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For plum production to be economically viable, dwarfing rootstocks are essential for establishing high-density orchards, which ensure easier management, lower production costs, and earlier yields. Performance of the semi-dwarfing plum rootstocks ‘Wavit’, ‘Ute’ (both clones of Prunus domestica), and the dwarfing ‘VVA-1’ (Krymsk®1) was compared against the industry standard, ‘St. Julien A’. Onto these rootstocks, scion cultivars ‘Excalibur’, ‘Reeves’, and ‘Valor’ were grafted and assessed in a replicated field trial in western Norway at 60° North. Trees were planted in spring 2006 and the ‘VVA-1’ rootstock in May 2007. Plants were all one-year-old whips, spaced 2.0×4.0 m apart and trained to a central leader as free spindles. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size, fruit quality, and yield efficiency were evaluated for eight subsequent years. Tree size was significantly influenced by the rootstock after eight years of growth. ‘VVA-1’ produced the smallest trees, about half the tree size of ‘St. Julien A’ as measured by trunk cross-sectional area. ‘Wavit’ and ‘Ute’ were similar in size to ‘St. Julien A’. All plum trees came into production slowly. On average the cultivars ‘Excalibur’ and ‘Reeves’ were harvested in mid-September and ‘Valor’ two weeks later. During the period 2011-2014, when trees were fully mature, ‘Reeves’ and ‘Valor’ grafted on the three semi-dwarfing rootstocks resulted in the highest yields tree-1. ‘VVA-1’ resulted in significantly lower yields for ‘Valor’. ‘Excalibur’ was the only cultivar in which ‘VVA-1’ significantly increased yield efficiency. Accumulated yield from 2011-2015 on ‘VVA-1’ was 0.52 kg cm-2 TCSA, 2.3 times more than on ‘St Julien A’. Fruit weight in ‘Excalibur’ and ‘Reeves’ was on average 57 and 62 g, respectively, and not affected by the different rootstocks. ‘Valor’ on ‘VVA-1’ showed a 10 g reduction in fruit weight compared to 59 g fruit weight on the other rootstocks. Fruit soluble solids were on average around 13 °Brix for ‘Excalibur’ and ‘Reeves’ and 16 °Brix for ‘Valor’ and did not differ significantly between trees on the different rootstocks tested. In conclusion, ‘St. Julien A’ was the most reliable semi-vigorous rootstock and resulted in the highest accumulated yields over the first eight years after planting and with favourable effects on fruit quality of all European plum cultivars evaluated. ‘VVA-1’ resulted in trees of low vigour which, especially with ‘Excalibur’, were more precocious and had higher yield efficiencies than all other rootstock scion combinations. If this rootstock is to be used it should be planted at a higher density per area than the semi-dwarfing rootstocks and on fertile soil with fertigation provided.

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After harvesting, the Norwegian root vegetables are normally stored at refrigerated temperatures for 5 to 7 months. During this period, up to 30% of the products are lost. The goal is to reduce the diseases, the product loss and energy consumption, in addition to increase shelf-life and storage period. Twenty-eight commercial root vegetable cold-stores were instrumented to measure air temperature, relative humidity and product temperature. The study was done over two years. The cold-stores were located in four different regions of Norway. The three focus-products carrot, swede and celeriac were harvested from one field in each region in open wire nets. The nets were placed in the various cold-stores in the respective regions and put in the wooden bins together with the producer's own products. The quality and yield of the products were determined and correlated to the storage condition. The various storage condition negatively affects the respiration and quality of the root vegetables, storage-life, and influence on the cooling capacity of the refrigeration systems.


Agroforestry can be defined as sustainable and multifunctional land-use systems where trees are managed together with agricultural crops or livestock on the same piece of land. In the northern periphery area, agroforestry has a long history with woodland grazing, reindeer husbandry and gathering of different non-wood forest resources as herbs, mushrooms and berries. Traditional agroforestry has gradually disappeared during the 20th century with the intensification of agriculture and forestry. Currently agroforestry systems are gaining new interest, not only from farmers but also from politicians, as this practice can possibly contribute to a more sustainable way of agricultural production. In the northern periphery area, the benefits of agroforestry practices can be manifold not only promoting traditional practices, but also novel systems with the use of new technology. In addition, agroforestry has environmental benefits as a method for conservation and enhancement of biodiversity, improved nutrient cycling, and water quality. Soil humus layer will also increase with several agroforestry systems leading to carbon sequestration. Here we present an overview of agroforestry practices in the Nordic countries and the use of non-wood forest resources with the emphasis on wild berries.