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A survey of helminths associated with terrestrial slugs focusing on the invasive Arion vulgaris and the native A. ater was conducted on populations from France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Poland. In total, 648 terrestrial slugs were collected from 18 sample sites, and identified by means of morphological examination, dissection of genitalia and molecular analysis using mitochondrial DNA. In addition to A. vulgaris and A. ater, also A. vulgaris/A. rufus hybrids and A. ater/A. rufus hybrids were collected. Helminth species were identified based on morphological features and sequencing of the 18S and ITS rDNA regions. The parasites included four nematode species: Alloionema appendiculatum, Angiostoma sp., Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, Entomelas sp., two trematode species: Brachylaima mesostoma, Eurytrema sp., and one cestode (tapeworm) species: Skrjabinia sp. Alloionema appendiculatum was the most common helminth in the investigated slug populations. Furthermore, we found higher prevalence of trematodes in the invasive A. vulgaris compared with the native A. ater, while differences in the prevalence for nematodes were not as clear.

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Plantesjukdommen pærebrann har blitt funnet i epletrær i en nyetablert frukthage i Strand kom-mune, Rogaland. Frukttrærne ble importert fra Nederland og plantet i 2019 og 2020. Importen kan ikke helt utelukkes som spredningsvei, men mye tyder på at smitten har kommet fra infisert mispel i nærområdet.

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Rapporten gir oversikt over status for bevaringsverdige husdyr, skogtrær og kulturplanter i Norge for 2019. Sentrale begreper i genressursarbeidet for husdyr, planter og skogtrær er definert og forklart. For de bevaringsverdige husdyrrasene viser rapporten utviklingen over flere år for storfe, sau, kystgeit og hest og utviklingen av roduksjonstilskuddsordningen for bevaringsverdige husdyrraser. Det er drøyt 30 arter av naturlig hjemmehørende skogtrær i Norge. Rapporten gir oversikt over hva vi har av informasjon om deres genetiske diversitet og bevaringsbehov samt bruk. Flere av disse artene finnes i ulike evaringsområder spredd over hele landet. Bevaring av vegetativt formerte plantegenetiske ressurser skjer i feltgenbanker i såkalte klonarkiv. Rapporten viser hvor disse ligger i landet og hva som er bevart i slike klonarkiv. Rapporten viser også bruksomfanget av norsk plantemateriale, enten det er nyutviklede sorter i kommersiell bruk eller sorter som er hentet fra ulike genbanker.

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Key words: VKM, risk assessment, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment, Norwegian Environment Agency, mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza is a beneficial association between plant roots and fungi. This mutualistic symbiosis is essential for plant growth in most natural terrestrial ecosystems and in agriculture. Commercial mycorrhizal products containing fungi and bacteria may promote plant growth, especially on sites without a natural microbial community. Due to the risk of unintended negative effects, introduction of new species or genetically different isolates of native species should always be considered carefully. This report assesses the risk of establishment and spread of six fungal species and six bacterial species included in different commercial mycorrhizal products, as well as the species’ potential impact on Norwegian biodiversity. Most of the evaluated fungi and bacteria are probably present in Norway, even though presence at present data only exist for two of the six fungal species. Establishment of the assessed fungi on the plants and sites where they are applied is considered moderately likely, with medium uncertainty, while establishment of the bacterial species is considered to range from very unlikely to very likely depending on the bacterial group, with low uncertainty. The probability of spread to the wider environment ranges from unlikely (four fungal species), to moderately likely (two fungal species), to very likely (five of the six bacterial species). However, for all species it is considered unlikely that establishment and spread would have negative effects on other native species, habitats and ecosystems in Norway.