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Norsk epledyrking er under sterk omlegging. Nydyrkingsteknikk, nye sorter og samtidig mange utfordringer når det gjelderplantehelse, gjør at det er stort behov for kraftige, friske og sortsekteepletrær av aktuelle sorter. I det brukerstyrte innovasjonsprosjektet (BIP)“økt konkurransekraft i norsk produksjon av epletrær” (2008- 2011) eid avSagaplant, er et av delmålene å definere kravene til sertifisert produksjon aveple, og hvordan de skal settes ut i livet under norske forhold.


Verden over er det store økonomisk og avlingstap på grunn av plantesjukdommer som følger plantemateriale hvert år. I Norge har vi et godt etablert fremavlssystem, et systematisk arbeid for å fremskaffe friskt plantemateriale av vegetativt formerte vekster. Målet er å produsere sortsriktig plantemateriale som er friskt og som derfor har fullt potensiale til å gi optimal avling og kvalitet. Kryoteknologien, en veletablert teknologi, har potensiale til å effektivsere dette arbeidet, både med hensyn på rensing og oppbevaring av plantemateriale.


In 1955 the potato cyst nematode was recorded for the first time in Agder. This detection produced the initial legislation of PCN control, and was implemented based on the statutory regulation of 1916. Since 1956 PCN was given quarantine status in infested agricultural land and home gardens. Official controls of certified seed potatoes started in 1939. Each year about 3000 soil samples are analyzed for PCN to clear areas for certified seed potato production.  These areas are so far free of PCN. The total acreage with seed potatoes in 2009 was 813.7 Ha. Extensive surveys started in 1955; and were carried uninterrupted until the end of the 1990ties. These surveys included producing potato agricultural land and home gardens. In 2009 a new national survey program for the principal potato districts has started, the surveys is aimed to update the PCN occurrence. The surveys will continue during the subsequently years until all major potato areas will be cover.  Statutory regulations for PCN from 1956-2010 to Support to Norwegian Food Safety Authority The regulations have without doubt contributed in preventing PCN infestations in the seed potato areas, and probably also prevented further spreading of wPCN and virulent yPCN as each the find has been placed under quarantine. Permanent grass as a statutory regulation in home garden plots may have contributed to reduce the spread of wPCN to commercial fields. The regulations have most probably made possible the early reduction in use of chemical fumigants, organophosphates or carbamate nematicides.  These chemicals have not been used since the early 1970s. The domestic production of seed potato has been kept free of PCN by frequent inspections and analyses for more than 50 years. The fact that farmers are not allowed to import seed potatoes adds to the level of security. New project Studies on the biology of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera spp.) under Nordic conditions for improving management and regulation in Norway. To increase the scientific basis for amending the management system for PCN, Globodera spp under Nordic conditions.


In 1955 the potato cyst nematode was recorded for the first time in Agder. This detection produced the initial legislation of PCN control, and was implemented based on the statutory regulation of 1916. Since 1956 PCN was given quarantine status in infested agricultural land and home gardens. Official controls of certified seed potatoes started in 1939. Each year about 3000 soil samples are analyzed for PCN to clear areas for certified seed potato production.  These areas are so far free of PCN. The total acreage with seed potatoes in 2009 was 813.7 Ha. Extensive surveys started in 1955; and were carried uninterrupted until the end of the 1990ties. These surveys included producing potato agricultural land and home gardens. In 2009 a new national survey program for the principal potato districts has started, the surveys is aimed to update the PCN occurrence. The surveys will continue during the subsequently years until all major potato areas will be cover.  Statutory regulations for PCN from 1956-2010 to Support to Norwegian Food Safety Authority The regulations have without doubt contributed in preventing PCN infestations in the seed potato areas, and probably also prevented further spreading of wPCN and virulent yPCN as each the find has been placed under quarantine. Permanent grass as a statutory regulation in home garden plots may have contributed to reduce the spread of wPCN to commercial fields. The regulations have most probably made possible the early reduction in use of chemical fumigants, organophosphates or carbamate nematicides.  These chemicals have not been used since the early 1970s. The domestic production of seed potato has been kept free of PCN by frequent inspections and analyses for more than 50 years. The fact that farmers are not allowed to import seed potatoes adds to the level of security. New project Studies on the biology of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera spp.) under Nordic conditions for improving management and regulation in Norway. Major goal is to increase the scientific basis for amending the management system for PCN, Globodera spp under Nordic conditions.


In Norway PCN was recorded in 1955. This resulted in extensive surveys and implementation of statutory rules. Regular surveys until the 1990s revealed PCN to occur in 6406 properties. The first statutory regulation for PCN appeared in 1956, and prohibited the introduction and spread of PCN with soil and plant materials. Before the early 1970:ties control strategies included the use of nematicides (fumigants, organophosphates and carbamate) and resistant potato cultivars. The distribution of species and pathotypes is of crucial importance for mangement. The yellow species Globodera rostochiensis (yPCN) occurs in the pathotypes Ro1, Ro2, and Ro3, while the white species G. pallida (wPCN) has been detected in the pathotypes Pa1, Pa2 and Pa3. The most common pathotype Ro1 constitutes 98% of total finds. Recently the detections of wPCN and yPCN Ro3 in ware potato fields have increased. Today non-virulent G. rostochiensis is managed with crop rotations using non-host crops and alternating susceptible and resistant potato. The use of certified seed potato is important. Detection of G. pallida or virulent G. rostochiensis results in statutory regulation (at least 40-years ban on growing potato). Generally Norwegian potato cultivars have the resistance gen, Gro-1 (H1) from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. In Norway great emphasis has been placed on documenting freedom of PCN in areas for certified seed potatoes. In 2009 a national survey of ware potato land was initiated. The use of early potato and Solanum sisymbriifolium as trap crops, and the significance of micro-organisms antagonistic to PCN are considered in current research. Norwegian regulations have prevented PCN infestations in the seed potato areas, and reduced spread of wPCN and virulent yPCN. A better prognosis of rates of decline in PCN numbers and infectivity in fields could allow for a reduction in the quarantine period and improve the economy of farmers and enterprises.