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Bakterien Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni kan gi stor skade i planter av Prunus slekten, især plomme. Bakterien har ikke vært påvist i Norge før denne kartleggingen ble gjennomført. Målsettingen var å dokumentere status for denne skadegjøreren i plantemateriale av plomme, både i import og i norsk produksjon. Mattilsynet har organisert prøveuttaket. Det ble fra og med desember 2014 og ut 2015 totalt sendt inn 799 prøver for analyse, 49 av dem viste seg å inneholde smitte av bakterien Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni. Bakterien ble påvist i 38 importprøver av plomme (grunnstammer fra Nederland) og 11 prøver fra norske planteprodusenter (nasjonal kartlegging). Dette tilsvarer en infeksjonsgrad av 15% i importprøvene og av 2% i prøver fra nasjonal kartlegging. Kun ett funn ble gjort i Prunus lauroceracus, 48 derimot i Prunus domestica.

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Apple genetic resources in Norway are currently conserved within a number of local clonal archives. However, during establishment of these ex situ collections, primary focus was not on capturing as much of the diversity as possible, but instead on preserving cultivars of particular importance to specific fruit-growing areas. To identify redun- dancies within the collection as well as to assess the genetic diversity and structure of apple germplasm currently being conserved in Norway, eight microsatellites were used in genetic characterization of 181 apple accessions. Overall, 14 cases of synonym or possibly mislabeled accessions were identified, as well as several homonyms and duplicates within and among the analyzed collections. The information obtained should contribute to overall better management of the preserved germplasm. Bayesian analysis of genetic structure revealed two major clusters, one containing most of the foreign cultivars, while the other consisted mainly of traditional Scandinavian cultivars, but also some very winter-hardy genotypes such as ‘Charlamovsky’, ‘Gravenstein’, ‘Transparente Blanche’, and ‘Wealthy’. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) detected a signifi- cant genetic differentiation among the clusters ( fCT = 0.077; P < 0.01). The results of the Bayesian analyses do not indicate a strong differentiation between the foreign and the Norwegian apple accessions, however, they do suggest that climate adaptation has had a significant influence on the genetic structure of the preserved germplasm. Overall, apple accessions currently maintained ex situ in Norway represent a diverse germplasm which could be very valuable in future breeding programs, especially for the Scandinavian climate.