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Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) is an important vegetable crop belonging to the genus Allium. The present study attempted to develop an efficient droplet-vitrification cryopreservation method for shallot ‘10603’ shoot tips. In vitro stock shoots were maintained on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium (MS) supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose, 0.5 mg L-1 BAP, 0.1 mg L-1 NAA and 8 g L-1 agar (pH=5.8). Shoot tips (2.0-3.0 mm in length) were excised from 4-week-old stock shoots and stepwise precultured with increased sucrose concentrations from 0.3 to 0.5 M, each concentration for 1 day. The precultured shoot tips were then loaded for 20 min with a solution composed of 2 M glycerol and 0.5 M sucrose, before exposure to PVS3 for 3 h at room temperature. Dehydrated shoot tips were transferred onto aluminum foils (2×0.8 cm), prior to direct immersion into liquid nitrogen (LN) for cryostorage. For thawing, frozen aluminum foils were moved from LN and immediately transferred into unloading solution composed of liquid MS containing 1.2 M sucrose. After incubation at room temperature for 20 min, shoot tips were post-cultured on solidified MS medium containing 0.3 M sucrose for 2 days and then transferred onto a recovery medium for shoot regrowth. With this procedure, 94% shoot tips survived, and 58% shoot tips regenerated into shoots following cryopreservation.

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The present study described a droplet-vitrification cryopreservation for shoot tips of shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum), a small bulb onion. Shoot tips taken from in vitro stock shoots were precultured with 0.3 M and 0.5 M of sucrose, with 1 day for each concentration. Precultured shoot tips were treated with a loading solution containing 2 M glycerol and 0.6 M sucrose for 20 min and then exposed to plant vitrification solution 3 (PVS3) at 24 °C for 3 h of dehydration. Following exposure to PVS3, shoot tips were moved onto 5.0 μl PVS3 droplets on aluminum foil strips, followed by direct immersion into liquid nitrogen for 1 h. Frozen shoot tips were thawed by incubation in liquid MS medium containing 1.2 m sucrose for 20 min at room temperature, and then post-thaw cultured for shoot regrowth. Exposure of the shoot tips to PVS3 produced shoot regrowth (58%). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) detected 1.8% of freezable water in the shoot tips that had been dehydrated by PVS2, and no freezable water in those by PVS3 treatment. Exposure to PVS3 provided a broader safe temperature range (− 196 °C to − 88 °C), compared to that (− 196 °C to − 116 °C) of PVS2, for cryopreserved samples. Histological observations found that PVS3 dehydration allowed many cells in the apical dome and in the leaf primordia to survive following freezing in LN, while PVS2 dehydration resulted in much fewer surviving cells in the apical dome. The droplet-vitrification cryopreservation produced 56%, 72% and 32% shoot regrowth in cryopreserved shoot tips taken from in vitro shoots, adventitious buds regenerated from stem discs and field-grown bulbs, respectively. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of different source explants for cryopreservation were discussed. The droplet-vitrification cryopreservation produced 45% and 70% shoot regrowth in the additional two shallot genotypes ‘Kverve’ and ‘Lunteviga’. The results obtained in this study provide technical supports for setting-up cryo-bankings of genetic resources of shallots and other Allium species.


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important crops grown in Norway, and virus-free plants are required for commercial potato production and for preservation of potato germplasm. The present study evaluates three in vitro therapies – meristem culture, cryotherapy, and chemotherapy combined with thermotherapy – to eliminate viruses from eight historically valuable potato cultivars belonging to the Norwegian potato germplasm. Potato virus Y, potato virus M, potato virus X and potato virus S were present in eight selected old potato cultivars due to long-term conservation in open field. Double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunological assay (DAS-ELISA) and biological indicators were the standard tests used to confirm virus infection in our study. Six virus-free plants from four potato cultivars were obtained after meristem culture, and no virus-free potato cultivars were obtained after cryotherapy. Virus-free frequency for eight different potato cultivars after combining chemotherapy with thermotherapy varied from 36.4% to 100%, with single virus elimination rates of between 74.2% and 92.9%. Chemotherapy compared with thermotherapy was the most effective of the three in vitro therapies used in this study. Highly sensitive small RNA high-throughput sequencing (HTS) was used to evaluate the virus status of potato virus-free materials after virus eradication, and no virus was found, which was consistent with the results of DAS-ELISA and biological indicators. Small RNA HTS has been reported for the first time to evaluate the virus status after virus elimination and to control virus-free potato nuclear stocks.


Kartleggingsprogrammet for nematoder og Phytophthora spp. i jord på importerte planter, startet i april 2018 og sluttet 31. desember 2018. Denne del av rapporten er for nematoder. Programmet hadde hovedfokus på import av store trær med stor jordklump som er dyrka på friland og evt. planter i organisk dyrkingsmedium som kan tenkes å ha opprinnelse utenfor Europa. Mattilsynet valgte ut importsendinger og var ansvarlig for prøvetakingen. Det ble mottatt 130 jordprøver fra importerte planter. Prøvene ble tatt fra rotklumpen. Noen prøver ble også tatt fra golvet i trailer (oppsop). Det ble mottatt prøver fra planter med opprinnelse i 7 europeisk land (Belgia 2, Danmark 22, Italia 10, Nederland 67, Polen 6, Sverige 8, Tyskland 13), flest prøver var fra Nederland 51,5%, og Danmark (16,9%)…...


Det ble sommeren 2017 og 2018 gjennomført et artleggingsprogram for å undersøke om plantemateriale av jordbær som var nylig importert, kunne være infisert av virus. Det ble tatt ut stikkprøver i jordbærfeltene hos utvalgte bærprodusenter som hadde baser sin produksjon på importerte planter, i 2017 til sammen 150 prøver fra 20 bruk i fylkene Hedmark, Oppland, Vestfold, Buskerud, Agder, Rogaland og Sogn og Fjordane. I 2018 ble det tatt ut 156 prøver fra 14 bruk i fylkene Østfold, Akershus, Møre og Romsdal og Trøndelag. Disse prøvene ble testet for fire bladlusoverførte virus som er relativt vanlige i Europa, men ikke i Norden: jordbær-nervebåndvirus (strawberry vein banding virus, SVBV), jordbær-mildmosaikkvirus (strawberry mottle virus, SMoV), jordbær-bladgulningvirus (strawberry mild yellow edge virus, SMYEV) og jordbær-bladkrøllevirus (strawberry crinkle virus, SCV). Det ble i 2017 påvist virus i prøver fra tre lokaliteter: SCV ble funnet på tre steder, mens SMYEV ble funnet på ett sted i en prøve som hadde dobbeltinfeksjon med SMYEV og SCV. Prøvene hadde ikke synlige symptomer. I 2018 ble det blant 156 prøver påvist virus i én prøve – det var SVBV i en prøve av ‘Sonata’ i Akershus. Denne prøven hadde heller ikke synlige symptomer.

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High-throughput sequencing technologies were used to identify plant viruses in cereal samples surveyed from 2012 to 2017. Fifteen genome sequences of a tenuivirus infecting wheat, oats, and spelt in Estonia, Norway, and Sweden were identified and characterized by their distances to other tenuivirus sequences. Like most tenuiviruses, the genome of this tenuivirus contains four genomic segments. The isolates found from different countries shared at least 92% nucleotide sequence identity at the genome level. The planthopper Javesella pellucida was identified as a vector of the virus. Laboratory transmission tests using this vector indicated that wheat, oats, barley, rye, and triticale, but none of the tested pasture grass species (Alopecurus pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense, and Poa pratensis), are susceptible. Taking into account the vector and host range data, the tenuivirus we have found most probably represents European wheat striate mosaic virus first identified about 60 years ago. Interestingly, whereas we were not able to infect any of the tested cereal species mechanically, Nicotiana benthamiana was infected via mechanical inoculation in laboratory conditions, displaying symptoms of yellow spots and vein clearing evolving into necrosis, eventually leading to plant death. Surprisingly, one of the virus genome segments (RNA2) encoding both a putative host systemic movement enhancer protein and a putative vector transmission factor was not detected in N. benthamiana after several passages even though systemic infection was observed, raising fundamental questions about the role of this segment in the systemic spread in several hosts.


Bakterien Erwinia amylovora kan gjøre stor skade på eple, pære og prydbusker i rosefamilien. Bakterien infiserer primært fruktblomstene, men kan også angripe nye blader og skudd. Sykdommen har hittil ikke blitt påvist i Norge i kjernefrukt (bortsett fra noen få tilfeller i privathager), kun i andre vertplanter som for eksempel mispelarter. Frem til november 2015 har import av vertplanter for pærebrann til Norge vært forbudt, men myndighetene har nå åpnet for import fra land hvor pærebrann er kjent å forekomme. Det var derfor ønskelig å få kunnskap om smittestatus i frukthager med felt etablert med trær som har blitt importert de senere år. Det ble sendt inn og analysert 351 prøver fra Mattilsynets kontorer region Stor-Oslo, Region Øst, Region Sør og Vest, Region Midt og Region Nord. Alle prøver ble undersøkt med internasjonalt anbefalte og anerkjente analysemetoder. Erwinia amylovora ble ikke påvist i noen av prøvene.


Bakterien Xanthomonas fragariae kan gjøre stor skade på jordbærplanter. Den ødelegger bladene, og kan i tillegg gi stygge, skjemmende flekker på begerbladene slik at kvaliteten på bærene blir dårlig. Sykdommen har før denne sesongen ikke blitt påvist i Norge. I mange land med stor jordbærproduksjon har sykdommen mange ganger ført til store tap. For å dokumentere status for Xanthomonas fragariae i Norge ble det på oppdrag av Mattilsynet gjennomført en landsomfattende kartleggingsundersøkelse i 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 og 2017. Oppfølging av OK programmet i 2018 bestod av testing hos virksomheter med felt etablert med importerte jordbærplanter. Det ble sendt inn og analysert totalt 258 prøver fra Mattilsynets kontorer for Region Midt og Region Stor Oslo. Alle prøver ble undersøkt med den internasjonalt anbefalte og anerkjente analysemetoden real-time PCR. I august 2018 påviste vi latent smitte av bakterien Xanthomona fragariae i jordbærplanter av sorten 'Malwina' hos en jordbærdyrker på Østlandet. Påvisningen ble gjort i et felt etablert i 2017 med planter importert fra Nederland. Ingen av prøvene som ble tatt ut hos dyrkeren hadde synlige symptomer, men ved oppflgingsuttak av prøver hos dyrkeren var igjen en av prøvene, sort 'Malwina', positiv ved PCR. Det kan ikke utelukkes at også andre dyrkere kan ha fått latent smitte av Xanthomona fragariae i sine jordbærplanter.