eastern Norway will be supplemented with 1-2 zone sites in southwestern region of the country. In the future these zone sites will function as permanent observation areas. Care will also be taken to collect all samples from detached wood with signs of Monochamus activity.


Many areas of algae technology have developed over the last decades, and there is an established market for products derived from algae, dominated by health food and aquaculture. In addition, the interest for active biomolecules from algae is increasing rapidly. The need for CO2 management, in particular capture and storage is currently an important technological, economical and global political issue and will continue to be so until alternative energy sources and energy carriers diminish the need for fossil fuels. This review summarizes in an integrated manner different technologies for use of algae, demonstrating the possibility of combining different areas of algae technology to capture CO2 and using the obtained algal biomass for various industrial applications thus bringing added value to the capturing and storage processes. Furthermore, we emphasize the use of algae in a novel biological process which produces H2 directly from solar energy in contrast to the conventional CO2 neutral biological methods. This biological process is a part of the proposed integrated CO2 management scheme.


The results from the biological characterization of 11 PMTV isolates were presented. Based on the symptoms observed in N. tabacum and pepper as well as the ability to systemically infect N. tabacum, pepper and N. rustica, more than one PMTV strain seem to be present in Norway. The molecular characterization of these isolates is being carried out. It is important to mention that the symptoms can only be observed if the plants are grown under cool conditions (16-18ºC). However, under cool conditions the systemic infection of the virus is drastically delayed. The possible resistance against PMTV in ten different potato varieties was tested. The experiments were carried in three different locations and in the main research station. No truly resistant variety was found. In addition, a correlation between climatic factors and the occurrence of spraing was observed. No correlation between resistance to S. subterranea and resistance to PMTV was observed. The use of pot-test with infected soil to test for resistance to powdery scab and PMTV can be easily applied. The resistance testing will be continued including new varieties. Tolerance to PMTV (lack of symptom expression in infected tubers) will be assessed.