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With regard to the rapidly growing world population, microalgae can be regarded as one of the most promising resources for the sustainable supply of commodities for food and feed applications. Although the use of commercial microalgae for food has been mainly limited to dietary supplements, the recent development of more cost-effective production technology makes it feasible to explore various other food applications. In the project ALGAE TO FUTURE, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, we have developed a consortium of 20 research and industry partners to approach this topic from multiple angles merging multiple research fields. The Vision is to contribute towards a viable Norwegian microalgae industry within 10 years. The focus of the research is on bioprocess developments linked to lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, where cultivation conditions are used to obtain microalgae biomass with specific nutrient composition targeting specific products, without use of GMO. We have chosen to target the development of 3 example products, namely bread, beer and aquaculture feed, that will be produced in a commercial context towards the end of the project. These case studies have been chosen in order to demonstrate the use of algal biomass from various algae species with highly different nutrient composition suitable for different products. The project combines expertise on algae cultivation and optimisation at lab and pilot scales, fish feeding technology, biorefining, bioeconomy, baking technology, broadcast journalism and animation, food quality and safety with the experience of innovative farmer entrepreneurs, professional bakers, brewers and fish-feed producers in a cross-disciplinary manner.


Pærevisnesjuke regnes som en av de mest alvorlige sjukdommene på pære. Pærevisnesjuke forårsakes av fytoplasma, små veggløse bakterier som lever i silvevet i planter Dette er en karanteneskadegjører i Norge som ble påvist her i landet for første gang i 2015. I 2016 og 2017 ble det gjenomført et OK-program for denne skadegjøreren. Det ble totalt analysert 853 prøver i OK-programmet i 2016. Det ble totalt påvist pærevisnesjuke i 72 av prøvene. Det ble påvist pærevisnesjuke i 10 av 44 undersøkte frukthager. I 2017 ble det undersøkt 260 prøver fra 14 lokaliteter i fire fylker. Det påvist pærevisnesjuke i 13 prøver fra to lokaliteter.I 2017 ble også innsamlede sugere testet for pærevisnesjuke. Av i alt 304 individer fra 6 lokaliteter var 21 individer fra to lokaliteter infisert.