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Cereal cyst nematodes (CCN), Heterodera spp. are well-known world-wide as parasites of cereals. In Scandinavia H. avenae is the most common species and occurs in the pathotypes, Ha11 and Ha12, and the additional pathotypes H. avenae-Knislinge, H. avenae-Ringsåsen and H. avenae-Våxtorp. H. filipjevi, which occurs in the two pathotypes, "East" and "West" is less common than H. avenae.  For several years it has been known that resistance to cereal cyst nematodes may be found in some commercial cultivars, although no conscious breeding for resistance has been attempted. In 2004 and 2005 a majority of cereal cultivars on the Norwegian market were tested for susceptibility/resistance towards H. avenae pathotype Ha11, H. avenae pathotype "Våxtorp" and H. filipjevi pathotype "West" The test program included 30 cultivars of barley, 23 cultivars of oats and 6 cultivars of summer wheat. Resistance against Ha11 was found in 5 barley, 3 oat cultivars and in 1 wheat cultivar. Resistance against H. avenae pathotype "Våxtorp" was not present in barley, but 4 oat cultivars and 1 wheat cultivar were resistant. For H. filipjevi "West" resistance was not detected in wheat, but in 6 barley and 13 oat cultivars. Obviously the variability in CCN is larger than generally anticipated. In Norway management systems based on careful nematode identification and good knowledge of suitable resistant cultivars are in operation. Resistant barley is generally recommended when nematode populations are high due to its high tolerance compared to resistant oats. Farmers implementing this program have reported increased cereal yields of in average 1000 kg /ha. It has been calculated that by implementing this program in full the county of Vestfold could make an economic gain of 800 000 € annually. In perspective of increasing damage from CCN world-wide the recognition of its genetic variability is instrumental for successful control.


To arter av rotgallnematoder, Meloidogyne hapla og M. ardenensis, er vanlige å finne på friland i Norge. Sommeren 2008 ble det funnet en tredje art, M. naasi, på skadet hvete i Vestfold. Funnene er de første av denne rotgallnematoden i Norge og Skandinavia. Den er også funnet på flere ugras. M. naasi er en viktig skadegjører på bygg i tempererte områder.


The Altiplano is one of the most elevated areas populated in the world. At 3 500 - 4 000 m, low temperature, and other climatic conditions impose severe limitation for vegetable production. The average temperature levels and the daily amplitudes is a function of altitude, so vegetables are mainly produced in rustic greenhouses. NGOs in the Andean region have recommended cultivation of vegetables for consume and commercialization to enhance the well being of farmers. Plant parasitic nematodes or poor management have limited the vegetable production in rustic greenhouse. The Catholic University of Bolivia has a network of rural campuses "Unidades Académicas Campesinas" (UAC) for academic and practical teaching. Bioforsk has been involved in developing and strengthening the scientific basis in Plant Nematology in UAC-Tihauanaco. Farmers in Tiahuanaco experienced decreasing vegetable yields. In 1999 soil and plant samples from potato and other Andean crops were collected from greenhouses. All samples contained plant-parasitic nematodes. Twenty-one genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were found. The most frequent were potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and the false root-knot nematode Nacobbus sp. (54 %), followed by lesion nematodes Pratylenchus spp. spiral Helicotylenchus sp. and Tylenchus sensu lato (41 %), ring nematodes Criconemella sp. (34 %), stunt nematodes Tylenchorhynchus spp. (29 %) and root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne sp. (19 %). The study indicated that plant-parasitic nematodes have a large impact on vegetable production. The knowledge of nematode species are of fundamental importance in the design of efficient management strategies, that would allow farmers to keep nematode population densities at levels below the threshold of economic damage. Management with crop rotation and the use of cultivars with resistance are important control measures, but require detailed information on the occurrence and density of nematode species.


Plantevernleksikonet. Oppslagsord: Nematoder Rotsårnematoder Meloidogyne spp. Meloidogyne arenaria Meloidogyne javanica Meloidogyne incognica Meloidogyne hapla Meloidogyne ardenensis Potetcystenematoder Gul potetcystenematode Hvit potetcysttenematode Korncystenematoder For hver skadegjører gis det en oversikt over utseende, utbredelse, vertplanter, livssyklus, skadevirkninger og bekjempelse.


For furuvednematode gis en oversikt over utseende, utbredelse, vertplanter, livssyklus, skadevirkninger og bekjempelse.