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The practice of IPM in horticultural crops in Europe in the last half of the 20th century has primarily consisted of fine-tuning the use of pesticides to avoid unnecessary applications. This has led to benefits for growers, consumers and the environment. Many of the fundamental tools for this practice, the synthetic pesticides, are rapidly disappearing from the European market. At the same time, consumers are making clear choices for produce that is not treated with these pesticides. Most of the new pesticides that have appeared in the last decade, and pesticides currently under development, are less effective and/or less long-lasting in the field. These factors have been a driving force in the development of new methods of approaching pest problems in horticultural crops. There is little indication that any method alone will solve pest problems in a cropping situation.


Foredraget er et framlegg av resultater fra et brukerstyrt prosjekt. Utprøving av alternative midler for bekjempelse i direktesådd kålrot og forsøk med dekke ble omtalt.


Mattilsynet har forlenget brukstillattelsen for Birlane og Gusathion til å dekke behovet for 2007. Men etter nåværende sesong er det definitivt slutt på bruken av disse midlene. Hva kan dyrkerne av kålvekster gjøre for å beskytte avlingen mot angrep av kålflue uten disse midlene? Norsk Gartnerforbund (NGF) har et 2-årig prosjekt som tar sikte på å finne fram til og prøve ut andre midler og metoder for bekjempelse av kålflue i kålrot. Prosjektet er støttet av Innovasjon Norge og Norges forskningsråd. Nå er prosjektet i sitt siste år. Prosjektet har utforsket flere ulike metoder for å redusere kålflue angrep. Målet er ikke å finne en metode som alene vil erstatte midlene som går ut av bruk, men å finne en tilfredsstillende løsning ved integrert bruk av flere metoder. Alt tyder på at dette vil lykkes og at kålrot vil kunne dyrkes videre også uten farlige skadedyrmidler.


Kontroll av kålfluene har i lang tid vært basert på effektive sprøytemidler. Disse er nå faset ut over det meste av Europa og 2007 er siste år med dispensasjon for bruk av enkelte preparater i Norge. Det haster derfor med å finne metoder og midler som kan erstatte disse. Dessverre er ingen enkel løsning i sikte, men kunnskaper om skadedyrene og optimal kombinasjon av tiltak kan gi akseptable resultater.


Foredraget omhandlet FoU innen kålfluebekjempelse fra 2004-2007.


Occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been reported from all continents in the world except Antarctica. Africa is the continent with fewest reports so far. There have however been reports on EPNs occurrence in Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. EPNs are well known due to their potential as biological control agents of insect pests. Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) is as an important insect pest of banana. This pest causes reduced banana production in all countries of the East African Highlands in particular Tanzania and Uganda. Different strategies have been employed to control the insect. However the potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of the weevil has not yet been considered in Tanzania. A preliminary study is ongoing to find out if entomopathogenic nematodes naturally exist in banana growing areas in Tanzania. Currently nine soil samples have been collected from three regions (Mbeya, Morogoro and Coast) with different agroecological conditions. The samples have been taken to Bioforsk in Norway, for extraction of EPNs. Analysis of the samples has been done using larvae of the Greater Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as bait. After 7 and 14 days dead larvae were removed from the soil samples and placed on water agar. Some of the dead larvae were infected with entomopathogenic fungi and at least one sample had a dead larva with EPN infection. In this sample an adult nematode in the genus Steinernema was isolated. Many dead larvae also had what appeared to be secondary infections of saprophytic nematodes (Rhabditidae) and/or saprophytic fungi. Identification to species or genus level of the nematodes is ongoing. This study reports the find of EPNs for the first time in Tanzania. The isolation of indigenous EPNs are important for further studies on their suitability for control of local insect pests including banana weevils. Future work will include more soil samples for EPNs analysis and semi-field tests using EPNs against banana weevil.


Occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes (Epn) have been reported from all continents in the world except Antarctica. Africa is the continent with fewest reports so far. There have however been reports on Epn occurrence in Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. Epns are well known due to their potential as biological control agents of insect pests. Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) is considered as an important insect pest of banana. This pest causes reduced banana production in all countries of the East African Highlands in particular Tanzania and Uganda. Different strategies have been employed to control the insect. However the potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of the weevil has not yet been considered in Tanzania. A preliminary study is ongoing to find out if entomopathogenic nematodes naturally exist in banana growing areas in Tanzania. Currently nine soil samples have been collected from three regions (Mbeya, Morogoro and Coast) with different ecological conditions. The samples have been taken to Bioforsk in Norway, for extraction of Epn. Analysis of the samples has been done using larvae of the Greater Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as bait. After 7 and 14 days dead larvae were removed from the soil samples and placed on water agar. Some of the dead larvae were infected with entomopathogenic fungi and at least one sample had a dead larva with Epn infection. In this sample an adult nematode in the genus Steinernema was isolated. Many dead larvae also had what appeared to be secondary infections of saprophytic nematodes (Rhabditidae) and/or saprophytic fungi. Identification to species or genus level of the nematodes is ongoing. This study reports the find of Epn for the first time in Tanzania. The isolation of indigenous Epns are important for further studies on their suitability for control of local insect pests including banana weevils. Future work will include more soil samples for Epn analysis and semi-field tests using Epn against banana weevil.


Fra tid til annen gulner plenen og andre grøntarealer uten at noen synlig grunn foreligger. Årsaken til gulningen kan være oldenborrelarver. Artikkelen beskriver problemet med oldenborrer i plen og om bekjempelse.