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In 1998 Plum pox virus (PPV) wasdetected for the first time in Norway. Virus-like symptoms were observed on several trees in a collection ofplum cultivars at Njøs Research Station in the Sogn og Fjordane County in WestNorway. The Norwegian Food SafetyAuthority and the Norwegian Crop Research Institute immediately startedsurveying other variety collections around the country, nuclear stock materialand orchards in all important plum-growing areas. Since 1998 we have surveyed themain part of the commercial plum orchards in Norway. About 75 000 individualtrees have been tested. About 1 % of the trees have been found infected by PPV.Only the PPV-D strain has been found. It is suspected that the main infectionsource was infected plums or apricots imported to Njøs around 1970 or earlier.In most plum orchards in Norway,the spread of PPV by aphids is relatively slow. Therefore, we expect to be ableto eradicate PPV from commercial plum orchards in the near future.The eradication work iscontinuing.

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Virus og fytoplasma i julestjerne har vært et forskningsfelt ved Bioforsk Plantehelse siden 1990-tallet. Vi har kombinert dette med ny kunnskap om gen-transformering. I 2009, etter flere års FoU-arbeid, er vi kommet så langt at vi har dyrket virusresistent julestjerne i et mindre forsøk i et gartneri. Nå er det naturlig å summere opp resultater vi har oppnådd og muligheter som åpner seg.


The production of hydrogen in green algae is catalyzed by FeFe- hydrogenases, which have high conversion efficiency and high oxygen sensitivity. Most green algae analyzed to date where hydrogenase genes are detected, have been shown to contain two distinct hydrogenases. However, very little is known about which functions the two different enzymes represent. There are also many unknowns within the mechanisms behind hydrogen production as to the roles hydrogenases play under different conditions, and consequently also about the potential for optimization of a hydrogen production process which could be found in this respect. The presented study focuses on the possibility for presence of more than two hydrogenases in a single green alga. A large number of degenerate primers were designed and used to produce 3"-RACE products, which in turn were used to design gene specific primers used for PCR and 5"-RACE reactions. The sequences were aligned with known algal hydrogenases to identify products which had homology to these. Products where homology was identified were then explored further. A high number of clones from each band were sequenced to identify products with similar lengths which would not show up as separate bands on a gel. Sequences found to have homology with algal hydrogenases were translated into putative amino acid sequences and analyzed further to obtain detailed information about the presence of specific amino acids with known functions in the enzyme. This information was used to evaluate the likelihood of these transcripts coding for true hydrogenases, versus hydrogenase-like or narf-like proteins. Conclusion: Evidence showing that Chlamydomonas noctigama is able to transcribe three genes which share a significant number of characteristics with other known algal FeFe-hydrogenases is presented . The three genes have been annotated hydA1, hydA2 and hydA3.