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Green algae are known to produce H2 under sulphur deprivation in a process called bio­photolysis, where solar energy is used to split water and generate O2 and H2. There is still considerable potential for im­provement and very little is known about how this mechanism varies between species. This is part of Bioforsk research activities linked to green algae and H2 production. In order to make a H2 production process from algae economically viable, we face several challenges, including bioreactor design, optimisation of environ­mental conditions, efficiency improvement by genetic and metabolic engineering. One possibility for improving the economical potential of a hydrogen production process also includes exploitation of the algal biomass which, as a result of stress reactions, may pro­duce metabolites with pharmaceutical value.  Joining forces with The Norwegian University of Life Science (UMB) and The Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Bioforsk has established The Norwegian Centre for Bioenergy Research. Bioforsk has also taken a leading role on biogas in the newly established CenBio - a national Centre for Environmental- friendly Energy Research. The modern biogas laboratories are located close to facilities for plant growth studies, making them easy accessible for experimental studies of the entire chain from biomass to fertiliser. Research activities include innovative pre-treatment of substrates for increased biogas yield, effects of substrate mixtures for biogas production and digestate quality, biogas potential and biogas process studies, digestates as fertiliser, and effects on the environment and climate


Green microalgae can be used for a number of commercial applications, including health food for human consumption, aquaculture and animal feed, coloring agents, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Several products from green algae that are in use today, consist of metabolites which can be extracted from the algal biomass. The most well known examples are the carotenoids astaxanthin and Β-carotene, which are used as coloring agents and for health promoting purposes. Many species of green algae are able to produce valuable components for different uses, examples are antioxidants, several different carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, anticancer and antiviral drugs. In many cases these components are secondary metabolites which are produced when the algae are exposed for stress conditions like for example nutrient deprivation, light intensity, temperature, salinity, pH and other. In other cases the components have been detected in algae grown under optimal conditions, and little is known about how an optimal production of each product could be induced and how their production would react to stress conditions.  Some green algae have shown the ability to produce significant amounts of hydrogen gas during sulfur deprivation, a process which is currently extensively studied. At the moment, the majority of research in this field has focused on the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, but other species of green algae have also showed this ability. Currently there is scarce information available regarding the possibility for producing hydrogen and other valuable components in the same process. This study explores stress conditions which are known to induce production of the different valuable products in comparison with stress reactions leading to hydrogen production. Wild type species of green microalgae with ability to produce hydrogen during anaerobic conditions, and during sulfur deprivation are compared to species with known ability to produce high amounts of certain valuable metabolites. . This information is explored in order to form a basis for selection of wild type species for a future multidiciplinary process, where hydrogen production from solar energy is combined with production of valuable metabolites and other commercial uses of the algal biomass.


In 1955 the potato cyst nematode (PCN) was recorded for the first time in Norway. This detection resulted in extensive surveys and measures were implemented based on the statutory regulation of 1916. The first statutory regulation for PCN was put in power in 1956, and later amended in several occasions. These regulations prohibit the introduction and spread of PCN with soil and plant materials. Early control strategies included the use of chemical fumigants and resistant potato cultivars in infested fields, and surveys detected new infestations which were placed under quarantine regulations. The recognition of G. rostochiensis and G. pallida, their pathotypes enabled a more precise use of resistant cultivars. Commercial chemical fumigants, organophosphates or carbamate nematicides have not been used in Norway since the early 1970s. Today, non-virulent G. rostochiensis is managed by crop rotation, while infestations by G. pallida or virulent G. rostochiensis results in at least 40-years ban for growing potato. Most Norwegian potato cultivars have the resistance genes, Gro-1 (H1) from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. During the preceding decades great emphasis has been placed on documenting freedom from PCN in the production of certified seed potatoes, certified seed potato are used in combination with crop rotations using non-host crops, alternating susceptible and resistant cultivars. These are important control measures, but not easy to implement in Norway due to restricted acreage suitable for long rotations. The safe use of resistant potato cultivars requires a better knowledge on the presence of species and pathotypes in potato fields. In order to improve our information of the occurrence of PCN a new national survey program for the principal potato districts has started. These surveys will complemented by information generated from a new research project dealing with: studies of the virulence of selected PCN populations, decline rates of nematode field population densities and infection potential over time of populations from fields placed under quarantine regulations. studies on the occurrence and pathogenicity of microbial antagonistic parasitic on PCN, and their potential of future management of PCN, the safe use of early potato cultivars as a practical control method, and the potential for using Solanum sisymbriifolium as a trap crop, distinguish the degree of resistance of selected potato varieties available on the Norwegian market, and initial studies of the PCN-Potato-Pathosystem. These expected results of this project possibly will improve the management of PCN, and may alleviate present regulatory restrictions.


In Nordic countries organic farming started as bio-dynamic farms in the 1930s, and still in the 1970s only a small number of farms were organic. Since then the acreage of organic farming has increased and in 2007 Sweden had 222 268 ha (7.9%), Finland 147 557 ha (6.4 %), Denmark 147 482 ha (5.4%), Norway 43 033 ha (4.7%) and Iceland 4 684 ha (0.27%). In northern areas the short vegetation period combined with low temperatures reducing mineralisation causing nutritional deficit may restrict yields. As mineral fertilizers are prohibited in organic farming, plant nutrition and yield depend on proper microbial activity for nutrient cycling. Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) reduce plant growth, while microbivorous nematodes (MBN) increase nutrient accessibility. Nitrogen fixating legumes, used to improve soil nitrogen levels, may increase densities of PPN to levels causing crop damage. Management of PPN in organic farming relies on knowledge of population dynamics, damaging thresholds and cultural methods like weed control, sanitation, mulching, crop rotation and resistant cultivars. Keeping PPN below damaging levels and supporting beneficial MBN to improve mineralisation would increase yields and improve quality of organics crops in northern areas. Management of MBN is less well understood, but may be of crucial importance for organic farming in northern areas.