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Pepinomosaikkvirus (Pepino mosaic virus, PepMV, slekt Potexvirus), er listet på EPPO’s “alert list” og blir vurdert som karantenevirus i flere europeiske land. Det har vært usikkerhet om hva som er viktige spredningsveier for dette viruset, og forskjellige land har praktisert ulikt med hensyn på forholdsregler og bekjempelsesstrategier.


Plantevernleksikonet. Skadegjørere: Krysantemumvirus B Poinsettiamosaikkvirus Kalanchoë-mosaikkvirus Agurkmosaikkvirus TomataspermivirusFor hver skadegjører gis en oversikt over symptomer/skadevirkning, vertplanter, overlevelse og spredning og bekjempelse.


Plantevernleksikonet. Skadegjørere: Potetvirus X Potetvirus M Potetvirus S Potetvirus A Potetvirus V Potetvirus Y Potetaucubamosaikkvirus PotetbladrullevirusFor hver skadegjører gis en oversikt over symptomer/skadevirkning, vertplanter, overlevelse og spredning og bekjempelse.


In 1998 Plum pox virus (PPV) was detected for the first time in Norway.  Virus symptoms were observed on several trees in a collection of plum cultivars at Njøs Research Station in the Sogn og Fjordane County in West Norway. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Crop Research Institute immediately started surveying other variety collections around the country, nuclear stock material and orchards in all important plum-growing areas. Since 1998 we have surveyed the main part of the commercial plum orchards in Norway. About 75 000 individual trees have been tested. About 1 % of the trees have been found infected by PPV. Only the PPV-D strain has been found. It is suspected that the main infection source was infected plums or apricots imported to Njøs around 1970 or earlier.In most plum orchards in Norway, the spread of PPV by aphids is relatively slow. Therefore, we expect to be able to eradicate PPV from commercial plum orchards in the near future.The eradication work is continuing.  


Soil samples from a growth depression in potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Saturna field in Grue, eastern Norway, yielded large numbers of root lesion nematodes, Pratylenchus penetrans. Yield of potato was reduced by 50% in the affected area of the field. Transect-sampling showed plant growth to be negatively correlated with densities of P. penetrans and suggested a damage threshold of potato to the nematode of 100 specimens per 250 g of soil. Common scab (Streptomyces scabies) occurred frequently in the affected area. Pratylenchus penetrans was present in roots, underground stems, stolons and tubers. In tubers, nematodes were detected inside cross-lesions typical of common scab, and occurred also in the outermost 0.5 mm tissue associated with such lesions. On potato cv. Saturna grown in a green-house, P. penetrans alone induced tuber lesions similar to those of common scab. Also, the combined inoculation of the bacterium and the nematode seemed to enhance symptom expression. Pratylenchus penetrans survives storage of potatoes, from which new infections may develop. Hence, potato tubers do appear to be an important means for the spread of P. penetrans to new areas.


Norwegian cereal cyst nematode populations were studied by biochemical, molecular, morphological and bio test techniques. H. avenae occurred in the pathotypes, Ha11, Ha12, and H. avenae Våxtorp. H. filipjevi was recorded as pathotype West. H. avenae (Ha 11) and H. filipjevi West were the most common species. Thirty barley, 23 oat and 6 of summer wheat cultivars on the Norwegian market were tested for their resistance against H. avenae (Ha11), H. avenae Våxtorp and H. filipjevi West. Resistance against Ha11 was found in 5 barley, 3 oat and in 1 wheat cultivar. Resistance against H. avenae Våxtorp was not present in barley, but 4 oat and 1 wheat cultivar were resistant. For H. filipjevi West resistance was not detected in wheat, but in 6 barley and 13 oat cultivars. A management system based on careful nematode identification and knowledge on resistance of cultivars were set in operation in the county of Vestfold. As a result farmers have improved average yields by 1000 kg /ha. By implementing this program in full the county of Vestfold could make an annual gain of 800 000 €. In perspective of increasing damage from CCN world-wide the correct identification of species and the recognition of their genetic variability is instrumental for successful control.


Norwegian cereal cyst nematode populations were studied by biochemical, molecular, morphological and bio test techniques. H. avenae occurred in the pathotypes, Ha11, Ha12, and H. avenae Våxtorp. H. filipjevi was recorded as pathotype West. H. avenae (Ha 11) and H. filipjevi West were the most common species. Thirty barley, 23 oat and 6 of summer wheat cultivars on the Norwegian market were tested for their resistance against H. avenae (Ha11), H. avenae Våxtorp and H. filipjevi West. Resistance against Ha11 was found in 5 barley, 3 oat and in 1 wheat cultivar. Resistance against H. avenae Våxtorp was not present in barley, but 4 oat and 1 wheat cultivar were resistant. For H. filipjevi West resistance was not detected in wheat, but in 6 barley and 13 oat cultivars. A management system based on careful nematode identification and knowledge on resistance of cultivars were set in operation in the county of Vestfold. As a result farmers have improved average yields by 1000 kg /ha. By implementing this program in full the county of Vestfold could make an annual gain of 800 000 €. In perspective of increasing damage from CCN world-wide the correct identification of species and the recognition of their genetic variability is instrumental for successful control.