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Pathogenic soft rot Enterobacteriaceae (SRE) belonging to the genera Pectobacterium and Dickeya cause diseases in potato and numerous other crops. Seed potatoes are the most important source of infection, but how pathogen-free tubers initially become infected remains an enigma. Since the 1920s, insects have been hypothesized to contribute to SRE transmission. To validate this hypothesis and to map the insect species potentially involved in SRE dispersal, we have analyzed the occurrence of SRE in insects recovered from potato fields over a period of 2 years. Twenty-eight yellow sticky traps were set up in 10 potato fields throughout Norway to attract and trap insects. Total DNA recovered from over 2,000 randomly chosen trapped insects was tested for SRE, using a specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) TaqMan assay, and insects that tested positive were identified by DNA barcoding. Although the occurrence of SRE-carrying insects varied, they were found in all the tested fields. While Delia species were dominant among the insects that carried the largest amount of SRE, more than 80 other SRE-carrying insect species were identified, and they had different levels of abundance. Additionally, the occurrence of SRE in three laboratory-reared insect species was analyzed, and this suggested that SRE are natural members of some insect microbiomes, with herbivorous Delia floralis carrying more SRE than the cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella) and carnivorous green lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla carnea). In summary, the high proportion, variety, and ubiquity of insects that carried SRE show the need to address this source of the pathogens to reduce the initial infection of seed material.


Bakterien Xanthomonas fragariae kan gjøre stor skade på jordbærplanter. Den ødelegger bladene, og kan i tillegg gi stygge, skjemmende flekker på begerbladene slik at kvaliteten på bærene blir dårlig. Sjukdommen har hittil ikke blitt påvist i Norge. I mange land med stor jordbærproduksjon har sjukdommen mange ganger ført til store tap. For å dokumentere status for Xanthomonas fragariae i Norge ble det på oppdrag av Mattilsynet gjennomført en landsomfattende kartleggingsundersøkelse i 2013, 2014, 2015 og 2016. Oppfølging av OK programmet i 2017 bestod av testing hos virksomheter med felt etablert med importerte jordbærplanter. Det ble sendt inn og analysert totalt 239 prøver fra Mattilsynets kontorer for Region Sør-Vest og Region Øst. Alle prøver ble undersøkt med den internasjonalt anbefalte og anerkjente analysemetoden real-time PCR. Xanthomonas fragariae ble ikke påvist i noen av prøvene. Det er derfor fortsatt grunn til å anta at denne skadegjøreren ikke finnes i Norge................


Xylella fastidiosa er en planteskadegjører som kan forårsake visnesyke i mange planteslag, bl.a. prunus og en lang rekke løvtrær og grøntanleggsplanter. Denne alvorlige planteskadegjøreren er aldri funnet i norge, men er de siste årene påvist i andre europeiske land, bl.a. er det et stort utbrudd i olivenplantinger i Sør-Italia. Det er hvert år betydelig import av vertplanter fra land hvor sykdommen er blitt påvist. I sesong 2017 mottok NIBIO 328 prøver fra 9 forskjellige land (inkludert norge) og 72 forskjellige vertplanter. Det ble ikke påvis smitte av Xylella fastidiosa i noen av prøvene.


Bakterien Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni kan gi stor skade i planter av Prunus slekten, især plomme. Bakterien har ikke vært påvist i Norge før man begynte med systematisk kartlegging. Målsettingen for programmet i 2017 var å få mer kunnskap om utbredelse i Norge. Først og fremst skulle grøntanlegg med mye laurbærhegg og prydvarianter av kirsebær, plomme, fersken, aprikos og mandel undersøkes. Mattilsynet har organisert prøveuttaket. Det ble i 2017 totalt sendt inn 416 prøver for analyse, ingen av dem viste seg å inneholde smitte av bakterien Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni.


Free-living plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN), including migratory endoparasites such as Pratylenchus spp., cause yield reduction in agriculture and horticulture world-wide. In Norway, nematicides are banned due to their adverse effect on human health and the environment. Thus, management of plant-parasitic nematodes rely on cultural practices, such as crop rotation. Free-living PPN tend to have broad host-ranges, which complicates the design of effective crop rotations. Information on the reproductive rate and damage potential of nematode species on different crops is of crucial importance when designing a successful crop rotation. Results from several experiments indicate that in order to reduce the numbers of free-living PPN, the sequence of crops is more important than the length of the rotation. The crop rotation should aim at protecting the most economically valuable crop. An oat (Avena sativa) field in Norway was heavily infested with Tylenchorhynchus dubius (1200 ind/250 ml soil) and a low population of Pratylenchus crenatus (10 ind/250 ml soil). The primary goal was to reduce T. dubius by growing turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera), with carrot as the following crop. T. dubius was reduced with 77-85% after turnip rape. In contrast, the population of P. crenatus increased by more than tenfold. The increased numbers of P. crenatus could be damaging to the carrot crop. This illustrates that crop rotation should be a long-term strategy, with carefully designed rotations to protect the most economically valuable crop (e.g. carrot). This also illustrates the challenges of designing a crop rotation that effectively reduces multiple nematode populations. In a started project, we will use photography with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and transects to monitor nematode populations and damage in several fields throughout the growing season, and over several seasons. These fields will serve as naturally occurring experiments. We want to develop decision-making tools for nematode management in Norway.