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Vi blir gradvis mer bevisste på å spise grønt og bærekraftig. Hvor går veien videre? Hvor mye av ny og grønnere mat kommer egentlig fra Norge? Litt om FoU på proteinrike vekster, og litt om nye muligheter og hva som kan produseres lokalt på Agder.


The “Arctic peas” project Climate changes expected in the near future will result in higher temperatures and longer growing season at high latitudes. This might open up for possibilities for pea production in Arctic and northern areas, and the need for cultivars more adapted to northern conditions is likely to increase. At NordGen - a common genebank for all the Nordic countries - a large number of Nordic pea accessions are conserved, including both cultivars, landraces and breeding material. Does this material hold keys to the future? The ongoing Nordic cooperation research project «Arctic peas» aims to identify germplasm of peas well adapted either for breeding or immediate cultivation in the Arctic/Nordic regions. The project evaluates important traits in 50 selected accessions from NordGen in field trials at four contrasting Nordic locations, at latitudes ranging from 55° to 69° N (see map). Among the evaluated traits are flowering time, maturation time and yield, as well as protein content. Will the genetic material show different expressions at locations with clear distinction in daylength, temperature and climate? The project also aims to increase the knowledge and use of the Nordic pea accessions conserved at NordGen, and strengthen the collaboration between companies, organizations and researchers in the Nordic countries.