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Det ble påvist glykol i bare to vannprøver fra Rovebekken i 2019, i lave konsentrasjoner. En episode med stort forbruk av baneavisingsmidler i desember ga utvasking av formiat mot Rovebekken. Ved fiskeundersøkelsen ble det ikke påvist ørretunger på den øvre stasjonen (R 3-4), rett nedstrøms flyplassen. Supplerende undersøkelser dokumenterte forekomst av årsyngel rett nedstrøms, og avdekket en kulvert som reduserer oppvandring av gytefisk. Oppsummert viste overvåkingen gjennom 2019 tilfredsstillende vannkvalitet i Rovebekken, med god oksygenstatus og få påvisninger av glykol. Resultatene viser at kravene i utslippstillatelsen har blitt overholdt.


This book examines the bioeconomy concept, analysing the opportunities it can generate, the constraints and the potential benefits for society. The main objective of bioeconomy is to promote economic development, by creating jobs and enhancing the sustainable utilization of bio-resources. A primary driver of bioeconomy strategy, therefore, is the need to respond to the growing population's food and economic requirements. While today research and literature related to bioeconomy are limited, this book presents a unique collection of perspectives on the complex dimensions of the bioeconomy debate. Drawing on the experiences from Europe, Asia and Africa, it presents an international overview. The chapters address a wide range of issues, including coastal-land interactions, ecosystem services, food production, rural development, agriculture, forest management and bioenergy. As a whole, the volume outlines what role bioeconomy can play in contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without compromising on the ecological sustainability and equitable distribution of benefits. The book concludes by providing recommendations for developing bioeconomy in respective sectors (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, renewable energy) and directions for planning future bioeconomy programmes and strategies. The Bioeconomy Approach will be of great interest to students and scholars of ecological economics, development economics and environmental economics, as well as policy-makers and practitioners involved in sustainable development.


Kantsoner langs vassdrag har flere ulike funksjoner; i dette prosjektet er to funksjoner undersøkt (renseeffekt på næringsstoffavrenning fra jordbruksområder, og evne til å motstå kanterosjon), i tre typer vegetasjon: gras/ugras; kombinasjonen gras/bærbusker og trær. En kombinasjon av feltforsøk og modellering er benyttet. Kantsoner med trær hadde best infiltrasjonsevne. Bærbuskene var nyplantede med dårlig utviklet rotsystem, noe som sannsynligvis påvirket infiltrasjonsevnen negativt. Renseeffekten i kantsoner med gras og busker/ gras var omtrent den samme. Renseevnen avtok noe med økt nedbør/avrenning. Det var ingen overflateavrenning fra kantsoner med skog. Forutsatt at jord og næringsstoffer ikke fant veien til bekk/elv gjennom sprekksystemer i jorda, var renseeffekter i areal med trær svært god. Det er imidlertid behov for ytterligere studier om hva som skjer med vann og næringsstoffer i selve jordprofilet (subsurface). Modellresultatene viser at kantsoner med trær hadde best evne til å redusere kanterosjon/øke skråningsstabilitet...

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Nordic water bodies face multiple stressors due to human activities, generating diffuse loading and climate change. The ‘green shift’ towards a bio-based economy poses new demands and increased pressure on the environment. Bioeconomy-related pressures consist primarily of more intensive land management to maximise production of biomass. These activities can add considerable nutrient and sediment loads to receiving waters, posing a threat to ecosystem services and good ecological status of surface waters. The potential threats of climate change and the ‘green shift’ highlight the need for improved understanding of catchment-scale water and element fluxes. Here, we assess possible bioeconomy-induced pressures on Nordic catchments and associated impacts on water quality. We suggest measures to protect water quality under the ‘green shift’ and propose ‘road maps’ towards sustainable catchment management. We also identify knowledge gaps and highlight the importance of long-term monitoring data and good models to evaluate changes in water quality, improve understanding of bioeconomy-related impacts, support mitigation measures and maintain ecosystem services.


Et av de viktigste vannmiljøtiltakene i landbruket er tilskudd til overvintring i stubb («ingen jordarbeiding om høsten»). Tilskuddssatsene har variert over tid og regionalt. Det har dessuten vært forskjell på tilskudd til arealer i ulike erosjonsklasser og siden 2013 har det vært fokus på å øke tilskuddene til arealer med høy erosjonsrisiko og redusere eller fjerne tilskudd på arealer med lav erosjonsrisiko. De varierende tilskuddsordningene sammen med værforholdene de enkelte årene har hatt betydning for hvor store arealer som har blitt jordarbeidet om høsten...….

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To improve risk assessment, control and treatment strategies of contaminated sites, we require accurate methods for monitoring solute transport and infiltration in the unsaturated zone. Highly spatio‐temporal heterogeneous infiltration during snowmelt increases the risk of contaminating the groundwater in areas where de‐icing chemicals are required for winter maintenance of roads and runways. The objective of this study is to quantify how the different processes occurring during snowmelt infiltration of contaminated meltwater affect bulk electrical resistivity. Field experiments conducted at Moreppen experimental lysimeter trench are combined with heterogeneous unsaturated soil modelling. The experimental site is located next to Oslo airport, Gardermoen, Norway, where large amounts of de‐icing chemicals are used to remove snow and ice every winter. Bromide, an inactive tracer, and the de‐icing chemical propylene glycol were applied to the snow cover prior to the onset of snowmelt, and their percolation through the unsaturated zone was monitored with water sampling from 37 suction cups. At the same time, cross‐borehole time‐lapse electrical resistivity measurements were recorded along with measurements of soil water tension and temperature. Images of two‐dimensional (2D) bulk resistivity profiles were determined and were temperature corrected, to compensate for the change in soil temperature throughout the melting period. By using fitted parameters of petrophysical relations for the Moreppen soil, the tensiometer data gave insight into the contribution of water saturation on the changes in bulk resistivity, while water samples provided the contribution to the bulk resistivity from salt concentrations. The experimental data were compared with numerical simulation of the same experimental conditions in a heterogeneous unsaturated soil and used to quantify the uncertainty caused by the non‐consistent resolutions of the different methods, and to increase our understanding of the resistivity signal measured with time‐lapse electrical resistivity tomography. The work clearly illustrates the importance of ground truthing in multiple locations to obtain an accurate description of the contaminant transport.


This chapter highlights the challenges in the agriculture sector in Africa and shows that the current systems are not productive, but are linear, dependent on fossil fuels, and even depleting natural resources. The chapter reviews the potential of sustainable intensification of agriculture with an emphasis on diversified cropping systems and value chain enhancement as an option to promote the bio-based economy in the rural regions of Africa. The chapter uses data and experiences from an ongoing programme in Malawi (www.innovafrica.eu), where maize-legume cropping systems were adopted by smallholders. There is great potential to apply the 3Rs principle of the bio-based economy (i.e., reduce, reuse and recycle) in the farming systems at the production, post-production, marketing and processing stages of the value chain. To sum up, the sustainable intensification approach, inclusive of value chain development, appears to be a promising option for smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa, which can improve productivity, increase farmers’ income, encourage gender mainstreaming and at the same time reduce environmental impacts.