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An infectious cDNA clone of a Norwegian isolate of Poinsettia mosaic virus (PnMV) was generated. It consisted of 6,098 nucleotides and encoded a polyprotein of 219.5 kDa. Sequence comparisons indicated that this isolate shared 98.6% (nucleotide) and 97.1% (amino acid) identity with the previously sequenced isolate from Germany. RNA transcripts derived from this cDNA were infectious in Nicotiana benthamiana. However, plants did not present typical PnMV symptoms. Furthermore, RNA transcripts from this cDNA clone were not infectious in poinsettia. Serial propagation of this cDNA clone in N. benthamiana plants restored symptom induction in this host but did not re-establish infectivity in poinsettia.


Twenty-one species of green algae isolated from marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments were screened for the ability to produce H2 under anaerobic conditions. Seven strains found positive for H2 production under anaerobic conditions were also screened for the ability to produce H2 under sulfur (S) deprivation. In addition to the traditional model species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, C. noctigama (freshwater) and C. euryale (brackish water) were able to produce significant amounts of H2 under S-deprivation. These species were also able to utilize acetate as a substrate for growth in light. The S-deprivation experiments were performed under photoheterotrophic conditions in a purpose-specific designed bioreactor, and it was shown that an automated pH adjustment feature was essential to maintain a stable pH in the cultures. Several materials commonly used in bioreactors, such as rubber materials, plastics and steel alloys, had a negative effect on the survival of S-deprived algae cultures. Unexpectedly, traces of H2 were produced under S-deprivation during O2 saturation in the cultures, possibly derived from local anaerobic environments formed in algal biofilms on the membranes covering the O2 electrodes.

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Potetcystenematodene (PCN) forekommer i to arter, gul (Globodera rostochiensis) og hvit (G. pallida). Begge har fl ere raser, hvor det i Norge er påvist fi re av den gule arten. Cystene ligger i jorda og er døde hunner, mens smitten er eggene som fi nnes inne i disse. Potet er den viktigste vertsplanten. Angrepne områder får dårlig vekst og vises ofte som fl ekker i åkeren. Gul PCN er påvist på 6400 eiendommer fra Lindesnes i sør til Ørland kommune i nord. Forebyggende tiltak er viktigst for å unngå smitte. Gul PCN er en karanteneskadegjører som reguleres av Matloven. Det er meldeplikt til Mattilsynet på mistanke om infeksjon av PCN. Bioforsk Plantehelse utfører analyser av forekomst, smittenivå og rasetesting.

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Potetcystenematodene (PCN) forekommer i to arter, hvit PCN (Globodera pallida) og gul (Globodera rostochiensis). Begge har fl ere raser. Cystene ligger i jorda og er døde hunner, mens smitten er eggene som fi nnes inne i disse. Potet er den viktigste vertsplanten. Angrepne områder får dårlig vekst og vises ofte som fl ekker i åkeren. Kjent utbredelse av hvit PCN er fra Grimstad i Aust-Agder i sør til Stjørdal i Trøndelag i nord. God hygiene er det viktigste tiltaket for å unngå smitte. Hvit PCN omfattes av Matloven og infi serte bruksenheter kan legges i karantene i 40 år. Det er meldeplikt til Mattilsynet ved mistanke og funn av PCN. Bioforsk Plantehelse utfører analyser og rasetesting av PCN.

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Snegler er viktige i nedbrytningsprosessen av plantemateriale i naturen. Noen ganske få arter kan opptre som skadedyr på planter i jord- og hagebruk. Områder med høy fuktighet, moderate temperaturer og milde vintre utgjør ideelle omgivelser for snegler. Har man i tillegg kulturer som gir sneglene beskyttelse under et permanent plantedekke, kan skaden av snegl på plantene bli omfattende. Åkersnegl har lenge vært et vanlig skadedyr i mange kulturer i jord- og hagebruk i Norge. Iberiaskogsnegl, også kalt brunsnegl, er en nykommer i norsk fauna. Foreløpig forekommer denne arten hovedsakelig som skadedyr i småhager, men i enkelte distrikter langs kysten av Sør-Norge har den også opptrådt i dyrka områder. Den har vært rapportert fra mindre grasarealer og som skadegjører hos noen grønnsakog jordbærprodusenter. På nettsiden snegler.bioforsk.no fi nner du mer informasjon.


A survey was undertaken to investigate the occurrence of plant parasitic nematodes in the municipality of Lier located in southern Norway. A wide variety of vegetables crops are grown in this area. Soils in Lier are mostly sandy loam, and irrigation is practiced when necessary during the growing season. There is little information on the occurrence on plant parasitic nematodes in vegetables; particularly in areas where farmers have specialized in intensive production, and often grow two to three cultures of vegetables during the growing season. In the year prior to this investigation several crops had been observed with symptoms of attack by plant parasitic nematodes. The aim of this survey was to identify the species responsible for the damage. The emphasis was placed on genera of known economic importance. During the end of the growing season plants showing poor growth or symptoms of nematode damage and plants with healthy appearance were sampled. A total of 74 root samples were collected and assessed for galls and 37 soil samples were collected from the rhizospheres. In the study samples were collected from 7 producers. Five samples were taken from cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis), 4 from broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. italica), 8 from pak-choy Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis), 8 from lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and 1 from celery (Apium graveolens). Soil sampling included 11 samples from areas with fallow, ploughed and rotocultivated land. Root knot nematodes were not recorded in the root samples. In soil samples economically important nematode genera were recorded. Tylenchorhynchus sp. (72.9 % of samples), was the most frequently encountered genus, followed by the species Heterodera cruciferae and other Heterodera spp. (67.5 %), Pratylenchus spp. (54 %), Paratylenchus spp. (29,7 %), and Helicotylenchus spp. (8.1 %). In addition to cyst detections Heterodera juveniles were found in 32.4 % of samples. In all the samples from Pak-choy Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) Heterodera cruciferae was recorded, symptoms of nematode damage was also observed in the field. The results of the survey will help in planning future research as well as in developing effective nematode management strategies suitable for vegetable producer particularly in this area. The authors are thankful to the FMLA in Buskerud County for economical support.