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En alvorlig svampesygdom hærger buksbom i store dele af Europa. Sygdommen er også konstateret i Danmark og kan give store problemer i pyntegrønt bevoksninger af buksbom, samt få betydning for afsætning af klippegrønt.  


Soppen Cylindrocladium buxicola vart i august 2010 stadfesta på buksbom (Buxus sempervirens) i ein privathage i Oslo, og seinare på hausten i Rogaland. C. buxicola vart også funnen på importerte planter i fleire hagesenter i Akershus. Det er difor all grunn til å tru at infiserte planter er spreidde over store område og kan koma til å smitta ned tidlegare etablert buksbom. Infeksjon fører til sterkt bladfall og visning.  


Buksbom visnesjuke (Cylindrocladium buxicola) vart i august 2010 funnen på sjuk buksbom (Buxus sempervirens) i Oslo, i Rogaland og på importerte planter i fleire hagesenter i Akershus. Soppen er eit problem på denne vertplanta i mange Europeiske land.


En alvorlig svampesygdom hærger buksbom i store dele af Europa. Sygdommen er også konstateret i Danmark og kan få vidtgående konsekvenser på kirkegårde og i parkanlæg.


Oppsummering av resultater fra prosjekt "Kontroll av snutebiller i produksjon av jordbær ved hjelp av planteduftstoffer og andre alternative metoder" (2006-2011).


Organic fields are often assumed to have less pests and more beneficials than conventionally managed fields. We monitored 12 Norwegian strawberry fields, six organic and six conventional, by sampling leaves two times per year in 2002-2003. Young folded leaflets were visually inspected for eggs and adult females of strawberry mite (Phytonemus pallidus fragariae), and mature leaves were used for extraction of mobile stages of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). The spider mites were examined for infection of the mite-pathogenic fungus Neozygites floridana. Predatory mites (Phytoseiidae) were recorded on both leaf types, and the females mounted and identified. Soil was also sampled from each field, to study the natural occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes. All samples were taken 0-13 metres from the border vegetation. Both pest mites tended to be more abundant in conventional than in organic fields, while the number of phytoseiid mites was very low in both growing systems. Nevertheless, three phytoseiid species were recorded for the first time in Norway: Amblyseius rademacheri Dosse, Neoseiulus kodryensis (Kolodochka) and Neoseiulus reductus (Wainstein). N. floridana infection found in T. urticae females varied from 0-19%, and was higher in 2002 than in 2003. The fungus was recorded at least once in all 12 fields, and there was no consistent difference between the two growing systems. In 2002 there was a significant negative correlation between % T. urticae with N. floridana hyphal bodies found in the first sampling and the number of T. urticae present in the second sampling about four weeks later. Beneficial nematodes (mostly Steinernema) tended to occur in more of the organic than in the conventional soil samples. To sum up, both pests (T. urticae and P. pallidus) and one of the beneficial groups (entomopathogenic nematodes) seemed to conform to the expected difference between organic and conventional fields. There are many possible mechanisms related to the differences in pesticide and fertilization regimes that could lead to such a pattern. For the two remaining beneficials (N. floridana and Phytoseiidae) we could not find a consistent correlation between abundance and growing system.