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Lys ringråte på potet, forårsaket av bakterien Clavibacter sepedonicus (Cs), har gjort mye skade i norsk potetproduksjon siden første påvisning i landet i 1964. Den er også grunnen til at man ikke kan eksportere poteter fra Norge. Siden 1965 har Norge hatt sitt eget, nasjonale regelverk for bekjempelse av bakterien. Man har tidligere ( før 1980) flere ganger uten hell forsøkt å utrydde sykdommen fra flere deler av landet. Dette fordi mangelen på en påvisningsmetode med tilstrekkelig sensitivitet den gangen gjorde det vanskelig å skaffe de nødvendige mengder sykdomsfrie settepoteter til utskiftingen...

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In addition to the rapidly expanding field of using microalgae for food and feed, microalgae represent a tremendous potential for new bioactive compounds with health-promoting effects. One field where new therapeutics is needed is cancer therapy. As cancer therapy often cause severe side effects and loose effect due to development of drug resistance, new therapeutic agents are needed. Treating cancer by modulating the immune response using peptides has led to unprecedented responses in patients. In this review, we want to elucidate the potential for microalgae as a source of new peptides for possible use in cancer management. Among the limited studies on anti-cancer effects of peptides, positive results were found in a total of six different forms of cancer. The majority of studies have been performed with different strains of Chlorella, but effects have also been found using peptides from other species. This is also the case for peptides with immunomodulating effects and peptides with other health-promoting effects (e.g., role in cardiovascular diseases). However, the active peptide sequence has been determined in only half of the studies. In many cases, the microalga strain and the cultivation conditions used for producing the algae have not been reported. The low number of species that have been explored, as opposed to the large number of species available, is a clear indication that the potential for new discoveries is large. Additionally, the availability and cost-effectiveness of microalgae make them attractive in the search for bioactive peptides to prevent cancer.

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Plant virus eradication is a prerequisite for the use of virus-free propagules for sustainable crop production. In contrast, virus preservation is required for all types of applied and basic research of viruses. Shoot tip cryopreservation can act as a double-edged strategy, facilitating either virus eradication or virus preservation in cryoderived plants. Here, we tested the efficacies of shoot tip cryopreservation for virus eradication and preservation in shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum). In vitro stock shallot shoots infected with onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) and shallot latent virus were thermotreated for 0, 2, and 4 weeks at a constant temperature of 36℃ before shoot tip cryopreservation. Results showed that viruses were preserved in recovered shoots when thermotherapy was not applied. Although thermotherapy lowered the regrowth levels of cryotreated shoot tips, the efficiency of virus eradication increased from 5% to 54%. Immunolocalization of OYDV and histological observation of cryotreated shoot tips showed the high frequency of virus preservation was due to the viral invasion of cells close to the apical meristem and the high proportion of cells surviving. Four weeks of thermotherapy drastically decreased the distribution of OYDV, as well as the percentage of surviving cells within the shoot tips, thereby promoting virus eradication. Virus-free plants obtained from combining thermotherapy with cryotherapy showed significantly improved vegetative growth and bulb production. The present study reports how thermotherapy can act as a trigger to facilitate either the safe preservation of Allium viruses or the production of virus-free shallot plants.

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Cryopreservation is considered an ideal strategy for the long-term preservation of plant genetic resources. Significant progress was achieved over the past several decades, resulting in the successful cryopreservation of the genetic resources of diverse plant species. Cryopreservation procedures often employ in vitro culture techniques and require the precise control of several steps, such as the excision of explants, preculture, osmo- and cryoprotection, dehydration, freeze-thaw cycle, unloading, and post-culture for the recovery of plants. These processes create a stressful environment and cause reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced oxidative stress, which is detrimental to the growth and regeneration of tissues and plants from cryopreserved tissues. ROS-induced oxidative stresses were documented to induce (epi)genetic and somatic variations. Therefore, the development of true-to-type regenerants of the source germplasm is of primary concern in the application of plant cryopreservation technology. The present article provides a comprehensive assessment of epigenetic and genetic integrity, metabolic stability, and field performance of cryopreserved plants developed in the past decade. Potential areas and the directions of future research in plant cryopreservation are also proposed.

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Cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) is a severe cardiac disease occurring in the grow-out sea phase of farmed Atlantic salmon with approximately 100 outbreaks annually in Norway. Piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) is believed to be the causative agent of CMS. There is no vaccine available to control CMS, partially because PMCV withstands propagation in known cell cultures. In the present study, we selected the putative capsid protein of PMCV as the candidate antigen for immunization experiments and produced it in the plant Nicotiana benthamiana by transient expression. The recombinant PMCV antigen formed virus-like particles (VLPs). To evaluate the efficacy of the plant made VLP vaccine, a PMCV infection model was established. In an experimental salmon vaccination trial, the VLP vaccine triggered innate immunity, and indicative but not significant inhibition of viral replication in heart, spleen and kidney tissues was observed. Similarly, a reduction of inflammatory lesions in cardiomyocytes and subendocardial infiltration by mononuclear leukocytes were observed. Therefore, there was no difference in efficacy or immune response observed post the plant made PMCV VLP antigen vaccination. Taken together, this study has demonstrated that plant made VLP antigens should be investigated further as a possible platform for the development of PMCV antigens for a CMS vaccine.


Formålet med kartleggingsprogrammet «Skadegjørere i potet» er å få kunnskap om status med hensyn til forekomst av planteskadegjørerne lys ringråte (Clavibacter michigaensis spp.), mørk ringråte (Rastonia solancearum), rotgallnematodene Meloidogyne chitwoodi og M. fallax samt potetkreft (Synchytrium endobioticum) i norsk produksjon av mat- og industripotet. Denne rapporten omhandler status for rotgallnematodene. Rotgallnematoder (Meloidogyne spp.) er en stor gruppe obligate planteparasittære som finnes over hele verden. Skadene etter rotgallnematoder forringer både kvalitet og avling, og gir store avlingstap på verdensbasis. M. chitwoodi og M. fallax har mange vertsplanter, og er vanskelige å bekjempe dersom de etablerer seg. Derfor ansees disse artene som alvorlige planteskadegjørere, og som en trussel mot europeisk potet og gulrot produksjon. Både M. chitwoodi og M. fallax er påvist i Europa i begrenset omfang. Begge artene de senere årene funnet i Sverige. M. chitwoodi og M. fallax er ikke påvist i Norge, men det er risiko for at begge artene kan etablere seg og gjøre omfattende skade i norsk potet- og gulrotproduksjon….

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NordAqua is a multidisciplinary Nordic Center of Excellence funded by NordForsk Bioeconomy program (2017–2022). The research center promotes Blue Bioeconomy and endeavours to reform the use of natural resources in a environmentally sustainable way. In this short communication, we summarize particular outcomes of the consortium. The key research progress of NordAqua includes (1) improving of photosynthetisis, (2) developing novel photosynthetic cell factories that function in a “solar-driven direct CO2 capture to target bioproducts” mode, (3) promoting the diversity of Nordic cyanobacteria and algae as an abundant and resilient alternative for less sustainable forest biomass and for innovative production of biochemicals, and (4) improving the bio-based wastewater purification and nutrient recycling technologies to provide new tools for integrative circular economy platforms.

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Cell wall disrupted and dried Microchloropsis gaditana (Mg), Tetraselmis chui (Tc) and Chlorella vulgaris (Cv) microalgae biomasses, with or without ethanol pre‐treatment, were added to wheat bread at a wheat flour substitution level of 12%, to enrich bread protein by 30%. Baking performance, protein quality and basic sensory properties were assessed. Compared to wheat, Mg, Tc and Cv contain higher amounts of essential amino acids and their incorporation markedly improved protein quality in the bread (DIAAS 57–66 vs 46%). The incorporation of microalgae reduced dough strength and bread volume and increased crumb firmness. This was most pronounced for Cv and Tc but could be improved by ethanol treatment. Mg gave adequate dough strength, bread volume and crumb structure without ethanol treatment. To obtain bread of acceptable smell, appearance, and colour, ethanol treatment was necessary also for Mg as it markedly reduced the unpleasant smell and intense colour of all algae breads. Ethanol treatment reduced the relative content of lysine, but no other essential amino acids. However, it also had a negative impact on in vitro protein digestibility. Our results show that Mg had the largest potential for protein fortification of bread, but further work is needed to optimize pre‐processing and assess consumer acceptance.